L-39C beta - suggestions and bug reports


Also was missing some elevator input, have modified the following in the aircraft.cfg:

cruise_lift_scalar =1.000
parasite_drag_scalar =1.000
induced_drag_scalar =1.000
elevator_effectiveness =1.7500
aileron_effectiveness =1.000
rudder_effectiveness =1.000
pitch_stability =1.000
roll_stability =1.000
yaw_stability =1.000
elevator_trim_effectiveness =1.000
aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000
rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000

Work for me :salute:

That works for me too! Much more enjoyable now. Thanks


At the moment i've "problems" with the canopy texture when in the VC, seems to interfere with custom made approach-lights in some sceneries, like NL2000.

A solutions would be to have separate textures for the canopy:
- 1 for the exterior-model
- 1 for the VC

Solution at the moment is to remove the canopy.bmp texture completly, works in the VC, but the glass effect on the exterior look on the canopy is gone...

Hope i make some sense :)

Again let me say that I'm enjoying the L-39 enormously; there's no other plane in FS9 that I've found that makes carving through the Swiss Alps, the Rockies, or Southern Alps as much fun. This, Bill Ortis' B-797 BWB, and the Section 8 F-86 are hands down my favourite sim jets.

I do seem to be having some radio trouble, though, and I'm not sure if it's the L-39 or something at my end. When I do a Cntrl+E engine start on most aircraft I can call up ATC with no problem but although pressing the "`~" key brings up the numbers for local traffic or the tower or ATIS I can't contact or hear them, and no options for comm or runway selection come up. Odder still, while on a flight from Picton, Ontario, to Hamilton (CYHM) I heard some callouts from Toronto Approach to another aircraft, but then nothing despite seemingly being unable to activate my radio stack manually (although looking down at it it did appear to be on).


PS. I also experienced an unwarranted ejection after landing normally at Hamilton and then turning off the runway onto a taxiway. I had opened both canopies prior to turn-off and still had the speedbrakes deployed. Don't know if that's a factor.
I do seem to be having some radio trouble, though, and I'm not sure if it's the L-39 or something at my end. When I do a Cntrl+E engine start on most aircraft I can call up ATC with no problem but although pressing the "`~" key brings up the numbers for local traffic or the tower or ATIS I can't contact or hear them, and no options for comm or runway selection come up. Odder still, while on a flight from Picton, Ontario, to Hamilton (CYHM) I heard some callouts from Toronto Approach to another aircraft, but then nothing despite seemingly being unable to activate my radio stack manually (although looking down at it it did appear to be on).
The radio needs to be turned on. The switch is located towards the bottom of the left panel when in the VC.

Model request

This is for sometime in the future but would you be interested in developing an L-39OZ model -the armed combat version?
Back on topic...

I finally got around to taking an extended flight and make some more observations. These items were mentioned previously, but I thought I would still report them. :bump:

My flight was over an hour with autopilot (which I've added to the beta). Distance was 364 miles. Altitude was 20,000 feet. The flight was at dusk, real weather. The plane continues to be a joy to fly.

The cabin pressure light came on at about 15,000 feet. I would think that there might be a correlation with the oxygen pressure gauge or the pressurization lever, but nothing I did could turn off the warning light. :salute:

The frost (icing) warning light was on as well. Although I turned on the pilot tube heat, the light remained on while at altitude.

As dusk approached the gauges were getting harder to read due to the lighting. The Nav and cabin lights were on, but not the gauge backlighting. Apparently the gauge lighting is slaved to the landing lights where were off during the flight.

The only other item was that pesky drop tank light. I turned off the warning. I'm still not sure of its purpose. :wavey:

I'm looking forward to the final release. Sure would like to see more functionality in those switches.


After so many days of flying this jet, I have no complaints - have figured out so much and I love it. Cheers Vitek! Mike :ernae::czechrepublic:
One more item.

There is definitely a transparency issue with the textures when flying at night. That at least the case for my older video card.

The solution is to use masking (?) texture files for the wing_t.bmp and fuse_t.bmp. I found some at the same resolution (1024), copied them over, and renamed them to wing_L.bmp and fuse_L.bmp and they work fine for the moment. :wavey:

realy pleasant and nice little jet..! nice work !! Maybe, as seen in this thread, some details to fix,
but I discover this aircraft right today... I like it...

because the front gear sinks a little into the ground when braking, I modified the contact_points:

point.0=1, 2.213, 0.00, -5.44, 1574, 0.00, 0.748, 25.00, 0.15, 2.90, 0.63, 7.00, 8.00, 0.0, 250, 280
point.1=1, -1.160, -4.01, -5.80, 1574, 1.00, 1.053, 0.00, 0.40, 2.00, 0.50, 8.00, 9.00, 2.0, 250, 280
point.2=1, -1.160, 4.01, -5.80, 1574, 2.00, 1.053, 0.00, 0.40, 2.00, 0.50, 8.20, 9.10, 3.0, 250, 280
point.3=2, 0.000, -14.75, -2.00, 1574, 0.00, 0.000, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.4=2, 0.000, 14.75, -2.00, 1574, 0.00, 0.000, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 6.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.5=2, -13.167, 0.00, -1.70, 1574, 0.00, 0.000, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 9.0, 0.0, 0.0
point.6=2, 16.417, 0.00, -3.00, 1574, 0.00, 0.000, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0

and toe_brakes_scale = 0.75 //Brake scalar

First test...

Thanks to the team for this very nice project !!


About CTD (my solution)

No more CTD or black screen IF







//.gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0
gauge01=L39set!gpsknob, 0,400,100

Many thank's !!
Just noticed another minor bug. The Master Caution light on the VC panel is not displayed until there is a warning.

If you are in the aircraft with all systems off (turn off all switches on the lower, right panel), then switch the master battery switch on and off. The Master Caution light appears and disappears in the right side of the panel. One should see where it is when the power is off.

The shockwave lights work well, which is a pretty straight-forward thing. The vapor, on the other hand, has me all screwed up. It seems as though the wingtip vapor works, but if you are flying with the smoke off, the smoke will activate as well while you are pulling 'G's . I would prefer to have the vapor be 'G' activated, independant of the lights and/or the smokesystem. I have tried a few different configurations, all with the same resulting vapor/smoke combo. Can't seem to get them to work individually.
Just noticed another minor bug. The Master Caution light on the VC panel is not displayed until there is a warning.

If you are in the aircraft with all systems off (turn off all switches on the lower, right panel), then switch the master battery switch on and off. The Master Caution light appears and disappears in the right side of the panel. One should see where it is when the power is off.

Thought I would amend my earlier comment.

When the master battery switch is turned off, the master warning light disappears from the panel.

The Doughbree Design website seems to be offline - neither IE nor Firefox will open the page so I can download the model. The paint kit shortcuts don't work either. I know it's a Beta model, but are there any other websites from which it can be downloaded ?
thanks in advance,