Mallard Turboprop Released for FS9 and FSX

sound problem

Good morning Milton,

I downloaded the sound from dropbox, installed it, tested it.
Plof, as same as before.
the engine 2 starts and aas soon it runs the sound apears with the same caracteristics as before.
I do not have knowledge about making sounds. But there must be a significant differance between the Turbo Tracker sound and the Turbo Mallard sounds. Because with the tracker there is no problem.

Ps I have uploaded the Air Brittany repaint for the Turbo Mallard
Good morning Milton,

I downloaded the sound from dropbox, installed it, tested it.
Plof, as same as before.
the engine 2 starts and aas soon it runs the sound apears with the same caracteristics as before.
I do not have knowledge about making sounds. But there must be a significant differance between the Turbo Tracker sound and the Turbo Mallard sounds. Because with the tracker there is no problem.

Ps I have uploaded the Air Brittany repaint for the Turbo Mallard


I went through each of the sounds in the sound folder listening carefully and could hear nothing that I thought would sound like the beep you are hearing.

Since this problem seem peculiar to your system, would you go through the folder listening to each sound to see if you can identify which file is causing it. That is the only way we can resolve this issue for you.

Thank you
Mallard Turboprop FS9 warning sound BEEP

Hallo Milton,

I almost did what you suggested me.
There is a sound file in the Mallards sound folder that might be the basic sound for the beep "DashDe.wav".
But curiously I do not see in the sound.cfg this sound used.
I delated it from the sound folder but when starting the engine 2 the sound still remains.
I specially downloaded some other turboprops. There is no one who causes this problem.
Really mysterious.
Hallo Milton,

I almost did what you suggested me.
There is a sound file in the Mallards sound folder that might be the basic sound for the beep "DashDe.wav".
But curiously I do not see in the sound.cfg this sound used.
I delated it from the sound folder but when starting the engine 2 the sound still remains.
I specially downloaded some other turboprops. There is no one who causes this problem.
Really mysterious.


Another test. Would you put the Mallard sound file with the S2Tracker to see if the beep remains. This may resolve whether it is aircraft caused or sound caused.
Mallard Turboprop FS9 warning sound BEEP

Good evening Milton,

I did so you saked me to put the mallards sound file on the Turbo Tracker.
The engine one starts and run up without any problem, engine two runs up and beeep.
I cutted off the engines and began the start sequence with engine two - Beeep.
So on my humble opinion the copperworm must be in the sound file.hummmm!
Nigel seems not to believe it. When I looked on the sounds folder the only sound which may correspond is "DashDe.wav",
but this sound doesn't apear in the sound.cfg. I tried to delay it, verified that this sound is not in the fs\sound folder and Beep.
I made a test flight in which at good altitude I cutted off the engine two and no more beep after the oil pressure of engine two has fallen total down.
As I have created a special test Turboprop Mallard we can make all the tests you want.
On the one hand we can say as it works with the TP Tracker sound, let us stay there.
On the other hand it will be sad not to be able the specific sounds Nigel did for the bird, and it interests me to find out what is bugging.

Good evening Milton,

I did so you saked me to put the mallards sound file on the Turbo Tracker.
The engine one starts and run up without any problem, engine two runs up and beeep.
I cutted off the engines and began the start sequence with engine two - Beeep.
So on my humble opinion the copperworm must be in the sound file.hummmm!
Nigel seems not to believe it. When I looked on the sounds folder the only sound which may correspond is "DashDe.wav",
but this sound doesn't apear in the sound.cfg. I tried to delay it, verified that this sound is not in the fs\sound folder and Beep.
I made a test flight in which at good altitude I cutted off the engine two and no more beep after the oil pressure of engine two has fallen total down.
As I have created a special test Turboprop Mallard we can make all the tests you want.
On the one hand we can say as it works with the TP Tracker sound, let us stay there.
On the other hand it will be sad not to be able the specific sounds Nigel did for the bird, and it interests me to find out what is bugging.



Okay, it seems there may be a sound issue. Now we need to isolate which sound file.
So, can you go through a binary search to isolate which file causes the issue by:
1) Remove half the sounds to a Hold folder. Test
2) If problem disappears, the issue is in the removed sounds, so put those sounds back in and remove the others.
3) Now, remove half of those sounds and test.

Continue to isolate until you are down to 1 file. Of course there is a possibility that a combination of sounds are required to cause the issue.
But, when you are down to one file left, remove it and put all the others back in the folder and test again to be sure the problem is gone.
If so, we have our problem file.
She's a real beauty. The textures on the exterior model are superb and the cockpit is very inviting, almost has that "new airplane smell". Cockpits are very well laid out, pop-up placement is very thoughtful of both 2D and VC views so as not to obscure view out the windshield or obstruct important instruments. Instrument navigation from the VC is a breeze. The sounds are very nicely executed, exquisite craftsmanship from "bow" to "stern" as it were. More importantly, the model flies as close to the real plane as per specs, of any I have ever seen for FS. Some of the best FDE work to date. She's definitely a keeper. Thanks to Milton and his team of engineers for all the time and effort taken to research, model, map, paint, add the sounds and those amazingly clear instrument panels, test and bring the Turbo Mallard as well as the original radial version to completion. I followed this project with Milton from the very beginning, it took a tremendous amount of work. My hat is off to you all.

Truly a beautiful aircraft, just superb!

Only problem I've had is getting add-on textures to show in the aircraft selection menu for some reason. I've added thousands of texture/repaints to other aircraft but have never had this problem.
She's a real beauty. The textures on the exterior model are superb and the cockpit is very inviting, almost has that "new airplane smell". Cockpits are very well laid out, pop-up placement is very thoughtful of both 2D and VC views so as not to obscure view out the windshield or obstruct important instruments. Instrument navigation from the VC is a breeze. The sounds are very nicely executed, exquisite craftsmanship from "bow" to "stern" as it were. More importantly, the model flies as close to the real plane as per specs, of any I have ever seen for FS. Some of the best FDE work to date. She's definitely a keeper. Thanks to Milton and his team of engineers for all the time and effort taken to research, model, map, paint, add the sounds and those amazingly clear instrument panels, test and bring the Turbo Mallard as well as the original radial version to completion. I followed this project with Milton from the very beginning, it took a tremendous amount of work. My hat is off to you all.


Thank you Tom. There was a lot of talent involved in both models. The project took wings when Firekitten did a very nice paint kit for the radial version. It again was enriched by Manecas and his eye for details and talent for doing those awesome interior textures for the Classic and modern versions. That included some very nice window treatment, radial VC work, wheels, and details spread around with subtlety. Manecas also inspired many improvements that would not have been done otherwise.

For the turboprop, Nigel was able to return and contribute heavily to the cockpit textures including some gauge textures, sounds, and exterior paint kit and liveries.

Spokes2112 solved a lot of issues for me and made massive improvements in custom animations, new and modified gauges, and logic.

Through it all, Wellis painted his heart out for both versions, with FS9 and FSX getting their own texture sets. Once Nigel's PK was available for the turboprop, Wellis revisited all his work to enhance the exterior features for both sims.

The beta test team did an great job shaking out the majority of issues and a few enhancements were recommended.

In the end, this team successfully offered up a quality product for FS9 and FSX users. For that, I am most appreciative.

I will put out a maintenance release next week to resolve a few minor issues.
Truly a beautiful aircraft, just superb!

Only problem I've had is getting add-on textures to show in the aircraft selection menu for some reason. I've added thousands of texture/repaints to other aircraft but have never had this problem.

Can you post the Fltsim.x section for me?

Are these textures for FS9/FSX?
Just FYI on the sound issue, we have isolated (michaelvader) Papi's thanks to his problem determination help, and found a few other minor issues with sounds. That will be corrected in a maintenance release next week.
Thanks Milton, they are for FS9. The paints supplied in the D/L are fine. Just the ones I add.

I see no issues with the cfg sections.

Ensure that your texture folders are named properly/spelled properly.

EDIT: Just downloaded and installed the texture in question and they appear fine.

Attached are the fltsim sections I used.


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There will be an FS9 maintenance release next week to correct a few minor issues with sounds, gauges, model, and aircraft.cfg. Nothing serious for FS9 but I want to put the issues to bed.
If you do not consider the Mallard as a main "go to" ride, you could consider the updates optional.

For FSX, its update has more impact, uses DDS/DXT5 common folder setup textures, corrects sounds, gauges, model, and aircraft.cfg and loading issue for P3D v2.x.
No by gosh! I have never had this problem before in any of my aircraft! All the add on skins in the radial version show up just fine. Re-D/Led the MallardTP and the same thing happens. Even stranger: I made a copy of the aircraft cfg and removed all of the original, (0-3) skins and renumbered the remaining add-on skins as 0 - 4. I placed this new cfg into the aircraft folder after moving the original aircraft cfg to a temp/hold folder. When I restarted FS9 and selected the MallardTP, only the ORIGINAL skins would show in the selection window and not the re-numbered ones in the new cfg!? Well and truly stumped. So I put the original cfg back in the aircraft folder and will now live with the fact that I cannot add new skins for some really bazar reason. This does not, in no way, detract from my enjoyment of a superb aircraft!
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No by gosh! I have never had this problem before in any of my aircraft! All the add on skins in the radial version show up just fine. Re-D/Led the MallardTP and the same thing happens. Even stranger: I made a copy of the aircraft cfg and removed all of the original, (0-3) skins and renumbered the remaining add-on skins as 0 - 4. I placed this new cfg into the aircraft folder after moving the original aircraft cfg to a temp/hold folder. When I restarted FS9 and selected the MallardTP, only the ORIGINAL skins would show in the selection window and not the re-numbered ones in the new cfg!? Well and truly stumped. So I put the original cfg back in the aircraft folder and will now live with the fact that I cannot add new skins for some really bazar reason. This does not, in no way, detract from my enjoyment of a superb aircraft!

Stoney, sounds like you have two copies of this aircraft folder in the sim and it is ignoring one of them.