Introducing the Avia 51

Nope... no complaints here.... Nigel's just pullin' yer leg, mate. He and I have been hittin' the "ouz" for the last hour or two. Hmmm, wonder wheres he found such a large stash?..**hic** :guinness:


oh i know yer pullin' my leg... i too am wondering where he got the Ouzo from.... i'd better check my supplies... maybe i'll make some avia period generic scenery items.... hmm.....
Fight model development, or rather evolvement continues with Magoo doing the heavy lifting.

We straightened out the issues from yesterday and are getting closer to performance specs we believe.

I attach the new FM for your review.

Key test points to zero in on critical altitude settings should be the focus.

From the data posted on the earlier page, the service ceiling is 18370'. That should be the point over which one cannot maintain 100 fpm climb without losing speed below the recommended climb speed of 105kias. That's how I am defining it but not the exact definition of course.

We start with a critical altitude setting of 7000'. Breathing takes a hit after that and MAP will drop slowly, ultimately about 1" per thousand feet.
At some point, you will be at around 17" of MAP and that is where climb rate and speeds fall off drastically.

I would like you to begin structured, documented tests as follows:

1) Begin with full fuel and weight
2) Climb at 1000 fpm to 10,000' managing MAP after 7000' (unless you are on auto-mixture); maintain full power during tests
3) After 10,000', alter your vertical climb rate as necessary to maintain a minimum of 105kias.
4) Once you speed falls to about 105, reduce climb rates to maintain 105kias or more
5) At FL180, pause, note weight, speed, climb rate, MAP
6) Continue climb at 100fpm and maintain 105kias
7) At the point you can no longer maintain 105 (speed drops to 104), pause and record data

You certainly can change sim rates to 8X or 16X and use autopilot to better manage the tests and do it faster.

We are looking for the critical altitude setting recommendation that would yield 18370.

Hint: Watch your CHT and Oil Temps; Take an oxygen bottle with you :)
In the fully loaded cargo version -- "C-LUGO", the CHT gets a bit toasty and MAP drops to about 13 at Angels 15. Airspeed still maintained at 105 but Rate of Climb falls off drastically. The model becomes "splashy" and I can't tell by looking out the window that we are moving at that altitude. Stay tuned....

In the fully loaded cargo version -- "C-LUGO", the CHT gets a bit toasty and MAP drops to about 13 at Angels 15. Airspeed still maintained at 105 but Rate of Climb falls off drastically. The model becomes "splashy" and I can't tell by looking out the window that we are moving at that altitude. Stay tuned....


Are you using the new FM?

At 15000', I show 21"; at FL180, I show 19.2" MAP both at 2200 RPMs.

Run throttles and pitch full forward.

If you do not use auto-mixture, then ensure you are maxing MAP/RPMs with mixtures, then go lean a little further until you see a change in either RPM or MAP.

If you have AFSD or another internals tool, set fuel mixture to get .0830 F/A ratio.
Are you using the new FM?

OOoop!:icon_eek: Got it installed now and will have another go. The boys at the dispersal are getting some serious flight time in this baby... :salute:

Reckon I can't ask you just how hot those engines were running at FL150 (CHT?).
(Steals Jeep from the motorpool, heads off to the ramp where the '57 is parked.....)

OOoop!:icon_eek: Got it installed now and will have another go. The boys at the dispersal are getting some serious flight time in this baby... :salute:


I am sorry; I meant to mention that I have critical altitude set at 7000' in the engine section. Please state what your setting is if you make changes there.

In reporting at 18000', let's state the following:

Critical altitude setting for this test: (for example 6500')
MAP at FL180:
FPM set at 100
Altitude at which 105knts at 100 fpm cannot be maintained

Probably a quick way to do this is set full fuel, critical altitude, set full power, then Slew up to 17000' and set AP to climb at 100 fpm at sim rate 8X. :)
Thank you BB686; great report.

I think now we can say that 16.8" of MAP is about where we need to be for 100fpm at the service ceiling.

I was getting to 20600' using 7000' at critical altitude.
If you manually manage your mixture, then you have to go quite lean. I was at mixture tooltip 21% at 17000, 20% at FL180, and 19% at FL190. If you run too rich, you will not get as high or climb as well.

Will try with reduced settings.

By the way, if any of you are interested, you can get a nice internals tool, easy to use and read, called AFSD here:

You will need FSUIPC freeware unregistered version too, linked to from the AFSD page.
Gentlemen testers :)

I think we have enough data now to extrapolate and make the tweaks necessary to hit our cruise speeds and to tweak the ceiling limit.

Thank you so much for helping out.
Short, Fun, Challenging Flight Circuit

These are airfields I love to visit. Always a challenge, but for my kind of aircraft, very doable.

Attached is a flight plan for the circuit. Most legs are short, less than 20 minutes, terrain is rugged, scenery is beautiful, runways are short. :) Ahhh, my kind of fun.

Screens taken while lifting off from Nelson, BC.

Go air out the' 57.

EDIT: And if you only have time for one flight, I recommend Castlegar to Nelson (double dogleg approach) , or Nelson to Kaslo (deceiving - follow the river Eastward, turn left for about 2-3 miles, then on the left, but elevated, and tricks the eyes regarding approach height (3300'))
Now that we'll all soon have such a beautiful new plane to fly around in I think it's only appropriate that each station be issued several of these for the flight crews to get around in.


A shiny new Avia Mk3 Streamliner ( circa 1956 ) :applause:
ooooh that's nice! i wouldn't mind me one of those motors! then again imagine the chaos the crews would cause... sheesh :icon_lol:
Avia 57 Beta Updates

Attached are updates to your folders.

Panel Updates replaces your panel.cfg and 2D bmp. Fixes gauge issues and improves 2D panel visibility.

Effects updates improves startup engine flames and smoke and cabin lights. Also including fx_navreds as I cannotr determine if that is a default effect or not as there is no doc or credits inside and yet it is dated in the FS9 effects release time frame.

FM updates to correct several issues with lights, establishes critical altitude at 6000', but mainly improves prop tables to allow you to do proper Mag tests in the Checklist. They will now go up to 2000 RPM during your Mag tests, and the prop tables now hit all the numbers satisfactorily.

There are other changes but too large to include as updates.

NOTE: We now have two sound sets so you will need to change the name of your sound folder to "sound.RK-12" for the new FM to pick up your sounds.

This may be the last round of updates before release.

Thank you so much for all your efforts in beta testing. Great observations and reporting.

EDIT: I have made further updates to cabin lights (my originals) and the red nav lights on the tail with my own effects. Just was not happy with those two effects.

EDIT2: Magoo has made some further improvements to the FM as well. These changes (and others) will be reflected in the release.