Some other issues to address:
1) Stall light
2) CHT not going high enough on full out climb to force you to back off a bit
3) MAP wasn't dropping on high altitude climb
4) Nose overs
5) Lights-right wing green, tail lights-eliminate, tweak interior lighting
6) Alpha issues in FSX with net and parrot cage
7) thumbnails for FSX
8) ATC-ID Fltsim.3 incorrect: fixed
9) Nose down attitude at/above cruise speeds
10) FSX-Clickability issues
11) Add FSX updates folder
12) Tank selectors = 3
13) Correct prop idle issue: done Chg min throttle to .1
14) Correct lighting locations: done
Magoo has corrected items #3 and #4 and will focus on #9 tonight. The FM improvements are mainly all his work. Thank you Sir
1) Stall light
2) CHT not going high enough on full out climb to force you to back off a bit
3) MAP wasn't dropping on high altitude climb
4) Nose overs
5) Lights-right wing green, tail lights-eliminate, tweak interior lighting
6) Alpha issues in FSX with net and parrot cage
7) thumbnails for FSX
8) ATC-ID Fltsim.3 incorrect: fixed
9) Nose down attitude at/above cruise speeds
10) FSX-Clickability issues
11) Add FSX updates folder
12) Tank selectors = 3
13) Correct prop idle issue: done Chg min throttle to .1
14) Correct lighting locations: done
Magoo has corrected items #3 and #4 and will focus on #9 tonight. The FM improvements are mainly all his work. Thank you Sir