iniBuilds T-33 Jet Trainer Released


It out now

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mmm, my sim crashes every time I start a flight with the T-33, the offered paintschemes are nearly all carnival birds, eeh, 'special schemes' and the texture layout is a nightmare.
Very disappointed, to the back of the hangar it goes for now...
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First impressions:
- Hand flying great
- Sound great
- Great looker
- Stall speeds way to high: INI knows, there is a patch incoming
- Spoiler drag is too high: INI knows, there is a patch incoming

Major spoiler the texture layout, the wings, vertical/horizontal stab are mirrored. There goes the idea for repaints. (hope they could fix this)
Oh, man, I hope they make tweaks to satisfy Jankees's issues, because I'm so looking forward to repaints for this.

Especially since there are no natural metal schemes. What the living frack? That's one of the reasons birds of this era look so beautiful! The Thunderbirds scheme should be on natural metal, not gray.

The model is beautiful. Other than the to-be-addressed stall/spoiler issues and maybe a bit too fast of a response from the engine on throttle-up, it feels like it flies right. Hopefully they'll address the repaint difficulties and this will be the package I was hoping for.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 8_30_2024 12_20_39 PM_.jpg

Hopefully the issues won't prevent a Blue Angels, Golden Hawks, or all-metal Thunderbirds paint. (Decal sheet!)
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Not buying until quality 3rd party repaints are assured...
Inibuilds forum reports that a paintkit is coming.

Hopefully the repainters will flag the mirroring issues they've found to Ini before that's released.

Also, @jankees, the plane's been 100% solid for me other than a brief pause in the sim the first time I loaded in. Sorry to hear you're dealing with the CTD nightmare, but I haven't seen other reports of that. Conflicting add-on maybe?
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Not buying until quality 3rd party repaints are assured...
I always wait until a new plane has been repainted a few times before buying. It tells you that it CAN be painted, and if it's WORTH being painted. The T-33 / P-80 is a favorite pioneer jet and a legend from Lockheed so I'll probably get this one eventually anyway - but I want to be
sure it can have the natural metal squadron paint schemes before I do.
Never really fly any jets in the sim, but had my eye on this one with the great detail they were showing. The issues brought up so far will definitely make me wait. Very surprised that in 2024 mirror texture issues are still a thing.....
Especially since there are no natural metal schemes. What the living frack? That's one of the reasons birds of this era look so beautiful! The Thunderbirds scheme should be on natural metal, not gray.
What the living frack indeed ! Hope i'm wrong but is that a little snake there i see slithering thru the grass....? I mean, these Ini guys are just as mad about planes as we are. The're just as aware that the T-33 belongs to the legendary squadron of early jets in mostly immaculate bare-metal dress as we are. Then why the living frack don't they act like that ??....

Why ruin that gorgeous bare-metal dress with all kinds of gleaming glossy colors ? Did they get themselves heavily in dept with their painters ??...

If that's not a snake in the grass i think i smell a rat.. Somehow during the development of the T-33 model something got screwed up. Something prevents the model to recieve bare-metal like material. I mean, what else could it be ? Imagine that gorgeous Shrike Sim F-86 released with only RAF and other camo paints ?... Contradictio in terminis, right ?

On the other hand, the fact that this T-33 model simply cannot be painted with bare-metal material is highly unlikely of course and even rediculous but i'm immensely curious what the genuine reason could be why Inibuilds releases this most anticipated early jet trainer in "Flying Circus" fashion rather then how we all know it, a gorgeous bare-metal (T) bird.

The fact that a lot of mirrored textures seem to have been used IS totally rediculous of course. What ??? Are they teasing us ??? What the living frack !! :a1089:

(sorry for stealing your expression, Denny, never heard of it but i love it, covers this T-33 situation we've found ourselves in to the point ! ;-) ( should it eventually become possible to paint it bare-metal without the mirror issues i'll ask Jan Kees for one bare-metal T-33 called "What The Frack!!" )
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From the interactions I have seen on their Discord, they appear to be "living in their own private Idaho"...there seems to be very little thought given to the fact this is an airplane that will support a crazy number of repaints-- almost ALL bare metal. And don't get me started about the chrome travel pod...!

Also…the only aspect of the flight model that I am suspicious of is the drag factor on the speed brakes…they seem WAY overly effective…does anyone else have any thoughts on that?
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Next day, restart of everything: it still crashes my sim. I also looked at the textures again: the wings and the tail are all mirrored as far as I can see, while the fuselage is cut up in god knows how many pieces.
I will not do any paints for this, even if I were able to fly it, instead I've now deleted it.
@jankees @Javis Hope you crashing on startup gets solved. Myselve no problem, just installed it via de Ini-app and it worked. Maybe re install it via de app?

Tweaking with the comp-texture, you can get a feel of metal. (added 70 Blue, see on the aft fuselage the difference, the fuselage end has the original comp.Knipsel2.PNGKnipsel1.PNG
Took her up for a short test flight yesterday. So far in that short time, it seems to be a really nice aircraft, especially for such a great price. I did have a bit of interesting trouble at first. I always take off from where my last flight landed, which happen to be at one of the Hump scenery airstrips with a gravel runway. No matter how fast I let the airspeed get during the takeoff, she wouldn't break ground. Tried several times before moving the test flight to a paved runway. No issues there.

Test with the USAF decals....
- WINGS -> correctly orientated to roundels are right
- FUSELAGE -> they are mirrored... so roundel on the right side is wrong
The same decals/stencil is used for both the wing and fuselage...
@jankees @Javis Hope you crashing on startup gets solved. Myselve no problem, just installed it via de Ini-app and it worked. Maybe re install it via de app?
No problemo installing here, Marcel (via Inimanager). Wonderful model inside and out and flying as well ! Ashame about the texturing/mirroring. Talk about ruining a great model.... Good step foreward re bare-metal ! Keep at it, mate ! :encouragement:
Love the airplane, and thus far have flown it from Santa Fe NM to Hill AFB, then Hill to Kelowna...the range on this thing is incredible. Once the textures get corrected and hopefully able to be "metalised" to their full extent (mgr, your first experiments at this look VERY promising!), we can get some proper military schemes.
Almost done!

