L-39C beta - suggestions and bug reports



Hey there!
It's been a long time... But here it is after all - Aero Vodochody L-39C for FS2004

Doughbree Design homepage

I would like to keep this thread for discussing bugs and features. Please write everything here rather than emailing me about it. That way I will have everything on one place. I would like to continue improving the aircraft but can't put too much time to it.

Thanks oh so much for this work of art. I know that many many people will be pleased to get their hands on this "beta" release.....I say "beta" because the screenshots look far beyond a beta to me.

Hello Vitek,

I took your beautiful bird up and looked EVERYWHERE for "bugs" and could not find any.But I am not a L-39 expert aside from seeing them from the ground,a lot!
I will keep looking and flying but I think this gorgeous piece of art of yours is the most wonderful looking and flying FS aircraft I have ever seen and flown(and I have seen and flown a lot of nice ones).I think I'm in love:redface:.Permission to marry the L-39?:icon_lol:

Best regards,

I concur. Beautiful work. Well done. Very impressive.

Went for a short flight to Boeing Field - ILS Landing. Made some notes:

---> Love the exterior detail, including the pilot animations.
---> Very imersive cockpit. Lots of switches. Did have to lower eyepoint for most of flight.
---> Could not find light switches other than landing lights. Just a matter of figuring things out.
---> Would suggest expanding tool tip on Nav1 as I could not see the final readout without adjusting the viewpoint.
---> Very smooth, responsive flight. Handles very well on takeoff, flight and landing.

Going to fly a lot more after dinner and local news on TV.

Thanks greatly for your efforts. It really paid off. :ernae:

HOLY CRAP!!!!!! AWESOME! THANK YOU VIT!!!!! I had almost written this off....wooooooohoooooo!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!
First impressions:

  • VC is beautiful. Gauges are pro quality in clarity.
  • As WH said, exterior animations are worth it.
  • Surprised there was no panel - definately not a downer.
  • Works well with Track IR.
  • WarHorse may be on to something with view point. Track IR use was awkward; felt I had duck down a lot.
  • Ran into one "glitch"; ATC auto frequency selection did not always work from ATC window. Can't tell if this is me or AC. Feed back appreciated
  • Thinking of preparing a 3D Lights light scheme.
Well worth the wait and near funeral for the project. Thank you again.
This plane is begging for a paintkit...I am not a repainter myself, but damn this plane is sooo nice!! Imagine the possibilities!!!
WoW !! Stunning ! Thankyou,Thankyou,Thankyou.

Looks like Joe Binka's passengers have got some serious competition! One question though - is the passenger at all optional - not quite sure how the military authorities would respond to such, ..er, cargo!?

WoW !! Stunning ! Thankyou,Thankyou,Thankyou.

Looks like Joe Binka's passengers have got some serious competition! One question though - is the passenger at all optional - not quite sure how the military authorities would respond to such, ..er, cargo!?


There is a switch on the center panel just to the right of the stick.:salute:

My first flight was less than appealing. Not the plane's fault....flying out of a highly modified air port that drop my frame rates by 50%. Rebooted the system, fired up at a stock air port...frame rates were right back to where they should be. The plane flies beautifully. Looks stunning.

I also think the eye point is a bit high in the VC. Not a biggie to fix.

The mip maps on the textures and my system are not seeing eye to eye....will remove the mip maps to prevent the skins from going blurry.

The rear canopy....does it open? Shift E 2 usually opens the rear canopy...no go on the L39C.

The shock mounted VC panel and gauges had me scratching my head for a few seconds...I was wondering why my panel was moving when I moved the joystick....then it realized that the panel is mounted on rubber or springs or something to protect the gauges from vibration and G-Shock. Have never seen that modeled on a sim aircraft before...superb bit of animation there.

Vit, your Albatross is a true work of art. And this is "just the beta". Can't wait to see the final product.

Lovely work of art Vit! My issues are after a fun initial flight, and after a restart of my PC a CTD every time I load this aircraft for flight, have no idea what's going on there ... as well as radio issues - but Man Oh Man she is sexy! Mike :salute:

CTD every time I load this aircraft for flight
Unfortunately I noticed the same ... and not after a reboot .. but in a same cession FS2004
First plane loaded is a default Cessna 172 on a default airport.
No CTD (or no patience to wait) but just a black screen and out with the help of task manager :)
Also no possibility to set something on the GPS.
E 8500 WinXPSP3 FS9.1 ATI HD4850
I just finished a fam flight from KPSP to KCNO, with some aerobatics, a bit of slow flight, and some pattern work. One word- PHENOMENAL. I have paid MONEY for planes that can't touch the fun I just had on my first flight!!!!!

My only finding was that the shift+2 (i think it was shift+2) brings up the autopilot window which is sized to fit the WHOLE screen...maybe needs a downsizing?

As for the rear canopy, mine opens and closes fine with shift+E2; No ctd's or strange behaviour, but I will concur with a previous post regarding the lighting controls.

I found the landing light, and vc light, but have been unsuccessful in locating individual controls for the nav, beacon, strobe, etc. They all come on with the 'L' key, but there should be toggles somewhere to control each.

A nav/GPS switch somewhere would be a nice feature (and an easy one to add I would think) but otherwise it is 'freakin great!!!! I could fly it for DAYS as-is!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!
Okay, here's some more from my 2nd flight of the day. This was a night flight, ILS landing.

I found the switch for the panel lights and 2nd pilot. Love the pilot animations.

Biggest item is the elevators. From a cold start they are in the up position. Not until the engine is running and I begin to taxi do they level out. After I land and shut down all systems, the elevators return to the up (climb) position. Not sure if this is intentional or not.

I've had not issue with gauges, FPS, textures, or anything else on my old, slow machine.

I'm gonna stick my 2cents in here too, although the screens were shot in FSX, I'm pretty sure these are universal and you guys probably saw them as well.

I concur on the light switches. . .and there are enough "no function" switches that it could be the lights just aren't mapped yet.
I also went back and resaved as 32bit (no mips) to eliminate the blurries.
One pic of the VC shows areas around the Annunciator panels where bleed through is occurring.
Probably some solid black that is going transparent in the sim.
One pic just showing the beautiful VC
A shot showing an odd exhaust effect that could probably be left out.
One pic showing the nosewheel after landing. I didn't view from the exterior on landing, so I don't know if it was like that after gear extension or it kick off to one side after landing.

For the eyepoint, I set it to the following and it works pretty well:
9.50, 0, 1.4

Overall, a real beauty and I'm really happy to see that Vit stuck with it and will be releasing it soon. It's been a long time and too many others, after a long break like this simply disappear and we never know where they went. Well Done Vit!!!:salute:
Okay....got a couple more short flights under my belt in the L39C. The rear canopy works just fine with Shift E 2....after a restart of the old PC, no problems getting the rear canopy to open now. Flight behavior is the sweetest I have seen in a sim jet. Very smooth, stable, a great canyon carver.