Joe Binka's "Wilga" Repaints

OleBoy -- I haven't flown Joe's "Wicked Wilga" for some time now but your repaints look sweet. Much better than I can do.:amen:

I will be re-installing the Wilga here soon and will have a go with your brush work.

Here's something I been messing with recently. The colors are loud and vibrant.

Any thoughts?

Sorry for the large picture. I originally uploaded via SOH option, but it was too compressed to show what I wanted.


Currently in the works of refinements to the paintkit. I'm playing with adding pinstrips.

I know for definite that the landing gear stripes will not be there!!

This one has been uploaded here at the outhouse :gossip:

By the way, this is a RW reg# and color (orange only) I decided to kick it up a notch and run with it.

Saved in 32bit w/mips. If they cause havoc with your system, let me know.

Thanks "Smoothie" for the Hints, Tips & How-To infos :ernae:

Thanks Dogknot.

There is still something I can't manage to track. The black in the landing light lens, and the blue tow block :banghead:

Have fun!!:ernae:
Glad to see some enjoy them that care to say what they think. For the amount of downloads there's been, in relation to comments, it's about nil. Makes me feel I'm doing this for myself more so than anything.

On the other side of the coin, N104AW is almost finished. Once I get my graphics rig back up and running (3 days) I'll get it uploaded. It's another looker.
Don't forget Rip Lichliter's "Takatan" texture for the Wilga available here:

Thanks fellas.

Dognot, I'm real glad you showed me that repaint. I was set to re-create it. Now I can only imagine how hard it was to get the dang grasshopper lined up on five pieces of the Rip Lichliter did a nice job. Thanks Rip :wavey:

:argue: I don't think I'm asking too much. A little consideration, thanks go a long ways. For any painter out there, it's a chore to do any repaint and make them look nice for other folks to enjoy in this, or any program. It's saddening actually. Some here being dedicated to making your virtual experience a better place. That is why we're all doing this flying stuff, right?

With that being said, I could've more easily kept them to myself and posted pictures as teasers. :whistle:

All I ask is people give everyone that shares something here, the respect they deserve for the work they share. Why not? Everything in the Sim-Outhouse archives is free for the taking. Thanks is one of the easiest single-syllable words there is in the English vocabulary. :kilroy:
You are right...Thank you for your hard work. I have downloaded a couple of your repaints and they are very nice...In fact I plan on taking a spin around Glacier national park and the Tongass region very soon.:woot:

OleBoy, I am very impressed with the Romanian paint - perfect for flying in the Idaho Bush!

Thanks so much! Mike :wiggle::applause:
. . . . .:argue: I don't think I'm asking too much. A little consideration, thanks go a long ways. For any painter out there, it's a chore to do any repaint and make them look nice for other folks to enjoy in this, or any program. It's saddening actually. Some here being dedicated to making your virtual experience a better place. That is why we're all doing this flying stuff, right?

With that being said, I could've more easily kept them to myself and posted pictures as teasers. :whistle:

All I ask is people give everyone that shares something here, the respect they deserve for the work they share. Why not? Everything in the Sim-Outhouse archives is free for the taking. Thanks is one of the easiest single-syllable words there is in the English vocabulary. :kilroy:
No offense Ole Boy but if you're wanting a "thank you" quota that mirrors the downloads then you might as well just get over it. I do some really nice repaints and even go to the extent of making paint kits from scratch that are layered rather than one flat bitmap so I can manipulate it the way I want, then post a thread to show off the WIP and final shots and sometimes I don't get a single reply and over 100 views. Then when I say something about the lack of enthusiasm, I get replies like. . ."well we were just waiting for it to be posted", lol. For that reason I rarely, if ever post my stuff anymore. I do scenery, panels, repaints and I keep it all to myself. Folks like what they like and trying to force-feed enthusiasm isn't worth worrying about really. Your repaints are awesome, especially given you're relatively new to repainting, but I don't like the airplane, so I won't download them. . .I can still appreciate the work it takes.:applause: