Well apparently you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Thanks to hairyspin's advice I now have MAW V 1.1 up and running perfectly. And thanks to Italflyer I now know what NOT to do in Quick Combat to get it working properly. Which is: "Choose "enemy fighter" first in quick combat. When flying intercept or escort, also choose "bomber" first."
Now I'm able to roam the beautiful Meditteranean skys. And I do mean beautiful. MAW is truly a new game. Simply put it is CFS4, with more and better planes, scenery, effects, vehicles, sun, clouds and skys and much more. For those of you about that don't know the years of very hard and meticulous work that went into maing MAW for CFS3 I'm including the credits.
THE DESERT RATS DESIGN TEAMhttp://www.medairwar.com/
Mediterranean Theater Design
Ed Wilson (U.S.A.)
Rick Rutherford (Canada)
Developers (Alphabetical Order)
Albert Ashton (Canada)
John Benfield (Great Britain)
Model Design, Water Animation
Alessandro Biagi (Italy)
Painting, Game Interface, Website, Voice Packs
Giovanni Cignoni (Italy)
Model Design
Nigel Dickinson (France)
Rafel Dipper (Germany)
Model Design
Luca Festari (Italy)
Model Design
Andrzej Fitt (Poland)
Guy Greenberg (Israel)
Special Effects, Weather
Gerard van der Harst (Netherlands)
Model Design
Peter Harris (Australia)
Will Hunter (Australia)
Mikael Karlsson (Sweden)
Model Design
Corrado La Posta (Italy)
Model Design, Campaigns
Greg Law (Australia)
Model Design
Richard Mason (Australia)
Model Design
Kevin McLean (U.S.A.)
Flight/Damage Models
Craig Murray (Canada)
Model Design
Paul Norris (Great Britain)
Model Design
Tomas Oszlar (Denmark)
Painting, Sun Effects, AI Flyby Sound, Website
Gregory Pierson (U.S.A.)
Flight/Damage Models
Mathias Pommerien (Germany)
Model Design
Bob Ruff (U.S.A.)
Graham Rollinson (New Zealand)
Model Design
Steve Seybolt (U.S.A.)
Model Design
Hugh Shoults (U.S.A.)
Model Design
John Whelan (Great Britain)
Pietro Zazzetta (Italy)
Model Design
Josh Ziebarth (Australia)
Model Design
1% Flight Model Technology
Mark Andrews (South Africa)
Steve Buchanan (U.S.A.)
Engine Sound
Angelo Cardellicchio (Italy)
Reasarcher, Ships
Kerry Clement (New Zealand)
Model Design, Painting
Philippe Gensou (France)
David Payne (Australia)
Model Design
Paul Rebuffat (France)
Model Design
Charles Simpson (Great Britain)
Special Effects
Rob Stevenson (Australia)
Model Design
Antony Sullenger (U.S.A.)
Model Design
Mike Wholaver (U.S.A.)
Model Design
Bill Wilson (U.S.A.)
Flight/Damage Models
File Space, Forum & Web Space Support
Pete Daly

Neil Washbrook
Italian Voice Pack
Matteo Arrotta
Gian Paolo Barzanti
Alessandro Biagi
Angelo Cardellicchio
Luca Festari
Giuseppe Ghinassi
Pierluigi Lodi
Giacomo Mancini
Greek Voice Pack
Alexandros Rados
Panagiotis Delizisis
Thanasis Delizisis
Test Team
Steve Dunn (U.S.A.)
Philippe Gensou (France)
Scott Johnson (U.S.A.)
Art Smith (U.S.A.)
Package Distribution (Torrent Team)
Frank Pepper
Jeff Raven
Russel Sheffield