OFF Phase 2 DVD Requests

Please Help!!!! OFF Phase2 DVD to Bahrain

Good Day Chaps,
Hope all of you are in good health, I am new to this forum and I have been looking where to download this OFF 2 for almost 4 months and to no avail. Now I am asking anyone here who is kind enough to send me a verified DVD copy of Over Flanders Field Phase 2, I will pay for the (FEDEX, DHL, or ARAMEX) shipping via paypal account or western union money transfer. I would like to inquire also if this OFF phase 2 support online multiplayer game? where can i find and join the server? and what will be the maximum latency it is playable, as i normally got 270ms in Hyperlobby flying IL2 1946. I hope somebody will attend to my humble request.

Thanks for reading this
hi Merlin,
welcome to OFF. You're right the download isn't to be found in the internet anymore. In order to get the game now it's easiest if you reply in this thread which country and city you live in. Then probably someone who lives near you will ask to send him a Personal Massage (PM) with your exact adress and then he'll send the files to you.
I guess you already know, but to play OFF you also need the original CFS3 game. And since the official CFS3-server is down for a few months now, multiplayers are set up via IP-adresses, which are published on this forum (see the "normal" CFS3-forum).
Good luck,
Off 2 dvd

Hi RW02,
Glad to hear from you, yeah i know and i have CFS3 long time ago, just didnt fly it that much. Im in Manama, Bahrain and please if you could help me, i will pay for the DVD and the shipping via paypal or western union if you want


Its hard to find somebody here in middle east interested in flight sims especially military, so im just hoping that somewhere in Europe or in US will respond to my plea......HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!


Hi Merlin!

Welcome to the OFF Community! Unfortunately Bahrain is out of my jurisdiction but if you contact Militant_Danny he may be able to help. Last I knew he was in Iraq. Send him a PM and see. If not, we'll try to go another route.

A copy to Germany?

Is there noone from Europe or North America who would be able to send a copy to Germany? All expenses paid. It's not just for my pleasure; it's also supposed to be a birthday present for a friend. Can anyone help me out, please? Also when will OFF Phase 3 be out, realistically and what will it cost since I read it won't be freeware anymore? Thanks.
Is there noone from Europe or North America who would be able to send a copy to Germany? All expenses paid. It's not just for my pleasure; it's also supposed to be a birthday present for a friend. Can anyone help me out, please? Also when will OFF Phase 3 be out, realistically and what will it cost since I read it won't be freeware anymore? Thanks.

Hi Berthold

Send me a PM (Private Message) with your postal address and I'll send You what You are looking for (and if You want some other expansions tell me what -MAW, PTO, KTCS, ETO)

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying.
Hi Berthold

Send me a PM (Private Message) with your postal address and I'll send You what You are looking for (and if You want some other expansions tell me what -MAW, PTO, KTCS, ETO)

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying.

Sent you a PM. Thank you! :applause:

Hi to All again,
I am asking anybody who can send me a verified copy of OFF2 DVD to Bahrain, I will pay for the DVD and for the (FEDEX, DHL, or ARAMEX) shipping via paypal account or western union money transfer.

Hi everybody,
Who would be able to send a copy of OFF2 DVD to Slovak Republik (middle Europe)?
I will pay for all expenses. Many thanks.

Hi all,

I recently lost my HDD and I am out of Phase 2! I am in the Cincinnati Ohio region, and will pay what is necessary for the OFF Phase 2 files again!

dvd request

hello i have been watching your sight since ph1 and i just now got mcfs3 i live in the US, TN can anyone please send me a dvd thanks and hope to be flyin soon
I have 5 O.F.F. DVD's burned and ready to go. I will send them anywhere in N. America or even overseas if you want to wait for them. Just PM me your snail mail address and they will be on their way the next day.


Hi, Tony
Your Phase2-copy just arrived (Thursday, 23rd Oct); feels like x-mas, my ears must be glowing!:jump: Thank you very much!
From Jimko

I wanted to thank you again for the CD and instructions. That is some cool CD label that you have made up...excellent, very professional.
For Olham54
Would be able to send a copy of Phase2 to Slovak Republik?
Many thanks.

I received a Copy from Der_Falke and I am willing to send some copies across Germany in return! Just PM me! Thanks again to Falke!



If anyone can send me a copy off off2 to the boston, ma area, I would appreciate it, and am more than willing to start sending out copies in return.

thanks in advance,

need copy of off2


Anyone with a copy of off2 willing to send to boston, ma area, i would greatly appreciate it, and am more than willing to send off copies in return.

Thanks in advance,
