L-39C beta - suggestions and bug reports

I have a friend that owns an award-winning L-39, and it has a fully functioning autopilot that is coupled to the GPS.

One other request Kyrypust. I dont think it would be incredibly difficult or time consuming, but I could be wrong. Is there any way that you could make a seperate version without the 3d gauges so that we can install our own instrumentation with FS Panel Studio? Just make the instrument panel one large span?

So we could make western private panels like this one:

My my my !

With all these threads about Kyrypust superb L-39C it seems FS9 is still alive
and in very good health ? ( I knew it all along )

What this tell you ?
Yep, Our sim thrives thanks to guys like you, Kyrypust. Thank you... again for the excellent L-39. (Even tho it's a "beta", it sure doesn't act like one).:applause::applause::applause: I haven't been this enthusiastic about a freeware plane for FS9 in quite some time. lol!!!

BTW..Zsolt... Excellent repaint in Lithuanian livery! Geez... you're fast!

Thanks to the tips from other members here, I dialed down my mip-mapping settings and now all of the liveries are crisp, even while running The Pablo Diaz high-def clouds ...

A few snaps of the Breitling bird ...

Cheers! Mike :wavey:

After turning off the instrument lights, which are tied in with the Landing Lights for some reason, then switching to external view then back to virtual cockpit, turning the landing/panel lights on sometimes results in a black screen crash.

Now you tell me, LOL. I just assumed it would work since there is a full [autopilot] section in the aircraft.cfg and its the same as in the L-159s which does have a functioning autopilot. No prob.

However, do you plan to have it working. There are a lot of privately owned L-39s and I would assume that they are equiped, or could be equipmend with an autopilot. Just wondering.


I need to amend my original comments. I got the autopilot to work, but not as one would expect.

As previously mentioned it does not slave to any heading bug or GPS. When activitated it does slave to 'Heading Hold', meaning you need to be airborne and pointed in the right direction before turning on the autopilot.

The Altitude Hold does work, so you also need to set that as well. Once you turn on the autopilot it will attain your set altitude and the direction your heading. And of course if you need to change your heading you will have to turn off the AP, turn the a/c to the new direction, and turn the AP and Altitude Setting back on. :salute:

I told you... You're my new best friend... :d Finally had a chance to take her up for a maiden voyage for a half an hour. Awesome... :ernae: This is my new flagship for the future.

I did notice a few small issues, and I don't know if they've been reported or not, because I don't have time to go through this whole thread which got really huge really quick. :d The radio sub-panel (Shift+1) is HUGE, and I had to change window size ratio to 0.25 to make it useable. Also, there seems to be a dot underneath the model when in tower view; about 20 feet below the aircraft. I couldn't get sound to work, so I added a different sound package from my Iris T-45 Goshawk, and that worked.

Anyways, this ship is a blast to fly, and hopefully she'll only get better. A few shots from that first flight... As soon as my air work is ironed out, I'm gonna get into a little aerobatic training with this darlin'... :d :ernae:
After turning off the instrument lights, which are tied in with the Landing Lights for some reason, then switching to external view then back to virtual cockpit, turning the landing/panel lights on sometimes results in a black screen crash.

I can confirm this crash/bug!

Gentleman, as asked before, repaints-shot please in another thread!
Creative, but no thanks. I don't fly by 2D. :kilroy:
I've set the heading within the VC, but the AP doesn't follow it. Guess I best wait for the manual so I know what I'm doing.
I don't fly by the 2D either. . .I've even been known to completely delete 2D panels from aircraft that have nice VC's, but in lieu of a fully functional AP which this doesn't have, simply going to "cockpit" view, hit the W key to get to the minipanel and set your heading then back to the VC. It's either that or add a "popup" that incorporates a fully functioning AP.:salute:
It's either that or add a "popup" that incorporates a fully functioning AP.:salute:

...That, Falcon, Is my thinking entirely. It should be simple to do, and solves the problem. If Vit deems it important enough, one or two of the 'non-functional' switches in the VC could be set up to do nav/gps or simply swich the autopilot on and off...and it could be a 'shift-3' or whatever.
Yep, works quite well actually, I added this AP, set the hdg and alt as you can see and took off. At 1000' I activated the AP and it did the rest. Works like a charm.:salute: