MAW temporary download location

Ok that link has expired, I still need the file guys so if anyone has got it please load it up to something like so that I can pull it down and put it on my servers
Ok, the file has a problem, I downloaded it now on 3 different machines and there is a CRC/MD5 error in it, can you maybe rezip it to a normal .zip (not zipx) and upload it again lol

Well get there, I am sure :) :)
Many, many thanks to all for making this available.:applause:

Quick Korea Theatre Question:
A perhaps very tangential question, I managed to download the 'CFS3 Korean Theatre' mod ( from a less travelled site as far as I can tell.
It provides cfs3ktcs12.exe (88.5 MB) with an install ReadMe dated 2004, as well as an update to 1.21 (598 kB).

Is this the complete and most recent install package available? Thanks for reply.
Many, many thanks to all for making this available.:applause:

Quick Korea Theatre Question:
A perhaps very tangential question, I managed to download the 'CFS3 Korean Theatre' mod ( from a less travelled site as far as I can tell.
It provides cfs3ktcs12.exe (88.5 MB) with an install ReadMe dated 2004, as well as an update to 1.21 (598 kB).

Is this the complete and most recent install package available? Thanks for reply.

B Bandy RFC, There is another update plus some KS Extras. I'm uploading everything you need to install DPCKTCS on Mediafire when it is loaded I will post the links..


Many thanks for the uploads. I'm just extending my wings into the CFS3 world (I picked up CFS3 just for OFF) of 3rd party mods and wonderful community here, and so far, I'm liking it!!! Though I feel like the proverbial kid in a candy store; I want that, and that, and Oh! Definately that...

However, much of this has been out for many years, and for some it has run its life course and they are disappearing from servers. But I'm sure many folks will be interested for years.

Thanks for making this happen all of you!:salute:
Could You reupload the DPCKTCS files. The mediafile links are dead :( Maybe You can upload it somewhere else?
May I suggest to let this sticky go and post the new download links in a separate sticky?
It's getting way confusing as it is now.:salute:
image "alert/alert_base.bmp[1]" cannot be loaded
error,tried reinstalling but with the same outcome,shame i didn't save my working MAW from the past...i'm stuck here:frown:
I tried both types of installing but neither works,i never got any of the desktop shortcuts either.....
There's defenitly something wrong here,i dunno if it's the download or the installer,i found the missing alert.bmp in my CFS3 folder,and copied it to MAW,it then started up until it found a missing object,looking it up in my CFS3 objects folder i noticed MAW is COMPLETELY missing the objects folder!
So i copied the complete folder to MAW,after which it started up until it gave a game.xml error,something about a wrong config.file......figures:rolleyes: