L-39C beta - suggestions and bug reports

Is anybody having any issues with the lack of elevator control? I try flying a loop and can almost never make it to the top with out running out of airspeed (starting out at well over 275knts). I only seem to be able to pull up VERY SLOWLY. Don't think I've been able to pull more than 3 1/2-4g's with her.
Falcon, Unfortunately due to BRAC, the 111FG lost their flying mission, and their A-10's, about 2 months ago. Watching NAS Willow Grove wither away makes me feel ill, as I have grown up around it my whole life.
Back on topic, I am really frustrated with the shift-1 radio stack thing. It won't let me re-size it, either. I try but get large black areas behind the resized radio stack. And I can't change/swap freq's either (think I saw this mentioned somewhere). Have not been able to duplicate the lighting CTD, but will keep trying. And I also am quite curious about the elevator response question brought up earlier. I can fly a loop, and do aerobatics, but it just takes a bit more....staying ahead of the plane. :salute:
Falcon, Unfortunately due to BRAC, the 111FG lost their flying mission, and their A-10's, about 2 months ago. Watching NAS Willow Grove wither away makes me feel ill, as I have grown up around it my whole life.
ahh, too bad. They were deployed to Al Jaber AB in 2001 the same time we were there with our 16's. Great bunch of folks.
Back on topic, I am really frustrated with the shift-1 radio stack thing. It won't let me re-size it, either. I try but get large black areas behind the resized radio stack. And I can't change/swap freq's either (think I saw this mentioned somewhere). Have not been able to duplicate the lighting CTD, but will keep trying. And I also am quite curious about the elevator response question brought up earlier. I can fly a loop, and do aerobatics, but it just takes a bit more....staying ahead of the plane. :salute:
Make a copy of your panel.cfg, and copy this over the first part of the settings for the Radio Stack:
window_size= 0.270, 0.520
window_pos= 0.000, 0.480
Can't help you with the frequency swap or any other settings, but this should resize it for you.

Make sure you report back. :jump:

For when I don't feel of a "military mood" so much, a more "civilian" shiny toy to play. :wiggle:

Finished the first complete flight, from Okayama to Saga. So nice, smooth like silk.

But, I can't seem to deploy flaps when I'm landing. Is anyone facing this issue as well?
Falcon, Unfortunately due to BRAC, the 111FG lost their flying mission, and their A-10's, about 2 months ago. Watching NAS Willow Grove wither away makes me feel ill, as I have grown up around it my whole life.


If I understand it disappeared in the unit? :-(
I am a big Warthog fan!


Is there a particular reason it dies after a few seconds of inverted flight?... Maybe this is something I didn't know about with older turbo fan engines, but the engine just cut out after 3-5 seconds of inverted flight. I had to restart using Ctrl+E and eventually crashed the second time this happened.

Never heard of that with any jet aircraft. Maybe I'm unfamiliar with the L-39. :d :ernae:
Is anybody having any issues with the lack of elevator control? I try flying a loop and can almost never make it to the top with out running out of airspeed (starting out at well over 275knts). I only seem to be able to pull up VERY SLOWLY. Don't think I've been able to pull more than 3 1/2-4g's with her.


Also was missing some elevator input, have modified the following in the aircraft.cfg:

cruise_lift_scalar =1.000
parasite_drag_scalar =1.000
induced_drag_scalar =1.000
elevator_effectiveness =1.7500
aileron_effectiveness =1.000
rudder_effectiveness =1.000
pitch_stability =1.000
roll_stability =1.000
yaw_stability =1.000
elevator_trim_effectiveness =1.000
aileron_trim_effectiveness =1.000
rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000

Work for me :salute:
I can't go over all questions now, so I have again just a few notes:
- The elevator response is now [bug#6], I already got some performance data from real plane for fixing it.
- The engine is gravity-fed from a central tank, which is refilled from other tanks via forced circulation (either electric or air driven, can't remember). For inverted flight, there is another small tank on the belly, which can provide for about 20 seconds on full thrust. This is all simulated, you have to fly a couple seconds upright to have the belly tank refilled, the time to empty depends on the thrust etc. It shouldn't take just 3 seconds of negative Gs though. What is your setup Pilatus Turbo (CPU)?
-The flaps are operational only under around 156knots IAS.
- I haven't had the chance to try the black screen issue with landing lights, I'll have a look at it sometimes. I'll just give it [bug#7]
I'll be gone a couple days, but definitely will get to some of your comments later.

Hiya Vitek,

Did you got this one, or is it already on your bug/to-do list? :kilroy:

Little bug, with the com1 and com2 selector, you can not select 119.22(5) you get 119.23 same for 119.27(5) you get 119.28

119.225 must be 119.22
119.275 must be 119.27

Valid steps in Flightsim are 0.00 - 0.02 - 0.05 - 0.07 - 0.10 (important when flying on online networks like VATSIM)


Nope, skipped this one. Ok so that is [bug#8]. But I didn't follow completely on this one. Isn't it just a problem with rounding? It should be still possible to tune required freq...

Nope, skipped this one. Ok so that is [bug#8]. But I didn't follow completely on this one. Isn't it just a problem with rounding? It should be still possible to tune required freq...

Think it's indeed a problem with the rounding within the gauge, which delivers wrong freq's.

You SHOULD be able to tune: 119.22 or 119.27
You CAN NOT at the moment, you get 119.23 or 119.28

.22 and .27 are valid freq's within flightsim, you can check it on a default cessna for example.

Hope i make sense now.
