Very kind buddy, but I can only handle one version
ahh.... go for it Nigel, you just guessed one of my ideas with maori tribal emblems and such on.... i'll pass the baton to you with that one... flow with it buddy, thats the trick to painting.... flow with it, plus the 7 P's... (Proper planning and preparation prevents p*ss poor performance (or in this case latter can be substituted with 'paints'))
Hang on, not so fast Matt...
three '51's survived old buddy (001, 002, 003).
As you probably already know, all three aircraft were shipped to Spain during the Spanish Civil War.
001, 002 were unscathed during hostilities and were duly rescued by a wealthy American businessman with aspirations of starting up a small network back in the States. However the outbreak of WW2 soon forced changes upon the Gentleman's plans when he was approached by the U.S. Navy regarding his aviation knowledge and knack for getting things done.
Both aircraft were subsequently sold off into private hands;
001 was taken to Alaska, 002 to the Amazon area..Brazil, as far as we can establish.
003 was severely damaged when its hangar was bombed (Milton kindly supplied me with newspaper clippings).
Till now, we were all under the impression that this was end-of-story.
Not so, I'm afraid - a knowledgeable aviation historian (who stressed his personal wish to remain anonymous), has since revealed the full story of 003:
"Following ceasfire in Spain, the owner of a cargo freighter on a regular Mediterranean commercial route, became interested in the remains of 003. So the wreckage was loaded aboard the old freighter bound for Piraeus.
Unfortunately, there it further deteriorated over five or more years, till spotted by a homeward bound New Zealand fighter pilot at the end of European hostilities.
He bought the wreckage as scrap, crated it for NZ, then spent his spare time, over a span of sixty years, lovingly restoring the Avia 51 (003) to its former glory.
Reaching completion in 2012, it is to be test-flown at the capable hands of his son and team of volunteers."
So it appears we still have
two other very interesting aircraft desparately in need of an expert's coat of paint!
Milton has the details re: Reg etc, etc.