Mallard Turboprop Released for FS9 and FSX

This marks a very special achievement. My big thank you to all of the team who worked hard to make this possible!
Outstanding job by all. Texturing inside is phenominal, masterful even. Modeling inside and out is just awesome, as were the engine sounds. . .I would have expected nothing less from the talented team that produced this beauty. Well Done!

Actually placed it P3D_V3.3 and while some things were non-clickable as I expected, Engine controls and most everything on the overhead was clickable. No other problems I saw in that sim.
Thanks to all involved. . .Great Job!:applause:
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Mallard Turboprop Released for FS9 and FSX sound Bip bip bii

Good morning Milton,

at first thank you a lot to you and your crew for this really superb bird.
It is so fine that instead of other developers you do not forget and exclude all those who still fly with the good old FS2004 !
Thank you again.
Now a question: I presume that I do something wrong, when I have started the engines soon later there is a beep beep beep warning sound, also when txiing.
I regulate the needed power with the throttles (in the cockpit the two long levers.
This sound endures till I reach about 85% power. Later on descend and aproach the same phenomene when I have to reduce power. I read the checklist several times but did not found indices to my mistake.
Or is the warning sound normal?

Mallard Turboprop Released for FS9 and FSX warning sound

Hallo Milton, Nigel,

concerning the warning beep beep sound.
I have experianced that this beep beep happens when I stard the starbord engine.
On engine 1 no problems. But engine 2 has this warning beep beep all over the range from 10 to ca 85% power range.
I hope we can find what is going wrong. Oups, also I have no sound hearing for the fuel pumps even the sound file is in the sound folder


Fuel Pump sound - Even though it's included in the sound folder and included in the sound.cfg it seems that FS9 does not support the [FUEL_PUMP] entry according to the FS9 SDK. The sounds are shared between the fs9 & fsx release.

Do you happen to have an external program, module or other that would monitor autofeather status? The reason asking is that between 10 & 85% and 2 engines running is outside the autofeather armed range if autofeather is on. With only 1 engine running autofeather arming/complete system is not available. Does it also happen when you start engine #2 first, then #1? Or only with #2 running? We did not include any sound or programming of such a warning. I do not have any sounds that you're experiencing under the same conditions.

While testing your problems it was found that there is a bug in the FS9 ONLY release regarding the autofeather system (nothing related to your dilemma). Milton is away for a few days but the fix will be sent to him for final testing before a formal release fix.

Hallo Milton, Nigel, concerning the warning beep beep sound. I have experianced that this beep beep happens when I stard the starbord engine. On engine 1 no problems. But engine 2 has this warning beep beep all over the range from 10 to ca 85% power range. I hope we can find what is going wrong. Oups, also I have no sound hearing for the fuel pumps even the sound file is in the sound folder yours papi
Papi: Regarding the Fuel Pump sounds - Roman kindly answered correctly that this is unfortunately not facilitated in fs9. It is included for the benefit of FSX users only. I have no idea as to the "Beep" sounds you mention - the sounds have been extensively tested in both sims without Reports of such an issue. I can only suggest, like Roman, that this is due to some exterior source or parallel program.
Outstanding job by all. Texturing inside is phenominal, masterful even. Modeling inside and out is just awesome, as were the engine sounds. . .I would have expected nothing less from the talented team that produced this beauty. Well Done!

Actually placed it P3D_V3.3 and while some things were non-clickable as I expected, Engine controls and most everything on the overhead was clickable. No other problems I saw in that sim.
Thanks to all involved. . .Great Job!:applause:

Thanks for the very positive feedback, Ed - happy flying. :)
Mallard Turboprop Released for FS9 and FSX Warning Beep on

Good evening Roman and Nigel,

knowing how accurate your work are I presumed a fault from my side.
In any way if I start engine 1 first or even engine 2, as soon as engine 2 starts I have this sound.
I never had this before.
At last I tried out some other sounds, and with the SOH Turbo Tracke sounds > no more problems.
I tried also the autofeather switch, that changed nothing.
I wonder which third programm would bug your fine bird?
Attached is a fast repaint in my house colors

Mallard Turboprop FS9 warning sound BEEP

Hallo friends,

Roman gave me an idea.
I compared several turboprops I have in my collection.
At last Itried the following catch22:
I changed the entry
in the aircraft.cfg
>> in normal flight all is allright now with the original sound file.
Tomorrow I will test what happens with one engine fails in flight and I will feather the corresponding prop.
Mallard Turboprop Released for FS9 and FSX BEEP BEEP

the ennoying sound beeeep beeep is back!
I really do no longer understand what happens. the only sound file that do not cause problems seems to be the one of the SOH Turbo Tracker.
PS, now I will try out what sound my bed will have
Good night

Sorry that you are experiencing issues with this.

It sounds like a construction vehicle in reverse? ... and just as annoying?

The only beeps that come to mind is when the autopilot is turned off, or Marker beacons are passed.

Does the beep happen with AP on or off?

What Comm buttons are selected on the radio?

When the beeping occurs, turn off the AC Buss switch overhead. Does that stop it?

What is your reading for Oil Pressure during beeping?
Are all Annunciator lights off?
Old lady duck on steroids

Milton and everyone who contributed to this a/c - thank you. You have captured the flowing lines of this amphibian to a 'T'. The conversion to turbo-prop enhances looks and performance. Flying a circuit in this work of love provides such satisfaction.

Great shame that Manfred never produced his DC-3 Turbo-prop conversion for FS2004 . . . .

Thanks to all again.

Milton and everyone who contributed to this a/c - thank you. You have captured the flowing lines of this amphibian to a 'T'. The conversion to turbo-prop enhances looks and performance. Flying a circuit in this work of love provides such satisfaction.

Great shame that Manfred never produced his DC-3 Turbo-prop conversion for FS2004 . . . .

Thanks to all again.


Thank you Mal on behalf of the team. Their work was extraordinary throughout this project. We are honored to bring a little more joy to the community in this effort. :wavey:
the ennoying sound beeeep beeep is back!
I really do no longer understand what happens. the only sound file that do not cause problems seems to be the one of the SOH Turbo Tracker.
PS, now I will try out what sound my bed will have
Good night


It sure sounds the way you describe the beep that you are hearing a comm radio (ADF, DME, NAV2, NAV1).

Turn off all the buttons except Comm1 and test again.

Or go to a small airport that does not have Nav aids and test again.

beeep beep beeep

good morning Milton,
of course the sound is still there.
perhaps it might be an indication more > when the engine 2 fires up. the beeps are quiet loud nd in a frequence as the warning sound for
a continious nav aid. with more power the sound gets a bit louder and the frequence gets highwer, than about from 40% percent on the sound frequence is going to be slower and les loud til reaching about 85% power and 74 psi oil pressure the sound is getting slower and nearly unaudible so it disaper when passing 85 % power and the oil pressure reaches 75 psi.
what is interesting too is that the the oil pressure is growing with increasing the power, even on hot engine.
Perhaps on american engines the system works a bit other. But on german engines the pressure is higher at the beginning and when the oil is hot the pressure is falling down a bit (as sme on my old motorbike,LOL) Cold oil is giving a bit more pressure than hot oil stream.
The warning sound seems to be coupled with the oil pressure on our bird.
good morning Milton,
of course the sound is still there.
perhaps it might be an indication more > when the engine 2 fires up. the beeps are quiet loud nd in a frequence as the warning sound for
a continious nav aid. with more power the sound gets a bit louder and the frequence gets highwer, than about from 40% percent on the sound frequence is going to be slower and les loud til reaching about 85% power and 74 psi oil pressure the sound is getting slower and nearly unaudible so it disaper when passing 85 % power and the oil pressure reaches 75 psi.
what is interesting too is that the the oil pressure is growing with increasing the power, even on hot engine.
Perhaps on american engines the system works a bit other. But on german engines the pressure is higher at the beginning and when the oil is hot the pressure is falling down a bit (as sme on my old motorbike,LOL) Cold oil is giving a bit more pressure than hot oil stream.
The warning sound seems to be coupled with the oil pressure on our bird.


The oil pressure is linked simply to RPMs, not engine heat.

Since you are the only person reporting this kind of issue, I am suspecting an issue with the sound folder or a sound that is not liked by your system.

I have uploaded a replacement sound folder for you. Download, unzip and replace your sound folder with this one.