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I had that same problem. Then I realized that I was flying a variant without a turret!
I have a few questions :
1- Made some adjustments to the .cfg file in order to have the front wheel sit on the ground
static_pitch = 2.40static_cg_height = 7.450
tailwheel_lock =0
gear_system_type =1
max_number_of_points =12
point.0= 1, 14.462, 0.000, -8.000, 2001, 0, 1.434, 180.000, 0.249, 3.518, 1.000, 6.000, 6.000, 0, 152.1, 165.1
2- The gun turret on the following models does not work in the gunner mode (F8) : SJT_P61A1_422_44 and SJTP_P61B2_548_45.
3- In gunner mode when it functions properly the radar operator has the same movements as the gun operator can it be fixed so he does not move?
4- Can landing lights be added it would add to the immersion when taking-of at night ?
Hi Gosd,
not sure why your nose wheel is not sitting on the ground? they seem to be sitting fine here?
The two model you mentioned do not have an operating turret, rather the 4 x 50's are fixed in the forward firing position and fire by the pilot. you only have F6 and F7 position's available in those planes. there was a shortage of turrets, which were being sent to the B29 program. So they modified the P61's to just have the forward firepower.
If you read the historical content included for each aircraft in game, it explains a whole heap of little tit-bits just like this
The radar operator is also the rear gunner that is why his seat moves with the turret.
Landing lights, yep they can be included, just need to work out the xyz numbers and add to the effects section of planes. I'm going to do a small update to fix the trackIR issue mentioned above, so I'll do landing lights at the same time.
regards Rob.
This is an easy fix, my bad!![]()
No apology necessary - you have created an immensely immersive model! I'm just pointing out some things that struck me.
So I have taken the ETO ones for a few spins and reviewed the stuff I commented this afternoon. Most things seem as I reported:
- On my rig the nose wheel really is off the ground (all models).
- The VC-view (first view mode when going into the cockpit with TrackIR) is gone once I switch to any other pilot views (F6). Only gun sight and wide angle view remain.
- Can't switch to gunner stations in the P-61A 422 NFS (the first one in the UI drop down list)
- The VC-view in the P-61B-15 415 NFS has a different view angle setting (more like the wide view) than the other P-61 models.
- Flap animation axis and animation.
- External loadouts are visible - must be something I missed earlier, so no problem here.
- Are there some unwelded vertices on the tailbooms in front of the vertical stabilizers? I seem to notice a 'line' on top of them that looks like my P-47 model when I do not weld the halves together. The smoothing on top of the left boom just aft of the wing seems different (smoother) from the one on the right so that made me wonder. It's visible from directly behind the AC.
- Smoothing on top of the gun sight reflector glass (the 'thin side', not the surface) seems missing? The individual polys are visible when sunlight falls on them.
Hi All,
OK, answers for some of the issues raised.
Pilot views. each plane only has 2 pilot views. the default is the closer Gun Site view. you can press F6 to go to the wide view and then press F6 again to go back to the Gun site view. The reason people are losing the ability to use TrackIR after swapping views is the station is set to 1 in the xdp file rather than 0. (I have fixed this.) but you are not missing or losing the ability to go back to a given VC view.
Gunner views, if the plane does not have a moving turret you will not have a response to hitting F8. if the plane does have a moving turret then you can hit F8 1st response is front gunner position. second F8 takes you to rear gunner. then F8 after that simply goes back and forth between the two.
Radio operator views F7 on all planes will take you to the radio operator position. ...
Just contacted MAAM the folks restoring a p61. They stated that the flaps do not move aft before pivoting. The hinge is off center on the vertical which cause the flaps to rotate off center. As far as welds, thought I caught them all. Rotating pilots...remember you can have duplicate part names. Three chutes on the 219, check the number of exits in the xdp.
The gunsight reticle is visible in the rear gunner station, but not in the front station. Both cockpit files list the reticle in their texture list, so I'm not sure why it doesn't show up in both of them.
Yes, the front wheels are sitting well off the ground. Here are the values I've found to minimize the initial movement of the aircraft when it is selected.
static_pitch = 0
static_cg_height = 7.65
tailwheel_lock =0
gear_system_type =1
max_number_of_points =12
point.0= 1, 14.462, 0.000, -7.800, 2001, 0, 1.434, 180.000, 0.249, 3.518, 1.000, 6.000, 6.000, 0, 152.1, 165.1
point.1= 1, -1.499, -8.839, -7.800, 2001, 1, 2.001, 0.000, 0.351, 1.664, 0.546, 7.000, 7.000, 2, 152.1, 165.1
point.2= 1, -1.499, 8.839, -7.800, 2001, 2, 2.001, 0.000, 0.351, 1.664, 0.546, 9.000, 10.000, 3, 152.1, 165.1
If you mean the pilot's seat: switch on the battery and it's there - nice modelling feature!