L-39C beta - suggestions and bug reports

Saw this, haven't tried it yet...

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Modern Military
FS2004 L-29 And L-39 Config Update
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Name: l-29_l-39_cu.zip Size: 1,009,429 Date: 11-10-2010
FS2004 L-29 And L-39 Config Update. Configuration update for Tim Conrad's L29 Delfin (L-29_DFN.ZIP) and for the L39 Albatros by Vit Storch / DoughBree Design (beta version). By Michal Lubiscak.
I just ran those config updates and I don't know about anyone else but I like'em!
I feel it really improves the performance of the 39.The 29 update isn't bad either.

Oh I may be "late to the party" :isadizzy: on this but I just discovered the really cool wings stall effect on the 39.I switched to chase view while doing a hammerhead stall and cool!(I usually don't go to chase view in flight.)Same when approaching stall on final.

I just ran those config updates and I don't know about anyone else but I like'em!
I feel it really improves the performance of the 39.The 29 update isn't bad either.

Oh I may be "late to the party" :isadizzy: on this but I just discovered the really cool wings stall effect on the 39.I switched to chase view while doing a hammerhead stall and cool!(I usually don't go to chase view in flight.)Same when approaching stall on final.


I'm not that keen on the L-29 update...
I needed to apply full power on the landing approach with flaps at 15 degrees, gear down, no airbrakes, and the speed still dropped to 75 knts. There was no way of holding her stable.
Result was a stall on final! The landing gear appears to produce far to much drag.
I have reverted back to the original cfg.
I just ran those config updates and I don't know about anyone else but I like'em!
I feel it really improves the performance of the 39.The 29 update isn't bad either.

It improves the performance but not the realism! The L-39 is not a fast aircraft!

Figures named in the description are not from the L-39, maybe got confused with a F-16... :kilroy:

Quote: "Max. level speed: 936 km\/hr (505 KTAS)" -> L-39 tops max a 405 kts
Quote: "Max. rate of climb: \t62.1 m\/s (12,210 ft\/min)" -> L-39 tops max a 4500 fpm

Also advise to read the manuals mentioned above :ernae:

I see the author has dozens of config update files on flightsim (I stopped counting after 50).
I did wonder how one person could have such an intimate knowledge of so many aircraft...
There was another author who also flooded the market with "improvements" at one time, and sadly the few I tried were not.
Perhaps someone should mention this to them?

Thanks for the comments, I have binned the file.
Sad Sad Sad condition of FS community!

About six weeks and only four donations have been made for this fine aircraft that so many of us have downloaded and fly - just very sad! Take care.

Thanks Ed. Your 2nd!!! donation has made me check this thread. I don't consider any number of donations to be low, though. It's a freeware airplane still in beta stage and I am glad for everyone who flies it, be it a donor or not.
The plane has most bugs fixed, working on military pilots now.

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Thanks Ed. Your 2nd!!! donation has made me check this thread. I don't consider any number of donations to be low, though. It's a freeware airplane still in beta stage and I am glad for everyone who flies it, be it a donor or not.
The plane has most bugs fixed, working on military pilots now.

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I can see?
Wheel chocks, covers etc.?
I love these accessories!
This new package will be?


This new package will be called final version, zsoltquack. :jump:
I won't give any dates for it yet.
Thanks Ed. Your 2nd!!! donation has made me check this thread. I don't consider any number of donations to be low, though. It's a freeware airplane still in beta stage and I am glad for everyone who flies it, be it a donor or not.
The plane has most bugs fixed, working on military pilots now.

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Hello Kyrypust

Any news on the progression of your works on the final version of your L-39 ?
Is your works on military pilots will cover different types of flight helmets ?

Thanks in advance for the info !