Wild Bill Kelso
Charter Member 2011
Seems like the stock B737 AP to me...
Sent you a PM Matt. . .by the way, is the Reserve A-10 Unit still at Willow Grove?:salute:If you don't mind me asking, which AP is that? And do you have a panel .cfg entry you could share?
Sent you a PM Matt. . .by the way, is the Reserve A-10 Unit still at Willow Grove?:salute:
You have a PM!:salute:Hello,
I am also interested in the AP
Thank you!
ahh, too bad. They were deployed to Al Jaber AB in 2001 the same time we were there with our 16's. Great bunch of folks.Falcon, Unfortunately due to BRAC, the 111FG lost their flying mission, and their A-10's, about 2 months ago. Watching NAS Willow Grove wither away makes me feel ill, as I have grown up around it my whole life.
Make a copy of your panel.cfg, and copy this over the first part of the settings for the Radio Stack:Back on topic, I am really frustrated with the shift-1 radio stack thing. It won't let me re-size it, either. I try but get large black areas behind the resized radio stack. And I can't change/swap freq's either (think I saw this mentioned somewhere). Have not been able to duplicate the lighting CTD, but will keep trying. And I also am quite curious about the elevator response question brought up earlier. I can fly a loop, and do aerobatics, but it just takes a bit more....staying ahead of the plane. :salute:
Falcon, Unfortunately due to BRAC, the 111FG lost their flying mission, and their A-10's, about 2 months ago. Watching NAS Willow Grove wither away makes me feel ill, as I have grown up around it my whole life.
You must slowdown more the plane (use airbrakes if necessary) and flaps will deploy AFAIKBut, I can't seem to deploy flaps when I'm landing. Is anyone facing this issue as well?
Is anybody having any issues with the lack of elevator control? I try flying a loop and can almost never make it to the top with out running out of airspeed (starting out at well over 275knts). I only seem to be able to pull up VERY SLOWLY. Don't think I've been able to pull more than 3 1/2-4g's with her.
Little bug, with the com1 and com2 selector, you can not select 119.22(5) you get 119.23 same for 119.27(5) you get 119.28
119.225 must be 119.22
119.275 must be 119.27
Valid steps in Flightsim are 0.00 - 0.02 - 0.05 - 0.07 - 0.10 (important when flying on online networks like VATSIM)
Nope, skipped this one. Ok so that is [bug#8]. But I didn't follow completely on this one. Isn't it just a problem with rounding? It should be still possible to tune required freq...