L-39C beta - suggestions and bug reports

Whoops.... which button did i press.... :kilroy:


Some observations:
- Second digit for the nav1 would be handy, lot of VOR have 2 digits behind the dot, for example Dover, DOV, 114.95 Mhz
NICE! Looks like betatesting is in good progress.
I went through and made a couple of notes for future improvements.
1) Eyepoint - if you look behind, you'll see the headrest in a correct position. If you lower the eyepoint, the headrest is too high. My point of view would be even higher, because I am 6'6'' or 198cm tall :). The solution is to lower the headrest a little too. But an opinion from a real l39 pilot would help the most here.
2)NAV1 will get another digit [bug#1]
3) You cannot use automatic ATC freq. selection, because of the way com radio is programmed. It should be fixable [bug#2]
4) There is a good paintkit I will be releasing, so keep away your brushes untill then :)
5) The second pilot/passenger can be switched on/off by a switch to the right of the stick. (wish that worked in reality :) ). Final release might come with a set of military pilots as well.
6) 2nd canopy should be working all the time. If there is an instance when it doesn't, then it means there is a problem with one of the many streams of xml coding sending a command to trigger Fs9 function repeatedly, which will make the sim forget "shift+e" before you push "2". I wasn't able to recreate the problem, but it can exist.
7)CTDs should be very rare, but if they appear, I have no solution. If you happen to get them, write your setup here and maybe we can figure out some connection. If you really wanted to nail the problem down, you can try disabling various gauges. It's either a gauge or the model itself.
8) The 2D panels that can be brought up are indeed too big so that is [bug#3]
9) Light controls- would use some improvements, at least to control the nav lights [bug#4]
10) Elevator- the plane is equipped with something like a mechanical power steering for the elevator. It helps to lower the necessary force for pulling up during take off and high G turns. As a result every albatros will move it's elevator up when you release the stick on the ground. But on many pictures its not up. Why? People often tie the stick in the front cockpit to something to leave the elevator in neutral position. It's probably good for getting into the seat etc...
11) The plane in this version is not meant for FsX, I am suprised that most of the coding even works there. The front wheel is steered by a XML code and is nothing close to the default movement with rudder. It just fails to work in FsX. Also, you have to load up the VC in Fs9 to get the animations going. Also the exhaust - you can barely see it in Fs9 and it creates an illusion of hot air. In FsX its just weird.
12) The manual would help a lot, I'll write something for final release. But believe me, after 2,5 years of development, I would sometimes need a manual myself to operate controls I have coded myself.

Keep posting, I will drop by from time to time and see what is going on.
Thanks guys and enjoy the plane.
1. About the elevator-"boost" is it implemented? I ask because i have the feeling i need to pull a lot on the elevator to get the plane were i want it. During take-off and esspecially during the approach.

2. I know this is always a discussion so please do not shoot me, the pilots look a bit to large in relation to the aircraft. See picture below, think it's not so much there body, think it's only there head and helmet :

3. Possible to put in a switch to remove the yoke?

4. If you need a beta-tester for your repaintkit.... :bump::salute: already getting the pictures to do the SkyLine Aviation L-39 birds

Thank you Kyrypust !

This L-39C for FS9 is very well born.
No problems at all after many flights.
Your own L-159B sond kit is perfect for it.

Meanwhile, considering this is a beta project, I have some constructive comments below :

Could a "one crew / front seat" only option could eventually available ?
The backseater young lady wearing only a very light T-Shirt could be sexy but this is now realistic at all.

Do you plan like your excellent L-159 ALCA some options like :

- Realistic military pilot with HGU-55 helmet and oxygen mask ?
- Underwing pylons ?
- Underfuselage canon pod ?
- Underwing armement ?


Do you plan for the future a L-39ZO with pylons, cannon, armement options and with its basic HUD/Visor ?

Do you plan a paint kit ?

Thanks in advance
well done with this L-39C
Sorry Kyrypust !

Forget the Q1 and Q3 from my previous memo.

I found the "one crew option" switch and it works
and you will indeed release a paint kit.

My question number 2 is still standing !

Thanks in advance for the answers.
NICE! Looks like betatesting is in good progress. . . . . .

11) The plane in this version is not meant for FsX, I am suprised that most of the coding even works there. The front wheel is steered by a XML code and is nothing close to the default movement with rudder. It just fails to work in FsX. Also, you have to load up the VC in Fs9 to get the animations going. Also the exhaust - you can barely see it in Fs9 and it creates an illusion of hot air. In FsX its just weird.
Yep, I was very well aware that it isn't for FSX, but since FSX is all I fly, and I have been watching the progress of your aircraft, I figured I would give it a go. The exhaust effect is something I can drop from the cfg file, so no biggee there. As for the nosewheel, not a problem, the aircraft steers and lands correctly, and I don't pay a lot of attention to what the tires are doing anyway. . .so again, no biggee. I haven't found any animation in the VC that doesn't work thus far, so nothing there that's a problem and I'll look at the textures for the VC panel and annunciators to see if I can lighten the areas that are bleeding through right now. I still suspect these are areas of solid black and have gone transparent in the sim.

Thanks for the updates on future corrections and additions.:salute:
I look forward to the final release.

About CTD (or aircraft not loading at all .. black screen or stay on the choice screen)
If I remove the panel files (CAB and panel.cfg) the AC load and I have the VC panel with no function gauges of course!)
So .. seem's it's a problem from the gauges .....
Windows XP SP3
DirectX 9.0C
FS9.1 and a bunch of addon's (FS2004 install very stable ... never problems)
FSUIPC registered version 3.85
E 8500 Duo 3.16 Ghz
ATI HD 4850 and latest drivers for ditto
The first time I loaded the plane it was no problems.
The next attempts were unsucessfull even after reboot PC or even after a uninstall and reinstall of the plane !!
Something must stay behind somewhere (so .. not in memory)
One other possibility that would be rather easy would be to incorporate a small piece of XML coding that would play a sound when the Sapphire unit is started.

For those that dont know, the Sapphire is a small jet engine similar to an APU that is started prior to the main engine to provide bleed air for starting. Its startup and shutdown is entirely automated, and this is simulated in Vit's model. By pressing the TURBO START button, the Sapphire begins its automated start sequence. When at speed, the APU START light illuminates. In reality, the light actually reads SAPPHIRE READY. Once the light is illuminated, you can start the main engine. After the main engine is running, the Sapphire automatically shuts down. The Sapphire unit will also automatically shut down if the main engine is not started within ten minutes of starting the Sapphire.

I have a great recording of a Sapphire starting, and running for about 30 seconds. I can easily loop the sounds so the idle lasts 10 minutes.

I think this would be a great improvement, as the L-39's Sapphire unit starting is one of the most unique sounds in aviation. No other aircraft uses a Sapphire to start.

If you'd like the recording Vit, let me know.

Whoops.... which button did i press.... :kilroy:


I had the same, I was taxiing off the runway and 'boom' uninitiated ejection, I don't think I touched any keys or buttons - how do you reverse the ejection animation without having to reload the 'tross.

Apart from that no CDT, FPS hits (flying around MAIW Nellis, locked at 25, no drops) or other problems, no further points to make that haven't already been mentioned above

Vit, love it:ernae: looking forward to a paint kit
no CDT, FPS hits or other problems, no further points to make that haven't already been mentioned above...
Same here.
Vit, love it:ernae:
Me too!

...looking forward to a paint kit
Second especially that!

Just found this historical pic on airliners.net:

This pic was taken in October 1990, just after the GDR and its Airforce (named "LSK" = "Luftstreitkraefte") passed away. Some L-39 were taken over by the German Airforce, some were given to the Hungarian Airforce. The depicted Albatros still wears its LSK paint (note the overpainted insignia rhombus at the tailfin) and already the new West-German tactical registration 28+52 with the "iron cross" insignia between the numbers still missing.
What an iconic picture for this phase of transition!
Note the white/yellow Albatros behind 28+52: This L-39V was used as target-tug.

Awesome work, Vit!
Děkuij, kamarád!

Thanks for this indeed; now to business:

1) Nosegear...the real L39 doesn't have nosewheel steering,only castoring, via differential brakes
a weight-on-wheels switch on nosegear enables the brakes...background reading here --->

You can make an entry in the aircraft.cfg which will engage differential braking,
can't remember the syntax (code) right now.

2) No probs with blackscreen or loading first time;or so far on subsequent flights.

3) As I don't have your L159 (I know I should) I aliased the sound to Rick Piper's Jet Provost.

4) My graphics card doesn't like 32-bit textures...and the reflections in the vc canopy are intrusive...runs at 15 fps (I keep my framerate lock at 18,I remember reading somewhere once you get above 18fps your eye can't refresh as fast as the screen does, and forcing your sim to drive faster framerates can actually slow it down)

thats all



my (old) system specs

AMD 'Sempron' 2200+
1.5 Gb ram
Nvidia 7600GS (liquid cooled)
Win XP sp2
Fs9.1 with more tweeks and add-ons
Just downloaded her... After reading all of the GOOD comments here, I couldn't resist. Planning on a first-flight here shortly.
Thanks Vit, for your superb model. Looking forward to many hours in this little jet.:greenbo:

You can make an entry in the aircraft.cfg which will engage differential braking, can't remember the syntax (code) right now.

That will be
in the [brakes] section.

The "castoring" nose wheel should work with these values
point.0= 1.000, 12.213, 0.000, -5.350, 1574.803, 0.000, 0.748, 40.000, 0.180, 2.000, 0.700, 7.000, 8.000, 0.000, 250.000, 280.000
in the [contact points] section, but I'll test this...


Tested with 40° steer angle (copied from the Fouga Magister which hasn't a steerable nosewheel too).
But the wheel is still steerable...
Note to myself: A painter shoudn't mess with FDEs!

Anyone else an idea?
Marcel, the elevator "boost" is purely mechnical, nothing to switch on/off, so if you want more sensitivity, you have to go to .cfg and change the elevator input sensitivity.
From that picture it looks like the heads are bigger, you're right.

Paintkit is already available for download

VaporZ, I want to add some military touches, at least the hardpoints and pilots.

Claudius, I recommend downloading the package again, if that doesn't work, then go to panel.cfg, make a backup of it and remove group of gauges at a time to identify the problematic one.
Focus on these: gps_500, l39vhf, l39ils, and l39clock.
The l39clock is a special gauge that contains all the xml driven animations, so has the highest probability of causing troubles.

Joe, the saphire sound would be a nice thing to add. I have a 1:09 record including engine start, but yours might be better. I have no experience in adding xml driven sounds though.

About the steering - not many simmers are used to diferential brakes. In reality, you use the rudder pedals for pressure distribution anyways. The movement of front wheel is calculated from the heading derivation over time and ground speed (something like a radius of turn is calculated) So the front wheel really is NOT steerable like in reality. It just drags behind. The only choice for me was if I should use dif. brakes or not. For most people IMHO it's better without dif. brakes. And if you want to use it, you can just enable it like you mentioned, without editing the front wheel coontact point.

P.S. Falcon409, you can't really drop the effects from cfg files, those are hard wired effects made with the model. The reason? In Fs9, I didn't find a way to have multiple different effects custom triggered by xml.
Paintkit is already available for download

Got it!
But although it's in PSD format, I only got one layer! I use PSPX, which normally is able to handle multi-layered PSD files. Could it be possible that you've merged the layers before uploading?
Thanks so much for this amazing piece of work, Vitek. It runs smooth as silk on my computer with no CTDs. Aside from the issues already noted by others, I haven't come across any bugs. Great job!

) My graphics card doesn't like 32-bit textures...and the reflections in the vc canopy are intrusive

Motormouse, I have the same issue with reflections. If you look in each individual texture folder, you'll see a texture labelled 'canopy'. If you simply delete this texture, it seems to take care of the reflections, with no other ill effects. It does leave a bit of that open-air feeling, though.
Little bug, with the com1 and com2 selector, you can not select 119.22(5) you get 119.23 same for 119.27(5) you get 119.28

119.225 must be 119.22
119.275 must be 119.27

Valid steps in Flightsim are 0.00 - 0.02 - 0.05 - 0.07 - 0.10 (important when flying on online networks like VATSIM)


Wow....amazing, stunning and almost perfect :D :D

A few quick test flights went well and no major issues cropped up. I did have a bit of trouble with the rear canopy as well but that has already been explained and we did have similar issues with the L-1649A ... and of course only on some systems.

The only real quirk I have found aside from the smallish bugs already listed is that when rudder trim is used the trim tab moves vertically up and down instead of pivoting left and right. So a small Gmax animation issue I think.

Excellent work mate...

This makes you my new best friend... :d :d :ernae: I was so totally hoping to see this aircraft come out; I was horribly disappointed after LOTUS made theirs FSX dedicated, but I shall have my L-39 again... :ernae: I'm gonna be flyin' this soon tonight!

About CTD (my solution)

No more CTD or black screen IF







//.gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0

gauge01=L39set!gpsknob, 0,400,100