Mallard Turboprop Released for FS9 and FSX

My thoughts as well, so I removed the whole TP folder and re-started. To see if would still show up in the AC selection. Nope! No TP showing now. I then did an exhausting folder be folder check of every aircraft in the sim and found no other TP, so... I mean it's weird!
Could it be a simple but hard to see typo in the texture folder name or the UI section of the Aircraft.cfg file?

Something like a comma instead of a period in the folder name, texture,whatever instead of texture.whatever

or [fltsim,X] instead of [fltsim.x]

or in either the cfg file or the folder name, a 1 instead of an l, or vise versa?

There's gotta be some reason why your sim isn't reading that UI section properly.
One final thought.

Make a copy of a UI section of a paint that shows up correctly. Paste it in at the end of the list in your aircraft.cfg file. Change the [fltsim.#] to the next number in sequence, make sure the model= line calls up the appropriate classic or modern model, edit the title= line, the texture= line, the variation= line and the atc_id= line. Make the edits to all those lines and no others, leaving everything else the same.

This will give you a section that looks like what you have now, but maybe it will have just have a tiny difference that's escaped your inspection.

Might work...
Thanks Mick, but no, no joy. It is the darndest thing I've ever seen!

Strange indeed Stoney.

I just released the upgraded versions to the library so you might go ahead and replace what you have with the new stuff. Maybe it will work better.
I mentioned in a previous post that there's always something in a Shupe Company release that grabs you, and won't let go.
Anyone other than a flightsimmer would arch an eyebrow if you started yammering on about high-poly knobs, I'm sure.
It's bringing me back and back to this model

I'm sure that the latest systems update will come just in time for me to tear myself away from gawping at the thing, and start noticing how it flies!
Well done, and thanks, team.
I mentioned in a previous post that there's always something in a Shupe Company release that grabs you, and won't let go.
Anyone other than a flightsimmer would arch an eyebrow if you started yammering on about high-poly knobs, I'm sure.
It's bringing me back and back to this model

I'm sure that the latest systems update will come just in time for me to tear myself away from gawping at the thing, and start noticing how it flies!
Well done, and thanks, team.

Well, thank you Sir. Being restricted by the FS9 limits, thankfully Nigel did his magic to make things look acceptably smart.

And there's a lot of work in those rocker switches, more than meets the eye, along with gobs of custom xml programming to light the animated ones.
See, if you didn't tell us, we'd never know what to be most impressed with!
"High-poly knobs" just sounded so... professional :)

Question: two of the effects files are older than those I already have.


And, I assume the readme in the "Effects" folder is more of a note to the team?
I mentioned in a previous post that there's always something in a Shupe Company release that grabs you, and won't let go.
Anyone other than a flightsimmer would arch an eyebrow if you started yammering on about high-poly knobs, I'm sure.
It's bringing me back and back to this model

I'm sure that the latest systems update will come just in time for me to tear myself away from gawping at the thing, and start noticing how it flies!
Well done, and thanks, team.

Is that FS9? Amazing progress!
See, if you didn't tell us, we'd never know what to be most impressed with!
"High-poly knobs" just sounded so... professional :)

Question: two of the effects files are older than those I already have.


And, I assume the readme in the "Effects" folder is more of a note to the team?

Intentional? - Yes. Those same effects were also packaged with the radial Shupe & Team Mallard & LDR Mallard. If one doesn't have these versions this will fill the job.

And, I assume the readme in the "Effects" folder is more of a note to the team?
Yes indeed.
Those same effects...
Thanks - SP2112_MALLARD_TRANSOM_DROP.fx was the Oh My! feature when getting to know the radial.
Is that FS9? Amazing progress!
Very much so... Sascha you of all people know what FS9 is capable of! :)
Seriously, this model made me don a TrackIR hat and shoot a video clip from inside... it's a step-change model on every front.
I have uploaded the official Model Folder FIX for the Mallard Turboprop. It applies to the latest v1.2 releases, FSX and FS9.

If you downloaded V.1.2 before now, this FIX applies to you.

I have also updated the original v1.2 release archives to incorporate the fix so if you have downloaded after this post, the FIX is already applied in your download.

The FIX corrects a Model see-thru leak you may notice if you zoom in closely from the front.

See attached.


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Thanks - SP2112_MALLARD_TRANSOM_DROP.fx was the Oh My! feature when getting to know the radial.

Very much so... Sascha you of all people know what FS9 is capable of! :)
Seriously, this model made me don a TrackIR hat and shoot a video clip from inside... it's a step-change model on every front.

I love the depth of field effect in your screnshot. I wonder if that can be done in-sim with sweetFX?
This of course was post-production, to highlight the VC.

I had an install once which faded out beyond 1 km.
It was something of an irritant at the time!
I don't recall which combination of fs.cfg and shader injection it was, perhaps a good subject for another topic?
Uploaded this a.m. Airfast Indonesia turbo Mallard.


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