Mallard Turboprop Released for FS9 and FSX

Now to get this on the correct thread...FS9/FSX Mallard J-34 as Nordair CF-UOT turbo, uploaded this afternoon..


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Wooooo-whoooooo! Another beauty out of the "Wellis Paint Shoppe". Thank you Sir! :applause:

Thank you sir,

and here is a "shameless gimmie" :smile-new: just uploaded this morning...this is J-50 before it went to Airfast Indonesia and became PK-OCM.


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Now THAT is a nice paint!! And something about that N-number..... Downloading now!


Excellent brushwork, Will,

Yet another outstanding gem from Milton and Co.!!!!

Thank you again for such a wonderful airplane.. and omg.. that flight deck...... outstanding!!!

As usual..a few little 'tweaks' to personalize the airplane as I just cannot leave well enough alone, and feeling a bit nostalgic after stumbling across a 1989 Bayliner Capri in horrific condition rotting away in a boatyard here.... and thinking back to the joy mine gave me back in 1989 through 1996..... well... I had to tart up the Turbo Mallard in it's decidedly 1980's scheme! LOL. The 'virtual' BVI's will never be the same.

ps.. my 'first aid' kit now includes crackers, Laughing cow cheese, and a Caramilk bar... because.. well.. I don't smoke! :)


My poor big Avia 57 floatplane has a new girl to deal with when it comes to my float flying time! :-(

Thanks again guys and gals!!!!


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Thank you again for such a wonderful airplane.. and omg.. that flight deck...... outstanding!!!

As usual..a few little 'tweaks' to personalize the airplane as I just cannot leave well enough alone, and feeling a bit nostalgic after stumbling across a 1989 Bayliner Capri in horrific condition rotting away in a boatyard here.... and thinking back to the joy mine gave me back in 1989 through 1996..... well... I had to tart up the Turbo Mallard in it's decidedly 1980's scheme! LOL. The 'virtual' BVI's will never be the same.

ps.. my 'first aid' kit now includes crackers, Laughing cow cheese, and a Caramilk bar... because.. well.. I don't smoke! :)


My poor big Avia 57 floatplane has a new girl to deal with when it comes to my float flying time! :-(

Thanks again guys and gals!!!!

Hi David, thanks for sharing your requisite additions and paint scheme; love the tropical scheme. :applause:

With the Avia 57, you have quite the fleet going there for interesting cockpits.

It's great to see that these products are still being enjoyed and appreciated.
Now to get this on the correct thread...FS9/FSX Mallard J-34 as Nordair CF-UOT turbo, uploaded this afternoon..

Having flown up in Canada's north in the mid 70's, I crossed paths with this bird on a few occasions. Nice work!
Hi David, thanks for sharing your requisite additions and paint scheme; love the tropical scheme. :applause:

With the Avia 57, you have quite the fleet going there for interesting cockpits.

It's great to see that these products are still being enjoyed and appreciated.

When I look through my logbook... there is a HUGE percentage of "Milton and Co" aircraft present! Over the past couple of years, it's been all you guys, A-26, the XP-47's, Avia 57, Tigercats... and now TWO Mallards! All of these 'repainted' to my personal taste!

The only others are my 'modified and repainted Lohner Type S from Classic Wings, the Section 8 Sabre I've redone as my friends old 434 sqn airplane, and the old alphasim F-111... the latter two when I feel the need for speed!

My wife loved the interior I did for the 'Capri' Turbo Mallard. ( she actually laughed when she saw it!) The seats and carpet are almost lifted right out of that old Bayliner speedboat of old!

so... my lightly modified panel (you have to REALLY look close to see the tiny changes) and Capri Air's passenger cabin. :)


thanks again Milton!


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Thank you Milton and Team for such a beautiful aicraft ! The virtual cockpit is really amazing.

As I still have an old 4:3 screen, I modified the 2D cockpit bitmap and panel.cfg for 1024x768 resolution. The files are attached just in case somebody else would find them useful. Just backup your files and replace with these ones.

Thanks again and best regards from Geneva,


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Apparently it's no longer possible to include a quite when one tries to "Reply with Quote," at least not with my rig, so this is meant for Raphael regarding his 4x8 2D panel.

Thank you very much!

Like many of us, I also have a 4x8 monitor, and now the Turbo Mallard is completely ready to fly for all of us!

Raphael, thanks for your contributions on the 1024 X 768 (4:3) monitor setups. That is greatly appreciated. :applause:
Apparently it's no longer possible to include a quite when one tries to "Reply with Quote," at least not with my rig, so this is meant for Raphael regarding his 4x8 2D panel.

Thank you very much!

Like many of us, I also have a 4x8 monitor, and now the Turbo Mallard is completely ready to fly for all of us!


I just tried the multi-quote response for Raphael and you and that did not work. However the "Reply with Quote" did. :dizzy:

Mick, it' s nice that some contribute to these other needs. I guess I should try to setup multiple panel configurations to accommodate the most popular ratios but I tend to forget that when there are so many things to focus on just to get a working version released.
About the quote - it also affects a moderator's ability to edit when a non-standard (not US English) character is used in the post. In this case, it Raphaël's name with the Umlaut over the "e" that causes it. It's normally no big deal, but if you do it in the thread's title, you'll never be able to access the thread - you'll get a 404 "Page not found" error instead.
Im probably the last guy to discover Miltons new turbo Mallard. Lots of biz travel etc. :(

its fabulous. a true beauty. I am flying her in P3D 3.4 with latest updates and Miltons version 1.2. I do have one small comment, which might be a bug, but as I am flying this one in P3D, may not be, as it was designed for FSX. I find that when I close the right wing tank fuel off using the upper panel right side switch, I cannot turn it back to the left to open it back up. Left side no problem. Right side, problem. I discovered this when I flew to a water landing in lake tahoe then shut down the bird and saved the scenario so I could come back to it for a cold and dark water take off from Tahoe. I couldnt start the right engine because I couldnt get the fuel turned back on.

Also the simicons in the VC dont work in P3D. Work fine in the 2D.

Probably all works great in FSX. Ive just pretty much retired FSX for P3D these days!
Im probably the last guy to discover Miltons new turbo Mallard. Lots of biz travel etc. :(

its fabulous. a true beauty. I am flying her in P3D 3.4 with latest updates and Miltons version 1.2. I do have one small comment, which might be a bug, but as I am flying this one in P3D, may not be, as it was designed for FSX. I find that when I close the right wing tank fuel off using the upper panel right side switch, I cannot turn it back to the left to open it back up. Left side no problem. Right side, problem. I discovered this when I flew to a water landing in lake tahoe then shut down the bird and saved the scenario so I could come back to it for a cold and dark water take off from Tahoe. I couldnt start the right engine because I couldnt get the fuel turned back on.

Also the simicons in the VC dont work in P3D. Work fine in the 2D.

Probably all works great in FSX. Ive just pretty much retired FSX for P3D these days!

Hi Eric :) Great to see you can get some enjoyment from the turbo Mallard.

Our products are built for FS9, and tweaked the best we can for FSX (and hopefully P3D users through 1.4). We release a separate FSX Only version because of custom changes we must make to get some FSX functions to work (differently than FS9) and to take advantage of some FSX only features. In the end, the modeled animations are still FS9 based and that is why some things do not do well in P3D versions. We do try to use custom xml programming that is compatible with both FS9/FSX sides but that is not always possible, or recognized due to limited available testing interest on the P3D side and the differences within P3D 1.4 and 2.0+.

With the decreasing interest in FS9 and now FSX, the audience for my work is growing ever smaller. As much as I would like to continue development, it is getting very difficult to get projects through the development cycle. The reason is that many of our talented contributors have moved on to FSX and P3D (rightly so) and no longer have time or interest in investing in the older sims and older, more restrictive technologies.

As a result, it is becoming almost impossible to create quality products that FS9 and FSX users require today, understandably. I am hoping that we can get the A-20 Havoc out the door with the quality that users expect. After that, I have no development plans moving forward.
With the decreasing interest in FS9 and now FSX, the audience for my work is growing ever smaller. As much as I would like to continue development, it is getting very difficult to get projects through the development cycle. The reason is that many of our talented contributors have moved on to FSX and P3D (rightly so) and no longer have time or interest in investing in the older sims and older, more restrictive technologies.

As a result, it is becoming almost impossible to create quality products that FS9 and FSX users require today, understandably. I am hoping that we can get the A-20 Havoc out the door with the quality that users expect. After that, I have no development plans moving forward.

Wow, I didn't see THAT one coming! That amounts to the end of an era in FS. I can't even remeber which was the first of my many Milton Shupe addons, there were so many, most of which I have kept in my hangar through all installations. Thank you so much Milton for the hours and hours of pleasure you have gifted me with your talents and dedication!
Packed up his tent and crept out into the night . . . . . .


Just look at the interest and downloads you achieve with 'Dead FS2004'. The range and quality of your labours is beyond question and certainly dominates the last bastion niche of FS2004 users.

I choose to stay with this sim because it gives me what I want out of simulated flying. It took me almost five years before I built a PC that could run FS2004 at a steady 60 fps with everything maxxed out. I suspect a lot of FX and P3D users have kept their FS2004 installs and still enjoy it.

Yes, of course, nothing remains the same and all is changing. But I stick with this sim because it is a classic like my old Land Rover 4x4. And like all classics, FS2004 has proved itself to be amazingly flexible and friendly to skilled developers and modellers like yourself. Its attraction in some ways is its tweak ability for the average user like myself.

You have gone out of your way to assist the upgrade of your aircraft to FSX compatability. You cannot say the same of many well known ex FS2004 developers when they started producing a/c for FSX.

We know that the numbers are against us and you remain one of the very few developers for this sim. The lack of a broad support base for your models must be a great frustration to you, with all those great projects you gestate and then bring forth with unstinting application.

No apolgies for this rant - this is what I feel and as all things end so will their achievments remain and be remembered.

Of course you are not going to leave us suddenly - but you did give us a fright! That last time I felt like this was when my first date ditched me.
