Introducing the Avia 51

Well, I think this is appropriate ... Matt's textures match the raw float textures pretty well.

EDIT: NZ? You bet!
New Zealand?....Bugger!

Well, I think this is appropriate ... Matt's textures match the raw float textures pretty well.

EDIT: NZ? You bet!

Ahh yes! Matt's civil textures are just the job, much better than the military version. :applause:

Now, ...where'd I put those Maori - Kiwi designs?...Pete?, Wing?...
ahh.... go for it Nigel, you just guessed one of my ideas with maori tribal emblems and such on.... i'll pass the baton to you with that one... flow with it buddy, thats the trick to painting.... flow with it, plus the 7 P's... (Proper planning and preparation prevents p*ss poor performance (or in this case latter can be substituted with 'paints')) :icon_lol:
Ahh yes! Matt's civil textures are just the job, much better than the military version. :applause:

Now, ...where'd I put those Maori - Kiwi designs?...Pete?, Wing?...

Oh yeah a Kiwi design :applause:

If you're doing a Koru design ( like the Air NZ aircraft ) then the design fits on the fin/rudder.

Okay, this one was a bit more agreeable with less fighting than the float version.

Textures are temporary.

Now to work on the FSX side.

Well Milton,

All I can say is thanks for making the Avia 51 in straight floats and amphibious floats. :salute: I think I find much use for this aircraft, in the Pacific Northwest Region, when I need more redundancy for failures than an Avia 56 floater. Also, I just think that a Tri-motor on floats is far cooler than a single motor aircraft. :wiggle:

Thanks again,
Craig :) :salute:
Very kind buddy, but I can only handle one version

ahh.... go for it Nigel, you just guessed one of my ideas with maori tribal emblems and such on.... i'll pass the baton to you with that one... flow with it buddy, thats the trick to painting.... flow with it, plus the 7 P's... (Proper planning and preparation prevents p*ss poor performance (or in this case latter can be substituted with 'paints')) :icon_lol:

Hang on, not so fast Matt...:medals:

three '51's survived old buddy (001, 002, 003).

As you probably already know, all three aircraft were shipped to Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

001, 002 were unscathed during hostilities and were duly rescued by a wealthy American businessman with aspirations of starting up a small network back in the States. However the outbreak of WW2 soon forced changes upon the Gentleman's plans when he was approached by the U.S. Navy regarding his aviation knowledge and knack for getting things done.

Both aircraft were subsequently sold off into private hands;
001 was taken to Alaska, 002 to the Amazon area..Brazil, as far as we can establish.

003 was severely damaged when its hangar was bombed (Milton kindly supplied me with newspaper clippings).

Till now, we were all under the impression that this was end-of-story.

Not so, I'm afraid - a knowledgeable aviation historian (who stressed his personal wish to remain anonymous), has since revealed the full story of 003:

"Following ceasfire in Spain, the owner of a cargo freighter on a regular Mediterranean commercial route, became interested in the remains of 003. So the wreckage was loaded aboard the old freighter bound for Piraeus.
Unfortunately, there it further deteriorated over five or more years, till spotted by a homeward bound New Zealand fighter pilot at the end of European hostilities.

He bought the wreckage as scrap, crated it for NZ, then spent his spare time, over a span of sixty years, lovingly restoring the Avia 51 (003) to its former glory.

Reaching completion in 2012, it is to be test-flown at the capable hands of his son and team of volunteers."

So it appears we still have two other very interesting aircraft desparately in need of an expert's coat of paint!



Milton has the details re: Reg etc, etc.
Avia 51 Amphibian and Float Aircraft Uploaded

Just finished uploading these water friendly aircraft to broaden your access to fishing holes and water ports.

Great fun for those who like to explore the shorelines, bays and coves of the world.

FSX Port Over friendly with updates packaged with the aircraft.

You must have the original Avia 51 release as the panel is aliased to it.

I hope you enjoy these offerings.

Paint schemes are the same as the original release by Oleboy and Matt Wynn.

EDIT: Clear for Takeoff:
A tri-radial powered float that is right down the middle of my alley! Will have to add that to my hangar for sure.

Thanks for all the wonderful new planes are model making master.

Hi Milton,

Thanks for uploading the floating models! I really do appreciate it! By the way, where is Nigel's Spanish Civil War livery uploaded? I can't seem to find in the skins library..

Cheers, :salute:
Craig :)
Hi Milton,

Thanks for uploading the floating models! I really do appreciate it! By the way, where is Nigel's Spanish Civil War livery uploaded? I can't seem to find in the skins library..

Cheers, :salute:
Craig :)

Open the Avia 51 in FS. You should see it there as English and TA-003.
Sorry to throw a spanner, but...problems with Avia 51 FSX port-over. The screenshot is in VC. It's there in the 2D in Fwd Left/Right which are, in this model, also VC views.

I've been flying the FS9 version all week without this problem so I don't think it can be my vid card settings etc.
I just wondered if anyone else had this.

Great planes, Milton and team! Love them all right back to FS2002 days.

No problem John. Looks like the old VC Rain issue. What you see there is the inside window panes used by the vc rain textures that are supposed to be transparent.

Did you apply the VC Rain fix?
Have you flown the other Avia 51's in the rain?
Do you get this effect on a clear wx day?

These aircraft appear fine for me in the rain in FSX from the VC as seen in the attachments, rain or sunshine.

EDIT: Just checked my other aircraft with VC Rain feature and I do not get moving raindrops in the VC in FSX. Not sure why that is. I would like to hear from other FSX port over users to see if moving rain works for them.
For the FSX Port Over users who have the VC Rain issue, you can replace your models in the model folders with the attached. I removed the VC Rain feature.
No problem John. Looks like the old VC Rain issue. What you see there is the inside window panes used by the vc rain textures that are supposed to be transparent.

Did you apply the VC Rain fix?
Have you flown the other Avia 51's in the rain?
Do you get this effect on a clear wx day?

Thanks, Milton. Sorry for the slow response.

The VC Rain Fix? Err.....nope! What is it? Where to find?
I get the same blue windscreen with VC in both Avias, and all models in the rain.
No problem in CAVOK conditions.

Thanks for posting new versions. I'll install and report.


Both the float and amphibian are fine in the rain in FSX. Could do with reverse thrust though :icon_lol:....only way I could stop was to cut engines.

Thanks, Milton. Sorry for the slow response.

The VC Rain Fix? Err.....nope! What is it? Where to find?
I get the same blue windscreen with VC in both Avias, and all models in the rain.
No problem in CAVOK conditions.

Thanks for posting new versions. I'll install and report.


Both the float and amphibian are fine in the rain in FSX. Could do with reverse thrust though :icon_lol:....only way I could stop was to cut engines.


FSX left out the textures for the VCRain feature. If you search the FSX forum, you will find the fix to install.

The models I posted eliminate the vc rain featire for the float and amphib versions only.
Milton, Many thanks for the rain fix tip. I don't fly FSX much but wondered how the Avia planes would port over. I'm glad I experimented but I'll be sticking to good 'ole FS9 for most of my flying.
Thank also for the two beautiful float and amphibian Avia 51s. Great stuff!
