New Ships released by Stuart!


Don't forget the Western Approaches where "Mountbatten Mauve" was used on escorts.

Steve guys are aware that the navies all used different shades of grey depending on where the primary area the ship was assigned to. For instance North Atlantic ships tended to use a deeper shade of grey on their hulls. Those assigned to the South Atlantic tended to be lighter and while those in say the Persian Gulf almost tended to be a off-white blend.
Then you get to the individual navies and their preferences on the shades.

Not to go too far off the subject, watch the movie "Operation Petticoat". I'm sure most have since its an old movie. I was just thinking about the grey and red paint.

....I was referring to first hand knowledge from when I was a young squid and had to paint those big floating objects as we progressed around the world. Also, when we operated with, and nested near, a RN ship in the P.G. I managed to "borrow" some grey hull and deck paint from them. What a commotion that caused because the colors were off and hard to say "....we didn't do that......!!!!"
I bet that went over like a lead balloon. I can hear your Master Chief now. So how red did he get. Should have told him you were working on international relations. Or is that foreign aid.
Reply to Reply

Oh, yes, "titty pink " as well. In the '40s a pilot would have to be secure in his masculinity to fly one of those birds, don't you think?:biggrin-new:


PS: Apparently it was also called Mountbatten Pink as well as Mauve, and the RAF used it on some of their PR Spitfires.

Only the Akagi was at Netwings but I'm not sure if it was by VN.

I remember in a thread a while back Talon said he was repainting and doing dp work on the ships but since he passed away in March they are probably lost.


Only the Akagi was at Netwings but I'm not sure if it was by VN.

I remember in a thread a while back Talon said he was repainting and doing dp work on the ships but since he passed away in March they are probably lost.


This is all the list with picturess of the Vn ships of Netwings (they were converted to cfs3), Any can help contacting with Colmack and Crashaz?.

PD:Another way. the guy of this website, talk about this ships were in a pack called SF2(NA patch). If any can download it, meaby this model can be convert to cfs2.
This is all the list with picturess of the Vn ships of Netwings (they were converted to cfs3), Any can help contacting with Colmack and Crashaz?.

PD:Another way. the guy of this website, talk about this ships were in a pack called SF2(NA patch). If any can download it, meaby this model can be convert to cfs2.

That's our site. The models were ported to 3DS Max (with permission) and I think I re-did the UV-Mapping. The models were adjusted to fit the quirks of the ThirdWire Strike Fighters games. Things like all guns have to point forwards, etc.

The ThirdWire Strike Fighters-North Atlantic (aka SF2-NA) is the last game of the series with better support for Carrier operations.

I'll send Bruce an email to have him check this thread.
GMax FNS Courbet Class Battleships for


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: These GMax models represent the Marine Nationale Courbet Class Battleships in 1913 and 1939 form.

The DP files are a revision of USS Arizonaby the PHP and Virtual Navy teams and pen32win.

These models are Multi-LOD.

The GMax LOD Models are included.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Courbet Class Battleships for
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
French Battleships

merci pour ces très intéressants navires peu connus . Je leur ai donner un lok plus guerrier : leur peinture pour les bombardements sur la Basse Seine et Cherbourg vers le 10 juin 1940 . Celle de la WWI est moins historique
french marine

encore merci pour vos créations qui me passionnent . Les croiseurs sont excellents et magnifiquement réalisés , c'est un plaisir de les repeindre . De meme d'ailleurs pous vos USS Texas après vos modifications . Par contre j'attends toujours celles concernant les torpilleurs et Contre torpilleurs français dont la peinture est toujours interrompue à l'arriere .

Les courbet sont jolis mais ont un grave défaut : Il manque un étage aux passerelles ce qui fait que les superstructures avanst le tripode et la cheminée avant ne sont pas assez hauts . Pouvez reprendre ce "détail"


bon courage et encore merci .
BH....... Chief was a great guy. The only red he turned was from laughing about it and our ROTC ensign department head sputtering about it!!!:biggrin-new: Talk about a Ensign Pulver!!
The snobbish English officers weren't too happy, and very uptight, that we were able to finagle it. My punishment was to spend a night with a bunch of Welshmen and Irishmen in the local NAFI with them trying to drink me unconscious. It those days I had a large capacity :very_drunk: and they were not too successful, and it ended in a draw with me and a Welshman still standing, but I earned a big rep with them. Can get to be a long humorous story but I will leave it here...... :running:
FNS Destroyers V2.0

Salut Dombral
Je vais jusqu'à charger le Destroyer V2.0 FNS aujourd'hui. Je leur ai terminé il ya quelques semaines, mais je avais besoin de faire le ré- emballage .
En ce qui concerne l' Courbet , je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez que je fasse. Pourriez-vous se il vous plaît me donner quelques détails ou des images .

Hi Dombral
I will up load the FNS Destroyer V2.0 today. I finished them a couple of weeks ago but I needed to do the re-packaging.
With regard to the Courbet, I do not understand what you want me to do. Could you please give me some more details or pictures.
don't use Bing translator...

this is what Dombral wrote,

Les courbet sont jolis mais ont un grave défaut : Il manque un étage aux passerelles ce qui fait que les superstructures avanst le tripode et la cheminée avant ne sont pas assez hauts . Pouvez reprendre ce "détail"

this is what Bing translator gave...
The courbet are nice but have a serious flaw: it lacks a floor at gateways tripod avanst superstructures and the front fireplace are not quite tall. Can resume this "detail"

This is google's...

The courbet are nice but have a serious flaw: It lacks a floor gateways so that the superstructures avanst the tripod and the chimney before are not high enough. Can resume this "detail"

Can someone give a better translation. Sorry Dombral my french isn't good enough. Might this be closer?

Courbet are good, but have a serious flaw: it lacks a floor walkways so that the superstructures avanst tripod and chimney are at too low. May return this "detail"

Stuart if this is correct or anywheres near. then check the stack and the antenna area. you might be missing a detail.
GMax FNS Bourrasque Class DD for CFS2


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax model of the FNSBourrasque Class Destroyer for CFS2.

Two models are included;

Models are multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.

The only difference between V1.0 and V2.0 is some new texture mapping to improve re-skinning



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Bourrasque Class DD for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
GMax FNS Chacal Class DD for CFS2


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax models of the FNS Chacal Class Destroyers for CFS2.

Two models are included, 1939 and 1944.

Models are multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.

V2.0 has improved texturing to allow for easier re-skinning



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Chacal Class DD for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.