Of Bitmaps and Alpha Layers

Hi Nigel:

thank you for the easy to understand instructions I managed to get through all 6 steps so far with no problems.
I am looking forward to the next set of steps to come.

I am also Looking forward to the Zip so I can have it as a permanent addition to my reference library.

thanks again for all the time and work you are putting in to this project for those of us who wish to learn how to work with layers.

The way that helped me think about layers came from a documentary on Disney creating the first full length animated movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Each frame of the picture was created as a stack of clear sheets. The backgrounds were painted onto the sheets at the bottom of the stack, the characters painted on the sheets in the middle (one character per sheet), and the foreground objects painted on the sheets on top.

So think of using layers as a stack of clear sheets. The bare metal is painted onto the sheets on the bottom, the airline livery painted on the sheets above that (I often use one layer for the base colors and the layer above that for the lettering), the windows and doors on the sheet above that, and finally shadows and dirt on the sheets on the top. Now think about looking down through the entire stack (just as the camera at the Disney studios did), and you will see the finished product.

Hope this helps,
Hi Nigel:

thank you for the easy to understand instructions I managed to get through all 6 steps so far with no problems.
I am looking forward to the next set of steps to come.

I am also Looking forward to the Zip so I can have it as a permanent addition to my reference library.

thanks again for all the time and work you are putting in to this project for those of us who wish to learn how to work with layers.


Dave; Thank YOU Sir :encouragement:

You just made the tutorial worthwhile :)
I do understand the idea of layers, but my mind is of the simple one at a time sort and all the steps on the one picture are causing short circuits in the interior of my head. It is my firm intention to wait for the Zip! Why is the paint kit blue? :dizzy:


secondary questions; when the time comes to merge the texture down to one layer, are all the others lost? I was wondering as if you'd made a mistake in the lettering or something, would you have to start again?
I do understand the idea of layers, but my mind is of the simple one at a time sort and all the steps on the one picture are causing short circuits in the interior of my head. It is my firm intention to wait for the Zip! Why is the paint kit blue? :dizzy:


secondary questions; when the time comes to merge the texture down to one layer, are all the others lost? I was wondering as if you'd made a mistake in the lettering or something, would you have to start again?


Bad lad!
Go and READ the tutorial; When you save your work as a Photoshop, PSP or Gimp document, your layers and everything else you've created will ALWAYS be there and accessible until YOU decide otherwise.

The paint kit's blue because that's how the mapping is exported fresh as a daisy from Gmax.

But you're about to change the colour, my friend AREN"T YOU!!! :jump:

Why are you worrying about merging, Andy?
You won't have to MERGE anything - it's all done for you automatically when you export AS bitmap :)
(says so in the tutorial):a1089:

You only MERGE things when YOU wan't to put various items on one layer.

Hang in there Andy, we'll get you over the first hurdle - from there on, it's down hill all the way, a doddle and a heck of a lot of fun.

I think the Tutorial is the screenshots on this page, but the Zipped version may make it easier to enlarge the pages a bit and see what's what, and I need all the help I can get!

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I think the Tutorial is the screenshots on this page, but the Zipped version may make it easier to enlarge the pages a bit and see what's what, and I need all the help I can get!


That's correct, Sir - also easier to archive and access when you're working offline (which I usually do).

The help's right here whenever you need it :encouragement: just ask; that way you'll be helping others, too.
Thanks Nigel! Maybe I can get my head around layers now. I realized a few years ago that I've went about as far as I can with a single layer which is why you don't see many camo type paints from me. I lose too much detail in the paint.

Copy, Paste & Blend In will only get you so far.

The main question I have now is why are most paint kits in .psd? My old Paint Shop Pro will open some of them but others give it fits. I tried to open the main .psd file for the TDS 727 the other day and it just refused to do it. sigh...
Thanks Nigel! Maybe I can get my head around layers now. I realized a few years ago that I've went about as far as I can with a single layer which is why you don't see many camo type paints from me. I lose too much detail in the paint.

Copy, Paste & Blend In will only get you so far.

The main question I have now is why are most paint kits in .psd? My old Paint Shop Pro will open some of them but others give it fits. I tried to open the main .psd file for the TDS 727 the other day and it just refused to do it. sigh...

Willy; welcome Sir :)

The reason for most paint kits being in PSD format is because they were created in Photoshop.
PSD is the native Photoshop file system for storing multiple layered docs.

Additionally, all paths, shapes, brush settings etc are likewise preserved on the same file.
Pretty handy to have access to all of that information.

Although I have no experience in Paint Shop Pro, I understand that PSP is the native format for storing layered artwork..

I was pleasantly surprised recently to discover that the latest version of Gimp (freeware) will open Photoshop (PSD) files - works similar to Photoshop too.

EDIT: Funny you should mention camo, Willy - in the next tutorial we'll be using what we have learned about layers to make our first AWESOME camo.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever tried out Paint.net? I found a reference to it and have done a quick install. So far it seems like a very much improved MS Paint that does layers as well. And so far, I'm very comfortable with it.

I have a few freeware programs for picture editing and Paint. net is one. It's very powerful; more than enough for me anyway!

The adobe set-up stops as it says there is no qualifying program installed, as the program adobe give you is the updater, and not the original basic program. Try another look!

2. that makes no sense as all the downloads are all the same size - chinese, korean, english !! Bizarre.
Thanks Andy! I'm already perusing the plugins for it and there sure is plenty of them at their website. Already found the .psd & .psp file plugins along with a few tools that should prove useful.

What I'm liking about it is that it's done by people who do computer graphics and looking to improve the program on their own. Much like FS. And it's kept up to date. The free Photoshop, while a great idea, is still 10 years old.
Thanks Andy! I'm already perusing the plugins for it and there sure is plenty of them at their website. Already found the .psd & .psp file plugins along with a few tools that should prove useful.

What I'm liking about it is that it's done by people who do computer graphics and looking to improve the program on their own. Much like FS. And it's kept up to date. The free Photoshop, while a great idea, is still 10 years old.

Willy; IF the Photoshop is as has been mentioned 'FREE' - personally I'd go for it everytime.

It may be 10 years old but is waaaay more powerful than more recent 'freebees'; trust me.
You may also consider reliabilty - as a designer/illustrator, I've been using Photoshop for 25 years - never once had a sudden crash or inaccessable file.

Still the pro's choice every time - easier and far more user friendly too :)
It may well be free :jump:, but you will find it very difficult to access it :banghead: as they want you to buy something, not access the old stuff. I haven't found it yet anyway!
