OFF Phase 2 DVD Requests

Hi could I please have a copy of OFF as well my email is I could send you my address when you send me your email.
I ll pay for any post charges and cds in postage stamps if you like?
Thank you
Any Kiwis around who could send me P2 DVD ?
I'd be very happy to reimburse any costs of course.

Bill In Kentucky

CD in the mail to you Oct.16

Priller ! Thank you for your generosity! I am bowing toward the north! I won’t say anything bad about the Canadians for at least a week or two.

I would like to send you a small token of my appreciation. Do you have the book Albatros Aces of WW1 part 2 by Greg Van Wyngarden? This is a nice 100 page book with lots of original photo’s of my favorite WWI aircraft. If you don’t have it I would like to send it to you for your enjoyment!

Need disk

1st do you have CFS-3 . OFFPhase 2 is an add on.
2nd Where are you ? We who send these out need to know that .
If one of you would be nice enough to forward me a copy of the DVD with files on it, I would be more than happy to return post a blank DVD, and also forward the files on in similar fashion.

Thanks for keeping WWI aviation alive. Now, I guess I'll need to get a new flightstick. Damn VISTA.

I live in Pensacola, Florida.
I knew

Would you send one to Berlin, Germany? I'd care for the stamps, or maybe better, pay posting to you via PayPal. If you would give me a "yes", I'd send
you an e-mail with my adress.
(By the way - did you know, there was a German WW 2-ace with your name; Josef "Pips" Priller ?)
Oh yes , "Pips Priller " . He's my identity in IL-2 Sturmovik , has been for 3 years.

Priller ! Thank you for your generosity! I am bowing toward the north! I won’t say anything bad about the Canadians for at least a week or two.

I would like to send you a small token of my appreciation. Do you have the book Albatros Aces of WW1 part 2 by Greg Van Wyngarden? This is a nice 100 page book with lots of original photo’s of my favorite WWI aircraft. If you don’t have it I would like to send it to you for your enjoyment!
Yes ,thank you . It would be much appreciated.
Need Disk

Ah, yes guess I was was a bit too cryptic.
Yes I do have CFS3, I even had OFF Phase1 many hard drives ago.
What I've seen of P3 looks great and I'd really like to get back into OFF, especially multiplayer.
So if someone in New Zealand or Australia could send me a Phase2 DVD I'd be very grateful and could start to relearn the skillz I never had :) in preperation for P3.


Anybody in the Toronto area (or Eastern N.America for that matter) have a DVD available?
New member here, on Big Island, Hawaii. Would anyone in USA be willing to mail me the OFF Phase2 DVD? I already have CFS3. Would be glad to send postage via paypal, etc.

Many Thanks!
To Noahms456, T Custer and Listerknobby

If yall still need P2 on a Dvd please PM me with your address and I will get one to you.

I would really like to get a copy. Could you tell me how. I am located in upstate NY. Thanks.
Need Disk

Ah, yes guess I was was a bit too cryptic.
Yes I do have CFS3, I even had OFF Phase1 many hard drives ago.
What I've seen of P3 looks great and I'd really like to get back into OFF, especially multiplayer.
So if someone in New Zealand or Australia could send me a Phase2 DVD I'd be very grateful and could start to relearn the skillz I never had :) in preperation for P3.


Crankpin, If you have no luck with the Kiwi's send me a PM with your mail address and I'll burn a copy of P2 for you. I might even mail it to you ;)

I know I've sent at least one copy to NZ (as have others) so I'm hoping someone there will help you out first though.
Hello Priller

Well i sent you a private email, with my address and all that, I hope you got everything you need?
A copy to Germany?

Hello everyone, I'm new to this game but wanna try it badly. :icon_lol:
Can anyone send a copy to Germany? I will cover costs for shipping (from the U.S. or wherever) and DVD via PayPal. Would be great!

Please anyone? :applause: