NEW Package For Stock CFS3

Found it to be a problem with my ATI Radeon drivers. Will wait till i get a new(or used) gaming rig and then run AnKor's shaders. Will then be able to run WOFF and WOTR. Hopefully in about 5 or 6 months.Can't wait. I miss WOFF!!
Hi to all, just two questions as i'm hving same issues as sixtrings5859, this update should be installed on cfs3 upgraded to 3.1, as i own the spanish version, do you think that the package is in fact possible to install on y spanish cfs3? I obtain ctd all the time.

And, d you knw why my pilot (in main menu) is not there anymore? This second issue is crazy, i cannot start any campaign.

And sorry, i forgot one. Excuse me in advance if i'm making a stupid question, is mouse look active in this package?

Thanks a lot!
Brilliant idea for the install David, thanks very much: will try; getting it now :)

Let us know how you get on. I gave it an "old school" look with regards to scenery - otherwise using say johno's v3 scenery or similar it would have ended up looking like ETO does. With new monitors and graphics cards, some of the old stuff comes up quite nice.
Trying a reinstall of CFS3, how does this effect NEK if you are using it. Should I add it in before or after I install this new package.
I have not tried this. I would probably add in NEK after installing the upgrade package. There may be one or two files which are common to both and you would need to decide which to keep or modify to incorporate both sets of features. These would be country.xml, pilotattributes.xml and pilotconstants.xml probably. I make a few edits to improve AI pilot ability. You could compare files using Winmerge or another file comparison software and quickly see the changes my files make compared to the equivalent NEK file.

NEK adds a whole lot of countries, medals, uires, pilot characters, unlimitedpilots.xml etc which on the whole are different from the things offered in the upgrade package. I suspect the different pilot nationality voicepacks and things might already be there but no harm in overwriting with the NEK sound files. Keep us posted as to how you get on.
Upgrade Package Superseded by Version 2

The link to the download is now defunct. 486 people downloaded, I hope they got some enjoyment from the upgrades. Not one person provided feedback about gameplay, so I wouldn't know!!!

<Admin, please delete this thread as the link is not operational.> Version 2 replaces this package
Spanish 3.1 version

Hi, Is it possible to apply your patch on Spanish version, 3.1? I0d like to truy it and post my results. Thanks.
It was the easiest way to determine if I wanted to install Ankor's shaders in my other CFS3 installs. It did work "as advertised" and I ended up going to the shaders in all my installs
Hi, Is it possible to apply your patch on Spanish version, 3.1? I0d like to truy it and post my results. Thanks.

Hi D'Ace, I don't know the answer. To me, if you have a stock install patched to v3.1a, then this package should go on top with no problems I can think of.

Let us know how you get on! I suggest you run this package on a separate install if you have a modified install (eg with NEK on it.). It is easy to do as multicfs3.exe is included in the package.
Hi Daiwilletti,

I'm going to do so, First, I need to learn a bit how to use multicfs3.exe. I'm running cfs3 in a Windows 10 laptop and it goes now, I found some problems som years ago in another machine and couldn't play it. Don't want to mess files this time, need to know how to "share" the roaming/microsoft/Combat Flight Simulator 3 folder.

I will let you know, thanks!
Hi Daiwilletti,

I'm going to do so, First, I need to learn a bit how to use multicfs3.exe. I'm running cfs3 in a Windows 10 laptop and it goes now, I found some problems som years ago in another machine and couldn't play it. Don't want to mess files this time, need to know how to "share" the roaming/microsoft/Combat Flight Simulator 3 folder.

I will let you know, thanks!

The trick in Win 10 is to right click on old program exes, and select "Run as Administrator". Sometimes you also have to choose compatibility settings, like WinXP sp3.

But the good news is I can easily run multicfs3.exe in clunky old Win10 home edition, using the administrator settings. (can't remember if I needed to set up compatibility settings too).