L-39C beta - suggestions and bug reports

I havejust downloaded VOLUME 2 repaint pack specifically for the shockwave lights update but i can't find them so could some kind person post the lights here please?

Regards Paul Day.
About the ejection while taxiing: It can occur only with open canopy, when there is a "bump" on the taxiway (usually addon sceneries).

I've got some requests for 1024x1024 fuse paintkit. It's not that hard to get it converted to smaller size, but I want painters to use the bigger one, so we have detailed texture for FsX version. I would appreciate if the painters took the paintkit and modified it so most people can open it and use it in 2kx2k size. It's all opensource, remember.

Some people are again complaining about the VC glass reflections being overdone. I made it so it's barely noticeable on my setup. I believe that all the complainers have got addons changing the default reflection map. Then I recommend just reducing alpha, or downloading the remade texture somebody already posted.

When going out of slew mode, the airbrakes deploy because you probably reached overspeed while slewing. I don't think it's anything to worry about, just retract the brakes. Slew is cheating anyways:)

I don't plan to do any major modifications to panel, like creating a plane for 2D gauges, but anyone can make it with gmax source released.

About the warning lights- icing, cabin pressure, drop tanks are rather advisory lights, and should work like in reality. The ice light just tells you about icing conditions, without connection to pitot heat etc.

Gauges lighting is a whole chapter. The solid parts have got texture with light map, connected to landing light switch (only other option fs provides is connection to taxi lights). Needles and other small items that move are on a vc gauge texture. It cannot be lighted without transparent going black. And I cannot make needles out of polygons like in FsX, because of minimum welding distance.

I've got master caution there even when it's not lit. Isn't that an fsx issue?

I haven't tried Kendy's 'improvements', but another fs9 rule AFAIK is that you cannot have several smoke/vapor effects controlled separately.

The website can be down from time to time, it's more a personal data storage than website hosting. It doesn't even belong to me, I borrowed it from my friend :).

Below are buglist and improvements that came to my attention. If you know about anything important and not listed, let me know.


1) NAV1 is missing second decimal digit
2) Automatic COM freq. tuning doesn't work
3) Wrong size of 2D panels i.e. the radio stack
4) Lighting control is too simple and tied to only two controls
5) The artificial horizon plane in the attitude indicator turns the oposite direction
6) Elevator control is too insensitive
7) Dark screen after engaging lights and switching views
8) Dawn/Dusk texture transparency problem with landing lights on
9) eyepoint should be a few centimeters lower
10) Canopy texture from VC interferes with some addon scenery lights
11) Sinking front wheel while braking
12) Lithuanina fictional repaint missing panel lines on wings
13) Ejection while taxiing
14) Rudder trim animation issue
15) Missing ailerons from VC

Suggested improvements
1) Pilots
2) Saphire turbine sound for startup
3) wing pilons
4) covers, chocks etc...
5) Flight manual
I've got master caution there even when it's not lit. Isn't that an fsx issue?
Turn off your master battery switch and see if its still there. And this is in FS9.

Gauges lighting is a whole chapter. The solid parts have got texture with light map, connected to landing light switch (only other option fs provides is connection to taxi lights). Needles and other small items that move are on a vc gauge texture. It cannot be lighted without transparent going black. And I cannot make needles out of polygons like in FsX, because of minimum welding distance.
What about recognition lights? Or beacon light? Ideally I'd like to see them slaved to the cockpit lights so you can fly at night with just nave, beacon, gauge and VC lights and not light up the sky with the landing lights. But that is just me.

thanks for the warning about the site being offline sometimes - have now downloaded the files,
Some people are again complaining about the VC glass reflections being overdone. I made it so it's barely noticeable on my setup. I believe that all the complainers have got addons changing the default reflection map. Then I recommend just reducing alpha, or downloading the remade texture somebody already posted.

Here is a refinement of my earlier canopy reflection adjustment - this one is a little lighter. Works well for me using bananabob's envmap.

View attachment 18763

(Just "save as..." and copy to your texture folders) A.
...Maybe it was in before .. and it was changed later ?
OK here's the bits and pieces from Kendy's aircraft.cfg file.
Copy and paste what you might need - it's not the complete file.

cruise_lift_scalar =1.200
parasite_drag_scalar =1.200
induced_drag_scalar =1.200
elevator_effectiveness =1.500
aileron_effectiveness =5.000
rudder_effectiveness =1.000
pitch_stability =1.000
roll_stability =2.800
yaw_stability =1.000
elevator_trim_effectiveness =1.500
aileron_trim_effectiveness =3.000
rudder_trim_effectiveness =1.000


thrust_scalar =1.100

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit

light.0 =3, 1.80, -15.55, -0.62, fx_navred // (feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical
light.1 =3, 1.80, 15.55, -0.62, fx_navgre
light.2 =2, 1.80, -15.55, -0.62, fx_shockwave_strobe_sm_3_nl
light.3 =2, 1.80, 15.55, -0.62, fx_shockwave_strobe_sm_3_nl
light.4 =1, -4.50, 0.00, 3.00, fx_beacon
light.5 =1, -8.00, 0.00, -1.80, fx_beacon
light.6 =2, 1.60, -15.55, -0.62, fx_recog
light.7 =2, 1.60, 15.55, -0.62, fx_recog
light.8 =3, -19.45, 0.00, 9.95, fx_navwhi
light.9 =4, 11, 1.50, -1.5, fx_vclight
light.10=4, 11, -1.50, -1.5, fx_vclight
touchdown=fx_tchdwn_s, 1
smoke.0 = -20.00, -8.00, 14.50, fx_vapour_f6.fx
smoke.1 = -20.00, -8.00, -14.50, fx_vapour_f6.fx


wing_area= 202.250
wing_span= 31.000
wing_root_chord= 8.530
wing_dihedral= 2.000
wing_incidence= 0.000
wing_twist= 0.000
oswald_efficiency_factor= 0.900
wing_winglets_flag= 0
wing_sweep= 2.000
wing_pos_apex_lon= 1.880
wing_pos_apex_vert= -1.060
htail_area= 54.000
htail_span= 14.400
htail_pos_lon= -14.500
htail_pos_vert= 2.000
htail_incidence= 0.000
htail_sweep= 10.000
vtail_area= 40.100
vtail_span= 7.500
vtail_sweep= 40.000
vtail_pos_lon= -13.500
vtail_pos_vert= 0.000
elevator_area= 15.100
aileron_area= 28.800
rudder_area= 9.580
elevator_up_limit= 30.000
elevator_down_limit= 20.000
aileron_up_limit= 17.000
aileron_down_limit= 17.000
rudder_limit= 30.000
elevator_trim_limit= 25.000
spoiler_limit= 55.000
spoilerons_available =0

fuel_flow_gain= 0.002
inlet_area= 3.600
rated_N2_rpm= 33320.000
static_thrust= 5420.000
afterburner_available= 0
reverser_available= 0.000
[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed= 110.000
full_flaps_stall_speed= 80.000
cruise_speed= 350.000
max_indicated_speed= 500.000
type= 1
span-outboard= 0.500
extending-time= 5.000
system_type= 1
damaging-speed= 230.000
blowout-speed= 260.000
lift_scalar= 0.10
drag_scalar= 0.30
pitch_scalar= 0.100
flaps-position.0= 0.000, 0.000
flaps-position.1= 50.000, 0.000
flaps-position.2= 100.000, 0.000
About the ejection while taxiing: It can occur only with open canopy, when there is a "bump" on the taxiway (usually addon sceneries).

I've got some requests for 1024x1024 fuse paintkit. It's not that hard to get it converted to smaller size, but I want painters to use the bigger one, so we have detailed texture for FsX version. I would appreciate if the painters took the paintkit and modified it so most people can open it and use it in 2kx2k size. It's all opensource, remember.

Some people are again complaining about the VC glass reflections being overdone. I made it so it's barely noticeable on my setup. I believe that all the complainers have got addons changing the default reflection map. Then I recommend just reducing alpha, or downloading the remade texture somebody already posted.

When going out of slew mode, the airbrakes deploy because you probably reached overspeed while slewing. I don't think it's anything to worry about, just retract the brakes. Slew is cheating anyways:)

I don't plan to do any major modifications to panel, like creating a plane for 2D gauges, but anyone can make it with gmax source released.

About the warning lights- icing, cabin pressure, drop tanks are rather advisory lights, and should work like in reality. The ice light just tells you about icing conditions, without connection to pitot heat etc.

Gauges lighting is a whole chapter. The solid parts have got texture with light map, connected to landing light switch (only other option fs provides is connection to taxi lights). Needles and other small items that move are on a vc gauge texture. It cannot be lighted without transparent going black. And I cannot make needles out of polygons like in FsX, because of minimum welding distance.

I've got master caution there even when it's not lit. Isn't that an fsx issue?

I haven't tried Kendy's 'improvements', but another fs9 rule AFAIK is that you cannot have several smoke/vapor effects controlled separately.

The website can be down from time to time, it's more a personal data storage than website hosting. It doesn't even belong to me, I borrowed it from my friend :).

Below are buglist and improvements that came to my attention. If you know about anything important and not listed, let me know.


1) NAV1 is missing second decimal digit
2) Automatic COM freq. tuning doesn't work
3) Wrong size of 2D panels i.e. the radio stack
4) Lighting control is too simple and tied to only two controls
5) The artificial horizon plane in the attitude indicator turns the oposite direction
6) Elevator control is too insensitive
7) Dark screen after engaging lights and switching views
8) Dawn/Dusk texture transparency problem with landing lights on
9) eyepoint should be a few centimeters lower
10) Canopy texture from VC interferes with some addon scenery lights
11) Sinking front wheel while braking
12) Lithuanina fictional repaint missing panel lines on wings
13) Ejection while taxiing
14) Rudder trim animation issue
15) Missing ailerons from VC

Suggested improvements
1) Pilots
2) Saphire turbine sound for startup
3) wing pilons
4) covers, chocks etc...
5) Flight manual

Hey Vit,

one more possibility. This one, I promise :), should be fairly easy to accomplish and implement. If you look in the virtual cockpit, there is a lot of empty space on the right console in between the main switch panel and the lighting/anti ice panel, and the lighting/anti ice panel and the emergency gear/flaps/RAT handles. Why not put gauge spans there? This way, each individual could put their own avionics in the right side console just like all the real private L-39s. Also included in this package could be a version without the 3D GPS, this way, users could implement whatever GPS or radios they want up near the glare shield, such as a GNS530 from RealityXP. As of right now you cant do this because the default GPS500 is actually spanned over a 3d object giving the GPS a 3D look. Finally, the 3D VHF Radio on the LEFT side console could be eliminated in favor of blank space for custom avionics.

I really like this idea, and I think most simmers will as well. Keep in mind, this would all be in a separate version of the aircraft, so that the original with all the 3d objects and blank spaces would be retained.

Lets hear some thoughts :wavey:

After turning off the instrument lights, which are tied in with the Landing Lights for some reason, then switching to external view then back to virtual cockpit, turning the landing/panel lights on sometimes results in a black screen crash.


I think I've found a work around for the VC lighting bug. The panel config for [VCockpit02] calls for a file in the texture folder named "lights_T":







gauge00=L39set!l39warning, 0,0,100
gauge01=L39set!l39vhf, 256,256,100
gauge02=L39set!l39flaps, 256,320,100
gauge03=L39set!l39gear, 341,320,100
gauge04=L39set!l39trim, 462,362,100
gauge05=L39set!l39ils, 440,256,100

However, there is no "lights_T" texture so I copied and renamed "lights_L" to "Lights_T" and after a few short test flights have not encountered any CTD.

FWIW, there is no "gps_T" texture file either as noted in [VCockpit03] only a gps_L file:







//gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0
gauge01=L39set!gpsknob, 0,400,100
Just a follow up... I did some more test flying, switching views and turning on & off lights, etc also copied and added gps_T the texture folder of the repaint I was using and Presto! No more CTD's!
Just a little heads up:
Vit added a donation button to his site linked above.
My contribution is done - please don't forget to show him your appreciation! :salute:

Just a little heads up:
Vit added a donation button to his site linked above.
My contribution is done - please don't forget to show him your appreciation! :salute:


...Agreed, Markus. I will be doing the same this friday once the paycheck rolls in...Vit deserves something for bringing this to us, no matter how much $$$ you can contribute. This plane has made FS flying 'fun' again....and I intend to show my appreciation the same as I would were this a payware aircraft :salute:
Love the handwritten comments...
That particular plane obviously didn't have the DME display, as it has been crossed out!