Just finished a new 2D panel for the Storch..

CASA C-2.111B panels

hhere are my vision for the the BASA 2.111B panels.
The most to be done know would be the radio post
CASA C-2.111B panels

Good evening Sir,
1. a) Yes, for the main bmp, of course without the yoke, as it uses the one you almost did for me.
b) the block with the engine gauges on the right hand of the panel should be done as a pop up.
c) the three little switch boxes, which an be seen on the frame left hand side should be stay there,
as the original C-2.111B also had them.
2. No, I am not able to open PSD files
Now you tell me... lol

I reworked the radio operator station... might be tricky to try and change the color... mmm can be used for
an African theater aircraft... lol

to wit:


I guess I can send you bmps when the time comes... (how about extended bmp?... can you open that?)



P.S.: I just noticed a couple of items missing... on the table level... firt tier of radio stack... no problem... just adding it...
Casa c-2.111b

The fuselage interior of the restaured is painted in RAL 7034.
please see the joined pattern
sadly in the post the image can not be seen
Casa c-2.111b

Good evening Carlos,

oh just a detail,
normally I make my panels in the size 1024 X 768
I have see that on the radio post you have done the radios them selve has been slightly changed in proportion, a bit larger than the original - just as I need them to be!!!!
So I the whole bmp could be in 1024 x768 in conserving the radios proportions (wide and height) as you did them that would be fine
Kein problem...


Sorgst Du nicht...
Die Finale texture in der richtigen Größe sein wird... Ich vergrößere es dafür die Details zu arbeiten



CASA C-2.111B radios

Moin Moin Carlos,

the radio bmp you did is integrated in the air craft.
A lot of thanks!
the little town you see through the window is Gavres, Brittany where my real home is.


Moin Moin Michael,


Ich glaube dass der bmp der wirklichen Eichmaße verdreht werden muss weil Ich die Textur korrigieren hat aber sich Kreise noch als ovals zeigen, aber Du kannst das mit dem Tafel-Studio befestigen...


CASA C-2.1111 radio post

Guten Abend Carlos,
euh can you please repeat in french or english?
I see what you mean but please HOW?
I have tseen this problem also with other textures on other planes.
Here it is...

Hallo Michel,

First... you have to open the .gau file ... with the GAUBMP2 program...
extract the bmp and make sure the shape is circular or square or rectangular, etc. in the original gauge
If not... you can edit the bmp and put it back (make sure the edited one is not high def. but 256 color, otherwise it just shows black)
(a little trick: instead of color downgrading the edited version... just superimpose it on the old one.... usually shows better)
Then, with the ConfigEdit... you can see how it shows on the panel... there...you can right click and choose SET RATIO TO 1.0... in the individual gauge...
to make circles perfect... or squares square, etc. (as well as turn circles into ovals for those gauge faces that due to perspective should not
show as circles... giving them a more realistic perspective view by just clicking and dragging the corners of the surround rectangular shape around the gauge...
By trial and error... and repetition... you get pretty handy with these procedures...



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CASA 2.111B panel

Guten abend Carlos,

there was a misunderstanding,
I did not thought about the gauges.
When flying in darker light as late in the vening, or at night on the background bmp often the textures shows like circles elyptik color degrades. At day the different colors transtions are fluid, but later the different shades show as visible steps between the colors.
Even when I use a resolution of 1440 x900 x 32 instead only 1440 x900 x 16 .
Don't really understand what you are talking about...

Guten abend Carlos,

there was a misunderstanding,
I did not thought about the gauges.
When flying in darker light as late in the vening, or at night on the background bmp often the textures shows like circles elyptik color degrades. At day the different colors transtions are fluid, but later the different shades show as visible steps between the colors.
Even when I use a resolution of 1440 x900 x 32 instead only 1440 x900 x 16 .

I guess this happens when the common language is only native to one of two interlocutors...
it is hard to understand what you are saying... at any rate... my comment was motivated by the fact that
although great effort was spent making the radios shape correct.... in the bmp... the gauges are still distorted...
and thereby my "cure for that"...
Now as to your question... maybe if you do it in French... which is practically now a mother tongue to you... I might figure out what it is you want to correct..
because I can read fluent French better than I can figure out the meaning of less than optimal English sentence syntax... (my biggest problem with writing in German... I just forgot all the syntax rules and sometimes write things that are incomprehensible to native German speakers...lol)
Sometimes... it is easy to do... like when someone called the Free France... la France gratuit... lol
CASA C-2.111 B radio panel

Bonsoir Carlos,

je vais t envoyer un screenie des que j aurais fait un vol sous les conditions specifiques.
Le probleme c est le passage des couleurs le jours le passage entre les degrades de couleurs est fluide et on ne voit pas
que ce sont des couleurs differents. La nuit on voit bien des lignes de differences.
je te le montrerais sur un screenie.
color problems

Bonsoir Carlos
voila un screenie la nuit,
apres je t envoie comment c est de jour.
tu verras la difference
casa radios colors problems

et maintenant de jour,
comme tu vois c est plus accentue de nuit que de jour.
je pense que c est une question de "blur"
casa 2.111 radios color problems

ce que je ne comprends pas, c est quand je regarde le bmp dans psp c est parfait, par contre dans flightsim, ca devient comme tu vois sur les screenies.
et pourtant je suis dans la resolution la plus forte!