New Ships released by Stuart!

Those new Japanese merchant ships are very nicely done Stuart, that is a key resource to have really nice work on those.

thank you.
Are you still taking requests? If so: I am currently building missions for the Battle of the Philippine Sea. Though she was sunk by a USN submarine, I'd like to have the CV Taiho in my IJN order of battle. I ran through the Japanese ships library and couldn't find one.


Hiede got there first

MAS did a Taiho

Are you still taking requests? If so: I am currently building missions for the Battle of the Philippine Sea. Though she was sunk by a USN submarine, I'd like to have the CV Taiho in my IJN order of battle. I ran through the Japanese ships library and couldn't find one.


Thank you for the reference UT. I grabbed Maxstuka's ship to use until a newer version comes along . :wavey:
stuart277 submitted a new resource:

GMax RN Boxer Class LST for CFS2 - GMax RN Boxer Class LST for CFS2

GMax Royal Navy Boxer Class LST for CFS2

There are five ships in this download:
RN_Boxer_Class_LST_LC_LOD, with a Landing Craft instead of Boat
RN_Boxer_Class_LST_RD_LOD, with ramp doors open ramp extended.
RN_Boxer_Class_LST_RD_LOD, with ramp doors open ramp extended and two Churchill Tanks.
RN_Boxer_Class_FDS_LOD, Fighter Direction Ship


View attachment 161777

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stuart277 submitted a new resource:

GMax USN LST's for CFS2 - GMax USN LST's for CFS2

GMax USN LST's for CFS2

There are eleven ships in this download:
USN_LST_Type491_A_1LC_LOD, 1 LCT
USN_LST_Type491_A_DoorOpen_LOD, Landing doors open
USN_LST_Type491_A_DoorOpen_NLC_LOD, Landing doors open, No LCT
USN_LST_Type491_A_Loaded_LOD, Tanks and Trucks on Deck
USN_LST_Type491_B_Loaded_LOD, Tanks and Trucks on Deck
USN_LST_Type491_C_Loaded_LOD, Tanks and Trucks on Deck
USN_LST_Type491_D_Loaded_LOD, Tanks and Trucks on...

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stuart277 submitted a new resource:



There are four ships in this download:
USN_LST_386_Carrier_LOD, with a mesh flightdeck
USN_LST_906_Carrier_LOD, with a solid flightdeck
USN_LST_776_Brodie_LOD, with an invisible flightdeck that has four arrestor positions in the ship file.
USN_LST_776_Brodie_NoFD_LOD, without the actual flighdeck, but it has a flightdeck and arrestor wires in the ship file.

Good luck landing on the deck, you are guided by the LSO.

All ships have Allens L4 aircraft as part of the...

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stuart277 submitted a new resource:

GMax J Class DD - GMax J Class DD for CFS2

GMax J Class DD for CFS2

These GMax models represent the Royal Navy J class Destroyers.

(The K class destroyers are identical)

These models are Multi-LOD.
The GMax LOD Models are included.
Models have new DP's.

There are fourteen ships in this download:
RN_J_Class_DD_1939_LOD, armament as above.
RN_J_Class_DD_1939_NP_LOD (No Pennants)
RN_J_Class_DD_1941_LOD, with a 4inchAA gun replacing the aft TT, Type 285 and 286 radar.
RN_J_Class_DD_1941_NP_LOD, with a 4inchAA gun...

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Any chance that the USS Wolverine might be in your consideration for modelling?

She served a vital role in pilot training during the war.

Two sources that highlight her career.

Thank you for your consideration.

Last edited:
Hi Bookman
Someone has asked me about this before.
The Virtual Navy has done a model of the Wolverine.
It is here.
Just search CFS2 USS Wolverine.

stuart277 submitted a new resource:

GMax RN L Class DD - GMax RN L Class DD for CFS2

GMax RN L Class DD for CFS2

These GMax models represent the Royal Navy L and M class Destroyers.

These models are Multi-LOD.
The GMax LOD Models are included.
Models have new DP's.

There are twelve ships in this download:
RN_L_Class_DD_4.7inch_1941_LOD, armament as built.
RN_L_Class_DD_4.7inch_1941L_LOD, Aft TT replaced by QF 4-inch Mk V
RN_L_Class_DD_4.7inch_1942m_LOD, 2 x 1 20mm replacing 2 x 4 0.5inch and additional 2 x 1 20mm admidship.
RN_L_Class_DD_4.7inch_1944_LOD 4...

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stuart277 submitted a new resource:

GMax L Class DD without Pennants - GMax L Class DD without Pennants for CFS2

GMax L Class DD without Pennants for CFS2

These GMax models represent the Royal Navy L and M class Destroyers without Pennant Numbers.

These models are Multi-LOD.
The GMax LOD Models are included.
Models have new DP's.

There are twelve ships in this download:
RN_L_Class_DD_4.7inch_1941_NP_LOD, armament as built.
RN_L_Class_DD_4.7inch_1941L_NP_LOD, Aft TT replaced by QF 4-inch Mk V
RN_L_Class_DD_4.7inch_1942M_NP_LOD, 2 x 1 20mm replacing 2 x 4 0.5inch and additional 2 x 1...

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