Lippisch P.13a ramjet

ok, the wings are fixed, also the rocket engine added and a there is a new test paint attempt.


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really glad you like it :)

ok, I think its time to check how it would look at CFS3 sky, first images attached. exported latest gmax version with some kind of specular map feature.


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thanks ;)

btw, Ive found one image ower www which presents the Lippisch P.13a take-off.
I highly doubt the real airplane would really start this way, but ok, I could make it for our birdy (I didnt started with the CFS3 gear solution sofar).

there is also possible to make the P.13a with retractable gear just like it was meant for the DM-1 glider. on the other side, it would be less historic accurate :)
well, it could be called lets say a "P.13a-2" or "P.13a-DM1"

what you think guys?


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Don't know why I'm tripping on refueling...
Wiki sez: "it was proposed to use coal (or paraffin-coated lignite dust) as a fuel... "
so mayhaps it still could be dispensed by some variation of a bowser.
Also Wiki describes a tow to launch scenario (like the X-15?) or
"The aircraft was accelerated to ramjet speeds by rockets attached to the wings..."
...and this would eliminate the need for the "tow to launch" deal.
It would be cool if we got it going to say 2 or 300 knots* and then the ramjet fired with a nice bang :adoration:
The effect could be taken from a naval gun perhaps?
(*ramjet speeds?)

BTW I luv the striped camo :encouragement:
So the p13b would maybe have a couple of me262-esque turbo fans strapped underneath...(?)
I only fear the fuselage would need to get a bit fatter to accommodate the jet fuel and landing gear...

Also please tell me how to get that cool pilot into my UI (?) :jump:
(Do we even have Transylvania in the NEK??)
well as I mentioned, I personally have a very low knowledge about CFS3 sounds and fx effects and all the airplane physics. this would need a help of someone else ;)

the "real" Lippisch P.13a was supposed to take off with a help of rocket engine and when he reached the proper speed, the (ram)jet started to work.
the rocket engine is inbuilded into the airplane body, Ive attached info image :)

the pilot which is sitting in the current Lippisch aircraft is the same figure which is sitting in the released CFS3 Me 163B Komet add-on. its "hardcoded" into the gmax airplane model so it cant be replaced by any pilot from the standard CFS3 game library. however, at the "hangar" game menu scenery screenshots you can notice similar gray clothed figure, which is a texture replace for german pilot Wendler. again, its a part of the CFS3 Me 163B Komet add-on.


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I only fear the fuselage would need to get a bit fatter to accommodate the jet fuel and landing gear...

yes, if I would make the retractable gear for the P.13a, it would be less historic accurate, I suppose ;)
there even seems was a regular P.13b project (differently shaped airplane comparing to the P.13a), again, without standard gear.
it was a same problem for the german engineers just like it was with the Me 163B (and many other projects) - because of the fuel tank and other needed instruments there was no place for retractable gear :)

the images below presents the "static" solution for the P.13a, a pure "what if" idea samples.
the V-1 like ramp would need to be builded like a CFS3 scenery object, I suppose.
the droable train-dolly puls the rail ramp thingy from the Me-163 image would be yet bit more problematic to do... or?


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ok, the dropable dolly first take-off :)


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Looking really good Borek, you got to this stage very quick!

Always been interested is this experimental stuff, don't know who were the more bonkers, the designers, or the pilots, you would need balls of steel to strap yourself into something like this for the fist time? : )

On the other side, imagine if this had actually entered service, what would you be thinking seeing that the first time from your B-17? (LOL can't find the smilie for crapping your pants!)
can't wait to see some shots :)

Ive updated the old skins and also did another new skin a few days back, so I will send it to you too.

what I am curious is if your P.13a shots will look so badly like at my CFS3 game config. I mean the skins, relating to the painted lines - mainly the skewy tail lines. they just looks ugly pixelised, like the skins were very small texture size.

it just doesnt matter if I am putting there a 1024x2048 or 2048x4096 texture, it looks same, ugly, ingame. but outside the game is all ok, eg. at P.13a rendered images.

Ive tried edit the texture size / resolution items at cfs3 xml config, Ive tried to save the texture as DDS DXT1 with / without mip mapping... nothing helped sofar.

I am using for creating all my textures Inkscape (with the final paint export into PNG) and Paint.NET for creating the final game DDS stuff. I am not using any other DDS image conversion tools anymore, because all what Ive used before the Pain.NET had a very bad pixelised results (doe the DDS compress algorythm).

alos, I didnt have such problem with the Komet skins, which are made same way. the only thing what seems to me could be wrong, is my Lippisch P.13a texture uv-mapping is slightly stretched, cca 10%... could that cause the bad visual results at CFS3?
just sharing a few of the first P.13a images, made by wiekniera... BIG THANKS, mate!

note: textures changed from DXT1 to DDS 888-8 32 bit

ok, this time a few own made screenshot attempts presenting rare new tetxure paints...

a "what if" american skin:


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and the latest german skin:


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