New Ships released by Stuart!

HMS Redoubt

Lt Culley takes off in pursuit of Zeppelin L53 passing over HMS Redoubt


good work Stuart



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GMax KM Schleswig-Holstein for CFS2 V1.0 by Stuart277!


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax models represents the Kreigsmarine Deutschland class battleship Schleswig-Holstein for CFS2.

There are 2 models in this download: KM_SH_1939_LOD

KM_SH_1944_LOD with heavier AA Armament

The GMax LOD Models are included.

Models have new DPs.

The texture file, SMS_SH is unique to each ship.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax KM Schleswig-Holstein for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.


Very nice models! I'm sure these will pique the interest of CrisGer and Achim, among others...:encouragement:
You are spot on, Rami. This is the very ship that fired the opening shots of ww 2 in the harbour of Danzig at the Polish fortress Westernplatte.

Thank you very much, Stuart 227.


It looks like the Lighter is behaving itself. Great work.
Stuart, the R class looks really impresive. I love the torpedo tubes!
GMax RN Erebus Monitor for CFS2 V1.0


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Skins Add-Ons

Description: RN Erebus Class Monitor for CFS2 V1.0

These GMax models represent the Royal Navy Erebus class Monitors.
There are 5 models in this download.
RN_Erebus_Class_1941_LOD representing HMS Terror when she was sunk

The GMax LOD Models are included.
Models have new DP's.
The texture file, RN_Monitor is unique to each ship.


To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax RN Erebus Monitor for CFS2 V1.0
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
RN_Erebus_Class_Monitors by Stuart277

Stuart has uploaded more wonderful ships. Unfortunately they are in the wrong section of the library - skins rather than ships.

There are two other misplaced downloads in this section - one by Huub Vink and one by MVG3d.

Get well soon Andrew - we need our librarian back in the saddle.

Burning the midnight oil Kevin!

I'll second that file move. The two Erebus class monitors had a busy life in both World Wars.

Many thanks for making these interesting ships Stuart!

Shore bombardment anyone?:biggrin-new:


Thank you for all of your hard work on these, these ships look great! :very_drunk:
Thanks Stuart. It was an odd concept for a warship I would think - unless you had complete domination of the sea and air.
Thanks Stuart. It was an odd concept for a warship I would think - unless you had complete domination of the sea and air.

For a good number of their operational assignments that's just what they had. Also, the hull design made it difficult to sink when hit midship. Both ships were used for shore bombardment in both World Wars, with HMS Terror being sunk as a result of German air attacks off North Africa in 1941. During WW1 HMS Erebus was hit by remote controlled boats packed with explosives. Despite this she continued to bombard Zeebrugge and, some days later her guns were used to support a major push by British and Commonwealth forces.
GMax RN Revenge Class BB for CFS2 V2.0 by Stuart277!


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: GMax Royal Navy Revenge Class BB for CFS2 V2.0

These models are revisions of my earlier Revenge Class Battleships. They have less poly's and are now Multi_LOD.
They also have new DP's.

They have new texturing. This will mean that other's paint work will not fit. There are a variety of textures. If used they must be renamed 'RN_BB_Revenge'

There are eleven models in this download:

HMS_Revenge_1916_LOD as built


HMS_Revenge_1941_LOD with heavier AA armament (and more poly's)

HMS_Revenge_1944_LOD with even heavier AA armament (and even more poly's)










To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit GMax RN Revenge Class BB for CFS2
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.


Many thanks for this...I was finally able to delete the last of your "old" ships from the library with this release. Well done! :applause:

Many thanks for this...I was finally able to delete the last of your "old" ships from the library with this release. Well done! :applause:

Hi Rami
Nice to have you back.
I still have one 'old' ship. Queen Elizabeth 1916.
You can delete it anyway as I am working on a new one.
We have been minding a neighbors cat over the weekend and they have FoxSports.
I was able to sit with the cat and watch the three games of Baseball from LA. (I didn't watch all of the first one)
Well done RedSox:applause::applause::applause:
We went to a game at Fenway Park in 1991. Great Atmosphere, Boston v Kansas City, Boston won. I can't remember the score. There wasn't many runs.