OFF Phase 2 DVD Requests

Thanks Grumpybear!

Thanks to Cbumb and Typhoon for the offers, I guess my impatience got the better of me!

Need a copy too!

Hello, is there any chance of anybody sending a copy to Switzerland?
Bill in Kentucky.

Hello! I would love to obtain a copy of this! I saw a clip on this game on you tube and am blown away by the graphics and detail. I am an avid WWI aviation buff having built plastic and balsa wood models of all the major types used in the war. I have not been able to find a good WWI aviation combat game since RED BARON II. This looks awesom! Please tell me how I can obtain a copy .

Thanks!!! Bill in Central Ky.:mixedsmi:
Pfweiffer. I guess you know you need CFS-3 first .Even Phase 2 graphics are awsome .
German "pilot" would be glad to get the Phase 2 DVD.
How can I pay the costs for sending from Canada?
Phase 2 DVD

Hi everyone,
Are there any other female flyers on here?
Just love the biplanes, how do I get hold of a copy of Over Flanders Feilds Phase 2. Can anyone send me the DVD? I am in the UK, how much is it?
Just can't get it any where else except Torrent and I don't fancy that.
Thanks a Lot
If you're able to get it on torrent I'm sure the Devs would like to know about it because it's not supposed to be there, period. In answer to your female fliers question, we have a few. WF2, Heidi, and Cloud9gal come to mind right off.
Phase 2 of OFF is free. I'm sure if you sweet talk one of our members in the UK they will be able to send you a DVD. You must have Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 installed and updated to run OFF so that would be a prerequisite to flying the "unfriendly skies" over the Western Front.
Good luck in your hunt for OFF. I'm sure it will be a short hunting trip!:d

I have 3 burned OFF2 . Ready. Canada .Free but would appreciate return mail stamps LOL .

Would you send one to Berlin, Germany? I'd care for the stamps, or maybe better, pay posting to you via PayPal. If you would give me a "yes", I'd send
you an e-mail with my adress.
(By the way - did you know, there was a German WW 2-ace with your name; Josef "Pips" Priller ?)
Need a copy too!

Well any chance anybody in europe could spare a copy? All costs will be gladly covered, live in Switzerland! Sie können auch in Deutsch antworten!:ernae:
Priller to Suzy . Many in the UK that can do better than I can. Cost for me has become prohibitive . No PayPal . Local to Canada or US
I can live with . Wait a few days , then come begging again .:icon_lol:
e-mail >
Someone closer should help you. Be patient.
Bill In Kentucky

Pfweiffer. I guess you know you need CFS-3 first .Even Phase 2 graphics are awsome .

Yea! I have CFS-3. Not really impressed with it. :cost1:

Thanks for replying!
Bill In Kentucky

I have 3 burned OFF2 . Ready. Canada .Free but would appreciate return mail stamps LOL .

Hello again Mr. Priller! I have sent you an e-mail with my info. Let me know if you can help. I would be more than happy to pay for your time and shipping costs. This looks like an outsttanding game that I am really looking forward to playing. Will relese 3 be based on the CFS-3 as well? Any idea when it is due out?

My many thanks to you in advance for your kindness!

Bill Pfeiffer
I have 5 O.F.F. DVD's burned and ready to go. I will send them anywhere in N. America or even overseas if you want to wait for them. Just PM me your snail mail address and they will be on their way the next day.


Hello again Mr. Priller! I have sent you an e-mail with my info. Let me know if you can help. I would be more than happy to pay for your time and shipping costs. This looks like an outsttanding game that I am really looking forward to playing. Will relese 3 be based on the CFS-3 as well? Any idea when it is due out?

My many thanks to you in advance for your kindness!

Bill Pfeiffer
OFF 3 is in the works but don't hold your breath.
I'll check my mail for info
to Xavier

Well any chance anybody in europe could spare a copy? All costs will be gladly covered, live in Switzerland! Sie können auch in Deutsch antworten!:ernae:
Hi !
If you pm me your adress i will send you a copy. I live in France so you should be able to fly soon in off skies !
Yea! I have CFS-3. Not really impressed with it. :cost1:
Thanks for replying!

Known fact CFS3 is the biggest dog Mickysoft ever produced . . But it's a necessary evil . . As a Bonus . .Mickysoft pulled the plug on it's CFS3 server . . Soo any online activity of CFS3 or any patch based on it.. OFF, MAW, PTO, etc. is mostly but not entirely HISTORY
DVD Request

hello iv just registered with this forum in hope to join the over flanders fields francise. i was wondering if anyone would have a free copy of OFF phase 2 that i could have. i absoltuley adore this game and have been druelling over the screenshots hoping to get this game or should i say addon.:ernae:

it would be most greatful if anyone does have a spare copy of Phase 2...
