can't wait to see some shots
Ive updated the old skins and also did another new skin a few days back, so I will send it to you too.
what I am curious is if your P.13a shots will look so badly like at my CFS3 game config. I mean the skins, relating to the painted lines - mainly the skewy tail lines. they just looks ugly pixelised, like the skins were very small texture size.
it just doesnt matter if I am putting there a 1024x2048 or 2048x4096 texture, it looks same, ugly, ingame. but outside the game is all ok, eg. at P.13a rendered images.
Ive tried edit the texture size / resolution items at cfs3 xml config, Ive tried to save the texture as DDS DXT1 with / without mip mapping... nothing helped sofar.
I am using for creating all my textures Inkscape (with the final paint export into PNG) and Paint.NET for creating the final game DDS stuff. I am not using any other DDS image conversion tools anymore, because all what Ive used before the Pain.NET had a very bad pixelised results (doe the DDS compress algorythm).
alos, I didnt have such problem with the Komet skins, which are made same way. the only thing what seems to me could be wrong, is my Lippisch P.13a texture uv-mapping is slightly stretched, cca 10%... could that cause the bad visual results at CFS3?