OFF Phase 2 DVD Requests

Sent you a PM. Thank you! :applause:

Hallo, Berthold
Würdest Du mir eine Kopie weiterreichen, wenn Du sie hast? Eine frankierte Polsterhülle würde ich Dir zuschicken. "Typhoon" hat mir 'ne Kopie aus Kanada geschickt, aber sie kam total zerschrammt an und funktioniert nicht. Ich wär Dir sehr dankbar. Gruß. Olham
Sent you a PM. Thank you! :applause:
Hi, Berthold
Kannst Du mir eine Kopie machen, wenn Deine aus Italien ankommt?
Briefmarken kann ich Dir schicken. Hatte eine Kopie aus Kanada erhalten, aber sie kam total zerschrammt an und war leider unbrauchbar. So kurz vorm Ziel...
Waere Dir sehr dankbar. Olham
Sent you a PM. Thank you! :applause:

Hi, Berthold
would you send me a copy of Ph2, when you have yours from Italy? I have got one sent from a good guy in Canada today, but it was badly scratched and didn't work. So close, but then... I would send stamps to you. Would be very grateful. Olham
hey sittingduck. I have a copy of P2 sitting here with your name on it. Just PM me your details and I'll get it in the mail to you.

To Thunderbunny

I PM you for your address. PM me if you are still looking for a p2 DVD.

Phase 2 DVD Request

I would very much like a copy of Phase 2 if anyone can and will send me one please. I will reimburse if it is possible to do so. I can do an EFT, or let me know any other method you prefer.

I am in South Africa. S! Cheers
OFF P2 dvd

I would very much like a copy of Phase 2 if anyone can and will send me one please. I will reimburse if it is possible to do so. I can do an EFT, or let me know any other method you prefer.

I am in South Africa. S! Cheers

Hi Schuss

Send me a PM (Private Message) with your postal address and I shall try to help You.

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying.
Cristiano "Astore62"
May I have a copy? Is there any way to download these files? Peer to peer? A site?
There was a download for over a year, however, bandwidth costs became a burden and it was discontinued. There are no authorized torrents or anything else. The only way to aquire Phase 2 is to request that someone send you a DVD. Also it is best to state where you are located. There are folks all over the world who have it.

I'm looking for a dvd of OFF P2, could anyone help me out? I'm in Texas. Any help would be appreciated and I will gladly pick up shipping costs.

Thanks alot for the offer, but typhoon already got it out to me, but if you dont mind, once I get it I may need people that can answer any questions that may arise ie, setting up a servier,,finder servers etc etc.

If its ok to contact you for the the like ( to be honest,,,,i hate forums....always seem to get lost in them) I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,

rkhlegacy's request

I can take care of rkhlegacy's request foro OFF_P2, if it has not already been filled. Let me know......
To Typhoon

Got the DVD. Thank you. I would also like to say thank you for starting all of this and making it possible for those like myself to get a copy of the game. Without this forum thread and so many members so willing to help out, we would not have been able to get OFF Phase 2.
Thanks "jcacepilot" but this is a group effort with all of the OFF community doing what they can. If anyone still needs a copy post here or PM me your details.

Request OFF

I would like to have the last version please. I could send a SASE if Helpful.

Thank you,


Seattle, WA USA
Can i have a copy in germany. I will share it too if someone need it!