L-39C beta - suggestions and bug reports

Very nice work!!!
If only yago9 was still there to repaint this beauty as he did with the lotus model...
. . . . . .I have an older machine that has this problem, and I have been playing with the texturing a bit. You can use a utility such as Martin Wright's DXTBMP and change the 32-bit textures to DXT3, and just leave the Alpha Channel alone... that really sharpens the visual model up nicely. . . . .

Actually, and I may be wrong here, but I don't think so, the reason it sharpens up after saving it is because the "mips" aren't carried over in the process (unless you checked the "save mips" check box to the right before saving). It's the mips that give the model the fuzzy appearance, not the 32bit. . .actually, 32bit is what most repainters use to hold clarity, as DXT3 tends to be a bit more "jaggy" in appearance.

So simply saving the textures as 32bit without "mips" is all it would take to clear up the external model.:salute:
I had the same prob but i fixed it if you want i can send you the fixed masters ib the usual way.

Got it. That did it!
Thanks a lot, mate! :salute:

Just out of interest:
Were the original PSD files done in the most recent Photoshop version my PSPX wasn't able to read properly?
I sometimes receive an error message when opening a PSD file, saying something about "unsupported featues", but up to now, everything, especially layers, worked fine in PSP...

Now heading for the GAF 28+52 paint... :jump:

Please Zsoltquack, do not hesitate one second to start a serie
of repaints for this FS9 L-39C !

There is 38 different Air Forces equipped with the L-39C to cover
plus the private ones.

I know for a fact your end product repaints will be fine.

Thanks in advance.
How did I forget Zsoltquack beautiful repaints!!! :redf:
I'm pretty sure he is already working on it...
On a previous memo I was mentionning 38 different Air Forces equipped with the L-39C.
Sorry it is in fact 39 countries !

Here is a photo of L-39's of the 39th country : Equatorial Guinea !

Ex Ukraine Air Force L-39's flown along some Su-25 Frogfoots by Urkainian
Mercenairies for Equatorial Guinea.


Another repaint project !
My Friends,

If you will be available for repaint package
I paint it with great joy!



Maybe we should keep this thread clean for "suggestions and bugs" and start a seperate thread on repaints (requests and WIP reports)?
What do you think?
Actually, and I may be wrong here, but I don't think so, the reason it sharpens up after saving it is because the "mips" aren't carried over in the process (unless you checked the "save mips" check box to the right before saving). It's the mips that give the model the fuzzy appearance, not the 32bit. . .actually, 32bit is what most repainters use to hold clarity, as DXT3 tends to be a bit more "jaggy" in appearance.

So simply saving the textures as 32bit without "mips" is all it would take to clear up the external model.:salute:

Oh yeah.... I forgot to mention that... The DXT3 conversion worked really well for my older machine tho, so I'm going to leave it for now. I did save the texture change without the "mips".
Funny I have a different model that uses "mips" and when I try to convert the textures it will not let me remove the mip mapping. I'm going to have to work on that one.

I must have over 7 hours flight time with the L-39C so far, and I just love it.

I, too, converted the textures to DXT3. I did this for the exterior and interior textures over 1024 in size. I didn't have a problem with the fuzzies, but some did take awhile to load on my old video card. Now all views load quickly.

The only significant tweak I made to the aircraft.cfg is the eyepoint. This is what works best for me: eyepoint = 9.25, 0, 1.3

I also made some changes to the panel setup. I added the DSD skip 2D gauge so when I change views it takes me right to the VC, and I resized and repositioned both the Radio and GPS.

The only siginficant issue I've encountered has been with the navigation and autopilot gauges. There is a heading bug on the ADI you can set, but when the autopilot is engaged it doesn't slave to the designated heading. Also, I noticed that you cannot set Nav1 and Standby frequencies differently - they're both slaved to each other.

As I menoted in a previous post there is no means for setting the CRS if you want to use Nav mode, and someone else mentioned the inability to switch to GPS mode for the autopilot. For compaison I've gone back and checked the L-159A & B models, and the autopilots work as expected, and I found nothing skewed with the aircraft.cfg autopilot settings, so I'm baffled as to why this would not function as expected.

The only other observation I can share is that something is a little off with a cold start. When performing a cold start with Ctrl-E to start the engine, it seems like the start cycles about 3 times before the engine fires. I'm still experimenting to see what else is needed to get it to fire up on the first try.

Overall, I'm having fun. It's very immersive and a joy to fly. I'm really looking forward to the final release and a ton of repaints. Thanks for the great aircraft, Vit.

Thank you very much for this, kyrypust, as this little bird is a whole ton o' fun! I spent a very enjoyable hour yesterday afternoon chasing field mice and climbing hanging valleys in the Swiss Alps. I'd love to do this one up in a paint scheme that I applied to a 1/72nd scale L-39 model some years back which was in ersatz Soviet markings on an overall dark green/sea gray scheme with irregular splinters of white for a winter camo effect. Only problem is I don't have access to photoshop and Windows 7 appears not to come with MSPaint.

I really like those paints, the plane has a great potential for repainting:jump:.
I'll get back to some of the comments you posted later, it's a bit overwhelming I tell ya.
What I find amusing, is that you are trying to get the autopilot working, warhorse, since it's not installed - equiped. I perfectly know it's because of missing manual, but that is the reason it doesn't work. Albatros is really not meant to fly on autopilot! And the GPS is there only for reference purposes, like on many real albatroses. It is not connected to the other avionics. It's the stock GPS, so it looks like it can actually be used for navigation, but it shouldn't be.
About the textures- is there a format most of the simmers prefer on their setups? DXT3 seems to be the one, but I think it is too compressed. What do you guys think?

It was a good idea to move the repaints to another thread by the way:)
one note to the paintkit- it's made using the older photoshop CS2, there is a good reason why the fuselage is 2048x2048. So keep your repaints in this size too, for later use with FsX.

What I find amusing, is that you are trying to get the autopilot working, warhorse, since it's not installed - equiped. I perfectly know it's because of missing manual, but that is the reason it doesn't work. Albatros is really not meant to fly on autopilot!
Now you tell me, LOL. I just assumed it would work since there is a full [autopilot] section in the aircraft.cfg and its the same as in the L-159s which does have a functioning autopilot. No prob.

However, do you plan to have it working. There are a lot of privately owned L-39s and I would assume that they are equiped, or could be equipmend with an autopilot. Just wondering.

