L-39C beta - suggestions and bug reports

Has anyone been able to use the autopilot yet? Like how do I set the Heading or CRS?? :salute:


Thanks so much for this amazing piece of work, Vitek. It runs smooth as silk on my computer with no CTDs. Aside from the issues already noted by others, I haven't come across any bugs. Great job!

Motormouse, I have the same issue with reflections. If you look in each individual texture folder, you'll see a texture labelled 'canopy'. If you simply delete this texture, it seems to take care of the reflections, with no other ill effects. It does leave a bit of that open-air feeling, though.

Hi guys - I too found the reflections a bit intrusive, so I lowered the alpha in the canopy.bmp.
Try this...View attachment 17633
Go to the 2D and hit "W" until the gauges come up and then set the heading that way.
Creative, but no thanks. I don't fly by 2D. :kilroy:

I've set the heading within the VC, but the AP doesn't follow it. Guess I best wait for the manual so I know what I'm doing.


Magnificent Vit! Very nicely done jet.

I just downloaded it this evening and was shooting touch and goes.

I really liked how you did the cockpit shaking when it was near stall. The center shock mounted instrument panel began shaking at just under 130 knots. Very nice effect.


Remember, we now have a 'unlimited mesh' export system for FS2004 models now with no 4MM welding...

Very nice. Off to go fly it some more.
Very Nice, thank you!

There is a quirk in the steering...if you brake to a halt while turning, the wheel castors to the wrong side and stays there for a bit, then centres. No biggie.
And if you're looking for something to do :d the ailerons are missing from the VC.
You have to stand on tip toe to notice.
(One of the nicest VC's in recent memory I have to say - it has a smooth curved canopy frame! :applause: )

Umm it flamed out under extended negative G - don't know if that's part of the plan.
I certainly found a use for Shift-E in flight pretty quickly.

Edit: last small thing, when you come out of slew mode, the airbrakes deploy...

I'd love to post this thread full of screenshots, but am able to control myself only so far as to post them elsewhere.

Congratulations on a fine model.
Yes the wait was long, but this model is 100% worth it! Excellent job, very class model, and a joy to fly. Frames are smooth like silk, top-quality VC, easy to paint, perfect!

I have been playing with some paints as well. Still a little work to do yet, but coming nicely.
If you want some precise reference material for some repaints for this
FS9 L-39, do not hesitate to use the repaints I made some time ago for
the FSX L-39 from Lotus.

These repaints are available here :

They have been produced using historically precise 1/48 scale decal

They cover L-39C/ZA/ZO from the following countries :

Afgahnistan, Azerbaidjan, Bulgaria / Roundel, Bulgaria / Star,
Chechnya, Egypt, Georgia, Ghana, Iraq, Syria, Uzbekistan
and Vietnam.

I you use them, a mention like "reference material from VaporZ"
would be cool.
Disregard message about the repaintkit, solved it, seems to be a memory problem (too big) with the fuse.psd... working now.

Skyline Aviation repaint (ES-TLE) in progress :jump: <forgot the picture... duh>


Also some interesting reading for the L-39 pilots/freaks

-> http://www.warbirdalley.com/articles/l39pr.htm
Yes the wait was long, but this model is 100% worth it! Excellent job, very class model, and a joy to fly. Frames are smooth like silk, top-quality VC, easy to paint, perfect!

I have been playing with some paints as well. Still a little work to do yet, but coming nicely.
LOVE IT! Can't wait!
Creative, but no thanks. I don't fly by 2D. :kilroy:

I've set the heading within the VC, but the AP doesn't follow it. Guess I best wait for the manual so I know what I'm doing.



IIRC that's do do with the vagaries of FS autopilots...which date back to fs5.1..you have to set hdg via 2d panel if your developer hasn't used a bespoke autopilot .gau (gauge file)


) My graphics card doesn't like 32-bit textures...and the reflections in the vc canopy are intrusive

I have an older machine that has this problem, and I have been playing with the texturing a bit. You can use a utility such as Martin Wright's DXTBMP and change the 32-bit textures to DXT3, and just leave the Alpha Channel alone... that really sharpens the visual model up nicely.

After several short flights along the coastline and through some rolling hills, all I can say is VERY REALISTIC. The L-39C is such a SWEET flight model, I am suitably impressed with how the jet responds to the stick movements, controlled turns are a breeze with the L-39C. I don't think I have seen very many freeware models with this kind of responsive realism.

Again, Great work on this little joy! Thanks Vit!:medals:

Disregard message about the repaintkit, solved it, seems to be a memory problem (too big) with the fuse.psd... working now.

It works for you with multiple layers?
Dangit - my PSPX opens it with one layer only...
Nobody else encountering this prob?

It works for you with multiple layers?
Dangit - my PSPX opens it with one layer only...
Nobody else encountering this prob?


I had the same prob but i fixed it if you want i can send you the fixed masters ib the usual way.

Hey Vit,

Here is the sound recording that I have of the Sapphire starting. I haven't extended the portion of the Sapphire Idling to ten minutes. And while I have no experience with XML triggered sounds either, Im sure there are some people around here that do that would love to help



About CTD (my solution)

No more CTD or black screen IF







//.gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0

gauge01=L39set!gpsknob, 0,400,100

Claudius, this works perfectly for me now. Cheers! Mike :ernae:
Vit, I am finding that when flying this aircraft during Dawn, dusk and night when viewing the exterior it appears somewhat transparent ... Not a big deal really ...

Cheers! Mike :wiggle:
Thanks to the collective bunch of fixes here by SOH members - have no issues at all now with this Czech jet ...

Mike :salute:
Playing some more. Painting to this jet is almost as fun as flying it. :wiggle:

Something fictional, a JASDF trainer livery (based on Kawasaki T-4).