...Maybe it was in before .. and it was changed later ?
OK here's the bits and pieces from Kendy's aircraft.cfg file.
Copy and paste what you might need - it's not the complete file.
cruise_lift_scalar =1.200
parasite_drag_scalar =1.200
induced_drag_scalar =1.200
elevator_effectiveness =1.500
aileron_effectiveness =5.000
rudder_effectiveness =1.000
pitch_stability =1.000
roll_stability =2.800
yaw_stability =1.000
elevator_trim_effectiveness =1.500
aileron_trim_effectiveness =3.000
rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000
thrust_scalar =1.100
//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit
light.0 =3, 1.80, -15.55, -0.62, fx_navred // (feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical
light.1 =3, 1.80, 15.55, -0.62, fx_navgre
light.2 =2, 1.80, -15.55, -0.62, fx_shockwave_strobe_sm_3_nl
light.3 =2, 1.80, 15.55, -0.62, fx_shockwave_strobe_sm_3_nl
light.4 =1, -4.50, 0.00, 3.00, fx_beacon
light.5 =1, -8.00, 0.00, -1.80, fx_beacon
light.6 =2, 1.60, -15.55, -0.62, fx_recog
light.7 =2, 1.60, 15.55, -0.62, fx_recog
light.8 =3, -19.45, 0.00, 9.95, fx_navwhi
light.9 =4, 11, 1.50, -1.5, fx_vclight
light.10=4, 11, -1.50, -1.5, fx_vclight
touchdown=fx_tchdwn_s, 1
smoke.0 = -20.00, -8.00, 14.50, fx_vapour_f6.fx
smoke.1 = -20.00, -8.00, -14.50, fx_vapour_f6.fx
wing_area= 202.250
wing_span= 31.000
wing_root_chord= 8.530
wing_dihedral= 2.000
wing_incidence= 0.000
wing_twist= 0.000
oswald_efficiency_factor= 0.900
wing_winglets_flag= 0
wing_sweep= 2.000
wing_pos_apex_lon= 1.880
wing_pos_apex_vert= -1.060
htail_area= 54.000
htail_span= 14.400
htail_pos_lon= -14.500
htail_pos_vert= 2.000
htail_incidence= 0.000
htail_sweep= 10.000
vtail_area= 40.100
vtail_span= 7.500
vtail_sweep= 40.000
vtail_pos_lon= -13.500
vtail_pos_vert= 0.000
elevator_area= 15.100
aileron_area= 28.800
rudder_area= 9.580
elevator_up_limit= 30.000
elevator_down_limit= 20.000
aileron_up_limit= 17.000
aileron_down_limit= 17.000
rudder_limit= 30.000
elevator_trim_limit= 25.000
spoiler_limit= 55.000
spoilerons_available =0
fuel_flow_gain= 0.002
inlet_area= 3.600
rated_N2_rpm= 33320.000
static_thrust= 5420.000
afterburner_available= 0
reverser_available= 0.000
[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed= 110.000
full_flaps_stall_speed= 80.000
cruise_speed= 350.000
max_indicated_speed= 500.000
type= 1
span-outboard= 0.500
extending-time= 5.000
system_type= 1
damaging-speed= 230.000
blowout-speed= 260.000
lift_scalar= 0.10
drag_scalar= 0.30
pitch_scalar= 0.100
flaps-position.0= 0.000, 0.000
flaps-position.1= 50.000, 0.000
flaps-position.2= 100.000, 0.000