I must have over 7 hours flight time with the L-39C so far, and I just love it.
I, too, converted the textures to DXT3. I did this for the exterior and interior textures over 1024 in size. I didn't have a problem with the fuzzies, but some did take awhile to load on my old video card. Now all views load quickly.
The only significant tweak I made to the aircraft.cfg is the eyepoint. This is what works best for me: eyepoint = 9.25, 0, 1.3
I also made some changes to the panel setup. I added the DSD skip 2D gauge so when I change views it takes me right to the VC, and I resized and repositioned both the Radio and GPS.
The only siginficant issue I've encountered has been with the navigation and autopilot gauges. There is a heading bug on the ADI you can set, but when the autopilot is engaged it doesn't slave to the designated heading. Also, I noticed that you cannot set Nav1 and Standby frequencies differently - they're both slaved to each other.
As I menoted in a previous post there is no means for setting the CRS if you want to use Nav mode, and someone else mentioned the inability to switch to GPS mode for the autopilot. For compaison I've gone back and checked the L-159A & B models, and the autopilots work as expected, and I found nothing skewed with the aircraft.cfg autopilot settings, so I'm baffled as to why this would not function as expected.
The only other observation I can share is that something is a little off with a cold start. When performing a cold start with Ctrl-E to start the engine, it seems like the start cycles about 3 times before the engine fires. I'm still experimenting to see what else is needed to get it to fire up on the first try.
Overall, I'm having fun. It's very immersive and a joy to fly. I'm really looking forward to the final release and a ton of repaints. Thanks for the great aircraft, Vit.