Well, here she is. Standing as proud as she can. I made quite a few more changes since the pictures above. I tweaked basically the whole thing to better overall real world looks.
I don't know a how to do a lot of stuff in Adobe PS, and I gotta hand it to "Smoothie". He's one hell of a guy. If I have a problem trying to figure something out that I want to do, I'll pass it by him. I'm pretty sure he uses Paintshop, but he generally comes up with the answers I need, to do what I want in accomplishing the my desired look. Thanks Smoothie :ernae:
I also want to say Thanks to Joe Binka for making this all possible. I really enjoy the Wilga.
I love to learn new things and be able to do these repaints for everyone. If you're tool of the repainting trade is Adobe PS and you have any tips that might help me along my way, I'd be all ears...lol.
Here's some shots of the final appearance (aside from the blue tow block on the tail wheel) before I upload it.
I also included my customized VC :wave: