New Ships released by Stuart!

GMax FNS Guepard Class DD for CFS2


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax models of the FNS Guepard Class Destroyers for CFS2.

Two models are included, 1939 and 1942.

Models are multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.

V2.0 has some new texture mapping to allow for easier re-skinning.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Guepard Class DD for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
GMax FNS La Melpomene Class DD for


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax model of the FNS La Melpomene Class Destroyer for CFS2 V2.0

Model is multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.

V2.0 has some new texturing to allow for easier re-skinning.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS La Melpomene Class DD for
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
GMax FNS Le Fantasque Class DD for CFS2


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax model of the FNS Le Fantasque Class Destroyers for CFS2.

Two models are included. 1939 1nd 1944.

Models are multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.

V2.0 has some improved texturing to allow for easier re-skinning.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Le Fantasque Class DD for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
GMax FNS Le Hardi Class DD for CFS2


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax model of the FNS Le Hardi Class Destroyer for CFS2.

Model is multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.

V2.0 has some improved texturing to allow for easier re-skinning.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Le Hardi Class DD for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
GMax FNS Mogador Class DD for CFS2


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax model of the FNS Mogador Class Destroyer for CFS2.

Model is multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.

V2.0 has some improved texturing to allow for easier re-skinning



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Mogador Class DD for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
GMax FNS Vauquelin Class DD for CFS2


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax model of the FNS Vauquelin Class Destroyer for CFS2.

Model is multi load and include a new dp files.

Multi LOD models are included.

V2.0 has some improved texturing to allow for easier re-skinning



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax FNS Vauquelin Class DD for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Les courbet sont jolis mais ont un grave défaut : Il manque un étage aux passerelles ce qui fait que les superstructures avant le tripode et la cheminée avanst ne sont pas assez hauts . Pouvez reprendre ce "détail" Note the S in "avanst"seems to be a mistake! shuld be avant

In spanish is logic
El courbet son agradables, pero tienen un grave defecto: le falta un piso pasarelas para que la superestructura antes del trípode y la chimenea antes no son lo suficientemente altos. Puede reanudar este "detalle"

The courbet is very nice, but it has a big failing, is lacking the floor with gangplanks or gangways , for the superestructure from the tripod to the chimey is NOT high (or big i supouse) enough . You can resume this "detail" (must be redone).



  • Sin título.jpg
    Sin título.jpg
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I hope you don't mind, but when you have been uploading the 2.0 version of your ships, I find and delete the 1.0 version. I hope this is okay. :very_drunk:
The last part of Dombral's post means : "You can fix (or redo) this 'detail'." :wavey:

Should,'t it have been a question? As in "Can you fix this detail?" Now we see the true meaning of lost in translation. English can really be a PIA sometimes. Just think of how bad my punctuation is. LOL
can someone paint up a damage texture for Stuart's CVEs. I'm working on a CFS3 conversion and one is needed. I can send a sample texture as a guide.
my wish

Hi Stuart277,

I'm always enjoying your excellent fleet.
I really appreciate your contribution for completing IJN ships in CFS2.

I just would like to make a wish if you will have a interest to make this Japanese build Royal Thai Navy battle ship, Thonburi ( ).
She was sunk by French Navy during "Battle of Ko Chang" in 1940. ( )
She is quite unique and has pretty shape.

I will be happy if you consider it when you have time.

Also, if you can consider to build "IJN Nagato class", it would be a great contribution to complete IJN fleet.

Sorry for my bad English.

Thanks again for your great effort to complete CFS2 fleet.



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Your output is amazing and of such good quality. Thank you for all of the hard work.

Hms biter & dasher

I'm enjoying Stuart's exellent model of HMS biter with camo repaint.

Though it's not 100% historical accurate, due to lack of documents and lack of my skill, it may give an option for playing some missions.

I just want to know if I can share this with you folks and how can get a permission from Stuart or anybody else who hold a right.

In the first place, I wanna ask if somebody have a interest with this.



  • DASHER.jpg
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  • BITER01.jpg
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  • BITER02.jpg
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I'm enjoying Stuart's exellent model of HMS biter with camo repaint.

Though it's not 100% historical accurate, due to lack of documents and lack of my skill, it may give an option for playing some missions.

I just want to know if I can share this with you folks and how can get a permission from Stuart or anybody else who hold a right.

In the first place, I wanna ask if somebody have a interest with this.


Go ahead and upload it. If you feel you need permission then send Stuart a PM. I'm sure here won't have a problem.
Hi stuart277!.

Can you fix the size of your Conte di Cavour of the file CFS2 GMax Italian please?.

it actually have 186 x 33m and It need to reduce to 176m x 28m that is the real size.