On your website?? Pls. share.I have new info, the new model?
On your website?? Pls. share.
You stated in your prevous post that you have a new information on a model, but maybe I misunderstood your comment. I was curious to see if there was anything new with regards to the L-39C. I viewed your website and did not see anything new from you.I'm sorry, but I do not understand your question!
Sorry for my bad english writing!
Could you please post a link? Can't seem to find it through google! Thanks!Bump, at Czech flightsim there's new models for L-39ZA, though seems they still suffer from same beta problems as earlier L-39C model
http://www.flightsim.cz/fsitem.php?act=exe&id=707&menu=&tab=1Could you please post a link? Can't seem to find it through google! Thanks!
Does anybody know how to turn off lady copilot, i tried all key combinations to no avail?
Thanks! I found same solution on first page of thread after i posted my question, lol, apparently im a writer and not a reader. Another quoestion is does anybody by accident have repainted lady pilot in more militaristic dresses so she should fit more in this new version?It's just to the right of the flight stick, not the bottom switch, the one above it. Mouse over the switches there and if you have tool tips turned on, it'll say "Hide Second Pilot"... or something like that.
This is a nice addition to the L-39 Series, and repaints that were made for the "C" variant seem to fit the "ZA" model just fine. There are some excellent repaints for the L-39 Aerostar over at avsim.ru, There is a Russian version that has a darker panel texture that I like. Makes those gauges look very "3D".
The paints that come with the ZA variant are excellent representations of the active Czech Training Squadrons that fly this plane as well.