Joe Binka's "Wilga" Repaints

Not yet. I'm trying to get a bit ahead of the game by having a few completed/ready for release while I continue painting. Soon though ;)
``thanks go a long ways.``

Dear Oleboy,

You are quite right and I appreciate the fact that you pointed it out to me (us) as I was so immersed in looking for skins, paints and re-paints of my favorites (The Wilga IS...) that I seem to have forgotten that a counter which says that so many downloads have been made can never replace that small meaningful word "Thanks"... :amen:

Yes I've downloaded your paints and love them and can vouch for your efforts as I've tried to make a few and failed in the past.

Keep up the good work and let's get them flying for the enjoyment of all who care.

Best regards,

(aka Fleurdelys)
ES-TWG is on finals. You'll notice I did a few enhancements to live'n it up a bit more.

A few minor tweaks and it will be finished. :wavey:




Nice work Oleboy, guess i can show you a sneak peak of what i'm working on, seeing as you're a buddy :ernae:


that ribbing is textured on, models smooth, but the guns and underside cooler and wires share 1 colour in the textures.... shame really, but thats my He51 paintkit :wiggle:
That peacock feather design is stunning! It must have been a challenge to do it. A BIG THANK YOU for taking the time to do these paints!

Thanks OleBoy for your hard work on the Wilga :applause:

Love the 'Feather' and N104AW.

Here I'm cruising out in the Olympic Mountains with some lovely ladies :jump:

OleBoy did you finish ES-TWG ?

I've searched but can't find it.

Thanks again for bringing the Wilga back to life :applause:

FSX problem


Sorry about my english...
I have problems with the Wilga under FSX. I know it is an FS8 & FS9 forum sorry.
Normally (when a "DX10 preview" option enabled,) everything seems to be OK, but when I switch off this option and load the plane, the VC glass are totally black, I cannot look out from the seat. I have tried to convert the textures to DXT1/3/5, 32/24/16bit BMP format, but nothing happened.
I've tried your linked repaints too. They are very good, but I got the same problem...

Could you help me using this plane with FSX?
sounds like the alpha channel issue again, someone in the FSX forum may be able to help more thoroughly...
Just reminiscing.

....I've obtained more source. Future enhancements and updates to come. Soonish.

Happy New Year everyone :)
Lovely repaints, Ol'Boy! This has long been one of my favourite little STOL planes, and your work has me flying it again with zeal.

But tell me: has sump'n happened to the link for the Peacock Feather paint? Can't seem to get anything other than a 404 (***!)