NEW! FS2004 Pander S.4 Panderjager


SOH Staff
Just spotted this at Flightsim, image is from the download ...

FS2004 Pander S.4 Panderjager

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Name: Size: 15,043,007 Date: 11-18-2009
FS2004 Pander S.4 Panderjager. A three-engined, three-seat, low-wing mail plane. Meant to speed up the mail flights to the Netherlands East Indies, it suffered from persistent breakdowns. In 1934 the airplane crashed in Allabad during the MacRobertson-Air-Race from England to Australia. VC only. By Ralf Kreibich.

Cheers! Mike :wavey:
Took some early black and white shots. Really a nice aircraft, not really nutty over the flight dynamics but I never flew one before so for all I know it is accurate. Of course it may also be the reason it crashed in the Mac Robertson Race
Nice shots Ted,

Although the Panderjager (or Postjager) didn't have a troublefree life, the crash during the Mac Robertson Race had nothing to do with flight behaviour.

Because the left leg of the undercarriage doesn't lock in lowered position during the landing at Allahabad (India) the propellers of the mid and left engine get damaged. The Pander was in third position in the race at that time.

As the aircraft can't be repaired at Allahbad the broken parts are taken to Calcutta by train, repaired and brought back to Allahbad. When the aircraft is repaired the crew decides to continue with the race. As the take off late in the eveing a mobile spotlight is used to provide some light. Due to the start weight the pilot choses a different position to take off than originally planned, the crew from the spot light decide to move the searchlight. However the aircraft is already taking off and collides with the searchlight.

The 2000 litres petrol in the aircraft catches fire, which is the end of the Panderjager.

For those who are able to read Dutch (those who can't might want to look at the pictures):

The flightmodel is borrowed from the A-26. I would highly appreciate it when somebody with the required talents would want to do an attempt to design a dedicated flightmodel......


Did I just die and go to heaven..?? I never thought I would ever see this one in FS!!

The flightmodel is borrowed from the A-26. I would highly appreciate it when somebody with the required talents would want to do an attempt to design a dedicated flightmodel......

dont know about required talents
but i will fool with it
found a little info
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1][/SIZE][/FONT]
do you have anymore?
Let's see:

3 Wright Whirlwind R-975-E2 engines, 420 hp each.
Length 12.5 meters, span 16.6 meters, height 2.9 meters.
Wing area: 46 sq. meters.
Empty weight: 3,441 Kilo's.
MTOW 5,736 kilo's.
Max speed 360 kmh, cruise speed 300 kmh.
Landing speed 120 kmh.
Ceiling 5,400 meters
Range 2,950 kilometers.

BTW Should any modeller feel the need to improve this model (The windscreen could do with some work IMHO) the Gmax source file is included.. :engel016:
it is a great little find
gotta change a few things
contact points and my metrics into US
but the fd's are not that bad in my opinion

I downloaded it and have flown it some today - seems to fly well for me. Enjoy the look and feel of this aircraft - great fun. Thanks a million!!


A fine looking airplane, which seems OK to me when flying, though a bit nose down at moderate throttle, but a bigger problem is that I couldn't start it on a runway as it would just tip up on it's nose and disappear into the tarmac; something to do with the brakes perhaps?
Suggestions appreciated.

This should be a Sticky!

I have done a few enhancements. A new propwash is attached below in 888-8 32-bit format. Enlarge, right-click and save to a temp folder. Then move it to the Pander S4 texture folder and overwrite.

The Pander used Wright Whirlwind engines, so I worked up a sound folder using the Spirit of St. Louis, which used a Whirlwind. If OBIO doesn't pick up on this, I'll contact him about doing a better sound.cfg.

I also rewrote the contact points for the main gear, the rear wheel was okay in my sim.

Now for the sound. Copy the sound folder in the Spirit of St. Louis folder and paste it in the Pander S4 folder and overwrite everything.

Open the sound.cfg and enter this line:


On the contact points, change the -5.8 tp -6.2 for both main gear:

point.0 = 1, -26.00, 0, -0.5, 1200, 0, 1.01, 40, 0.3 , 2.5, 0.9 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
point.1 = 1, 2.2, -8.92, -6.2, 1600, 1, 1.98, 0, 0.4 , 2.5, 0.85, 8, 10, 2, 200, 300
point.2 = 1, 2.2, 8.92, -6.2, 1600, 2, 1.98, 0, 0.4 , 2.5, 0.85, 8, 10, 3, 200, 300

While you are in the aircraft.cfg, add this line at the top in the aircraft description.:

title=Pander S.4 Panderjager
atc_id= PH-OST
ui_manufacturer=Pander & Zoonen
ui_variation=Dutch Syndicate
description=A-26C - Two Pratt\/Whitney R-2800-27 air-cooled radials


A short take-off video so you can hear the new sound and see the new contact points and propwash.


Thank' Cazzie :ernae:
I'm always astonished .. some can release a plane with such trivial bug.
Do they have FS2004 finally ? .. as it seem's they don't test their creation .. :)
I'm always astonished .. some can release a plane with such trivial bug.
Do they have FS2004 finally ? .. as it seem's they don't test their creation .. :)

Well, Ralf Kreibich is folding up his FS9 a/c building so he's releasing what he can as-is. Obviously, the last few works were not released because he wasn't finished... that he's doing so now is a pure gift to the community, knowing that someone will probably find time to do the finishing work.

A LOT better than having them sit on a drive, and being formatted into oblivion

Thank' Cazzie :ernae:
I'm always astonished .. some can release a plane with such trivial bug.
Do they have FS2004 finally ? .. as it seem's they don't test their creation .. :)

Wrong way to look at it.

Some people can create really nice models (this is one of them) but they have no knowledge of how to create air files so they Punt or take the easy way out. Who are we who don't do the modeling to say any thing is bad.

The best part is doing it this way guarantees that some one in the community will pick up the loose ends of their own free will and provide the improvements.

Henry, Cazzie and Ferry_VO for instance.

Don't look at the imperfections look to provide the solutions.

Its a lot more enjoyable.

Wrong way to look at it.

And wrong way of communication from the authors.
Small word of explainations in the readme can easy clear the prob .. and so .. no post like mine about the "trivial bugs" :)
I can understand (and you certainly) .. it's a deceipt for newbies when they try to fly such plane .. as their flight begin and end by a crash :)
Nobody is mandatory to know (before download a creation) the history or the qualifications of the author ...
It's a pity .. some good creations ending in the garbagge bin ......