Of Bitmaps and Alpha Layers


Understood. You can do the same thing with PSP if you wish to save the image as a Targa (.TGA), which can include the alpha channel and can be loaded into DXTBmp. That said, the Import Alpha Channel technique in DXTBmp is MUCH more reliable - sometimes DXTBmp does not read the alpha channels in TGA files created by PSP correctly with bizarre results.
Just a couple of things. I thought that the Photoshop CS2 install had gotten botched somehow a couple of days ago. Went to open a psd file a bit ago and it was one of the options listed for me to open it with. Beats me but it's working like a charm. But darned if I can find where it installed to.

Also, Just discovered the "magic wand" tool. Damn, I've been doing cut & paste the hard way all along. Sure beats backfilling & blending in the unwanted bits of a graphic.
Just a couple of things. I thought that the Photoshop CS2 install had gotten botched somehow a couple of days ago. Went to open a psd file a bit ago and it was one of the options listed for me to open it with. Beats me but it's working like a charm. But darned if I can find where it installed to.

Also, Just discovered the "magic wand" tool. Damn, I've been doing cut & paste the hard way all along. Sure beats backfilling & blending in the unwanted bits of a graphic.

Should be inside your Adobe folder.
Also, Just discovered the "magic wand" tool. Damn, I've been doing cut & paste the hard way all along. Sure beats backfilling & blending in the unwanted bits of a graphic.

Yeah man. Photoshop tools! So many options.
Nothin' could be finer... This will be fun for you, for sure :- )

Gotta go install the nvidia plugin myself!
Should be inside your Adobe folder.

I eventually found it. "C:\PhotoShop\Adobe Photoshop CS2"

Nigel said:
Reading the above threads; sounds like folk are havin' some awesome fun around here :)

ahhhhh! Loving it! :jump:

I was thinking earlier that if I could knock out a Lodestar paint in about a day's worth of work if I stayed with it, things will really be going fast now.
It's a start. Using the Navy textures that came with the XA-38 Grizzly as a starting point, I did up one loosely based on this Ventura out of Attu.




Mostly just playing around to give me an idea of what I can do and where to go from here (plus I was wanting something to fly in our nightly flights online)

And there's a lot of detail that I've put into it that isn't apparent in the screenshots. I'm a firm believer in putting in as much detail as I can.

The Army Air Force is next in a bit more complicated paint.


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It's a start. Using the Navy textures that came with the XA-38 Grizzly as a starting point, I did up one loosely based on this Ventura out of Attu.




Mostly just playing around to give me an idea of what I can do and where to go from here (plus I was wanting something to fly in our nightly flights online)

And there's a lot of detail that I've put into it that isn't apparent in the screenshots. I'm a firm believer in putting in as much detail as I can.

The Army Air Force is next in a bit more complicated paint.

Flying start! I'd say - WOW! she's looking slick and mean already :)
Getting down to some paint slinging now. First pass on the engine cowlings and spinners. I think I'm going to redo the cowlings with smaller squares as I didn't realize they'd be so big in the sim. And run the checkerboard pattern on back to the end of the cowling flaps. I am pleased however on how the front of the cowlings worked out. I was a bit worried about that. But now I know that what I had in mind is going to work. Just needs some adjustments.


I've been working on a set of "what if" paints for the old AlphaSim P-80 Shooting Star based on if the war in the Pacific had lasted on through 1946 and the Grizzly should fit right in with those.


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Update to the above Grizzly. I messed around with those cowling for most of two days, never really getting satisfied with them. Seems every angle I tried just got worse. So, I tossed the lot out and rolled back to the beginning using Damian "Windrunner" Radice's paint kit for the Grizzly. I recently did a similar scheme like this for the old AlphaSim P-80 without using layers and I was wanting to try something new (to me at least) on creating alpha layers. That and I'm still getting a feel for working with layered textures.

Anyway, it's still a work in progress as I'm not yet satisfied with the alphas, but I know what I need to do next to make 'em right.



I've got to sort out the weathering on the cowlings and get some more shine into the green and yellow bits. But the metal itself is pretty close to what I had in mind. Might have to tone it down a bit, but that's just fiddling with it.


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Willy, Sir; all these beautiful textures are a sight for my sore eyes - Bravo!

You're really getting into layers with a vengeance and doing a mighty job :encouragement:.

For those interested in the Layered texture tutorials, we'll have the next tutorial up very soon.
I had laptop blue screen crash issues about 10 days ago and am now getting things sorted out.

Happy New Year, Gentlemen :wavey:
Happy New Years Nigel and I hate to hear about the computer issues.

Me being me, I've went on to other things such as some all time favorites the Gee Bee "Z" Super Sportster. I'm currently doing a personal ride paint for the FSX version of Wozza's (Warwick Carter) which once I get it figured out, I'm going to take a shot at doing one for the Alabeo Z which is quite a bit more complicated.

Getting back into the Gee Bees though has started some potentially evil thoughts though. Years ago, I bought the Aircraft Factory modeling program for FS98 & CFS. While I did get a handle on the animations part of it about the best I could do was make 2d sticks. I'm thinking I might just to give 3d modeling a try again as there's a couple of Gee Bees that I'd like to have in the hanger. One can never have too many Gee Bee racers.

Here's one of the last work in progress shots of the Z I'm painting now and taken a few days ago. It sure is a lot easier to fix mistakes when using layers. I took the original textures and "made my own paint kit" for it from them while adding details that weren't in the original textures.

(Oh, and I did finish that Grizzly)


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Ahhh Modeling!!!

Happy New Years Nigel and I hate to hear about the computer issues.

Me being me, I've went on to other things such as some all time favorites the Gee Bee "Z" Super Sportster. I'm currently doing a personal ride paint for the FSX version of Wozza's (Warwick Carter) which once I get it figured out, I'm going to take a shot at doing one for the Alabeo Z which is quite a bit more complicated.

Getting back into the Gee Bees though has started some potentially evil thoughts though. Years ago, I bought the Aircraft Factory modeling program for FS98 & CFS. While I did get a handle on the animations part of it about the best I could do was make 2d sticks. I'm thinking I might just to give 3d modeling a try again as there's a couple of Gee Bees that I'd like to have in the hanger. One can never have too many Gee Bee racers.

Here's one of the last work in progress shots of the Z I'm painting now and taken a few days ago. It sure is a lot easier to fix mistakes when using layers. I took the original textures and "made my own paint kit" for it from them while adding details that weren't in the original textures.

(Oh, and I did finish that Grizzly)


That's a work of ART, my friend!

So much talent, determination and a whole lot of patience got you this far - don't stop now!!!

Ahhh Modeling!!!

So you've caught the bug too. It's awefully contagious. LOL :)))

Willy; if I were you, I'd forget that program - sooner or later (and it WILL be sooner!), you'll wan't that model in FS9 and FSX.
And remember; you're gonna make mistakes - BUNCHES of them - you'll need help!

I confess to now having 2 great fathers!
Colin was my paternal one; he taught me to walk - Milton got me through Gmax!

Love'em both to bits!!! :)))

Milton made the most amazing series on getting started;

Getting Started With Gmax


Anyone with even the merest curiosity towards modeling should go there.

But BE WARNED: you'll be HOOKED!

In the same section you'll find an awesome array of valuable information about modeling.

I'm entirely indebted to Milton, Hairyspin and others for the immense wealth of valuable information in that section.

P.S. Next texturing tutorial (step 2) being prepared for the coming weekend :encouragement: