OK, call me a heretic and ban me!

Cheers, Tom! You too! :ernae:

No, I'm not criticising, merely stating my own inability to do much with certain aircraft...

I've got a few skins to hand, mainly for the Fairey Battle, but I need to be very careful; last time I got into any serious painting, the nerves in my right arm and neck went funny. I got the opportunity to find out all about waiting lists in French hospitals. A year it took to get all the tests done, and then they said they couldn't fix it anyway. They don't tell you about that side of the French NHS on the BBC!
I'm with ndicki on this one. I actually prefered the older fm models compared to (some) of the newer 4.00 Fm models. The bf109 in paticular is a pain pulls to the left(?) far too much for my liking. If this is realistic that's fine, but for a flight sim, it strips away a bit of the fun. Just my opinion. Maybe a comprimise of some sort can be reached?:salute:

Thats why Luftwaffe pilots all had pain over London & big right legs. No in-flight trim for the rudder. :d The tab had to be manually set in one posistion by the mechanic & if it did not suit the aircrafts speed you were out of luck.
LoL! It is true! And the 4.00 Bf109e does it to perfection! And then (with me at the controls) spins out of control the moment I do anything more than try to keep it in a straight line... This is more about my flying abilities than Gregory's FMs, I think...
Nigel CFS3 won't be the same without you so please tell me which FM you don't like and I will send you my version. I feel your pain as I have always had issues with CFS3 FM's both stock and avhist. I think the avhist guys do a fantastic job of getting the technical flight data correct in each and every FM. However that doesn't necessarily translate to 100% accuracy considering the limitations of CFS3.

In my experience both stock and some avhist planes respond to control inputs in an unatural manner. I never climbed into a WWII fighter but I have logged PIC time in various fixed wing aircraft, high wing, low wing, tricycle gear, tail dragger, float plane, fixed gear and retractable gear. Each aircraft has its unique traits but some things are characteristic to all aircraft.

Some of the CFS3 aircraft will instantly stall with a sharp backward tug on the yoke and that is starting from a straight and level position with plenty of airspeed. Some of these snap roll way too easily. If some of these more extreme cases were accurate there would have been a lot more dead pilots in the training phase of WWII.
LoL! It is true! And the 4.00 Bf109e does it to perfection! And then (with me at the controls) spins out of control the moment I do anything more than try to keep it in a straight line... This is more about my flying abilities than Gregory's FMs, I think...


Well, it may be more about your computer than the FMs. I actually proved this once to a friend when he said that the FM of one aircraft was totally porked, so I let him try it on my system and he was completely surprised! It was an entirely different aircraft he told me. (This was a different game and is used only as an example).

It would be nice if we all had the same computer, interface, programs, hard drives, operating systems, joysticks, coffee mugs, etc. to play games on (and no, I'm not pushing for consoles), but we don't. This isn't the fault of the people who make the FMs, or the game manufacturers, or your system (entirely). It's just a minor wiggle in the nature of the beast.

You can hear pilot's stories about the behavior of a certain type of aircraft, and then you hear about how one of these (of the same make and model) performed like a dog, while the other is a kitten. Think how much more varied are the components of a computer!

So maybe you should just push your commanding officer for a different aircraft (computer)? :icon_lol: A good mechanic is sometimes all it takes!
Hi Guys

I really love how the CFS3 community has matured so we can talk about this stuff. The Strike Fighters community is so fractured right now it’s frustrating. They are going through the phase of telling a dev about a simple bug is considered walking up to the Dev’s children and urinating on them. You have to be grateful the thing is there and shhhhhh, don’t criticize. They just don’t realize this attitude does more to hurt them than help them. It’s really important for feedback to get back to the dev’s to improve things. We’re not perfect, so the feedback really helps.


The MAW FM’s are 159’s which have a bug in them. Also there is a massive technology increase compared to the 169’s. You should not stall/spin with a 109 until you way exceed the max AoA (thanks to those slats). And then whoa nelly!

Things to check.

  • Make sure your trim is set to Zero.
  • The lower the altitude better/easier. There is a bug in CFS/FS related to the elevator force model that really makes it hard to fly ACM at altitude. Try 2,500ft. You should not stall/spin. Strike Fighters doesn’t have this bug and I was shocked how easy/fun it was to fly a P-47M vs Ta152 at 30,000ft (plus the contrails were a neat feature). I’ve tried different techniques in CFS3 to model around this but no luck without screwing up everything else. This has been there since CFS1.
  • Try the 169 Bf-109G-10DC. Just to see if it’s different. Now this version of the Bf-109 is very difficult to fly (well past it’s prime), but lets see if you have the stall/spin issue.
  • Pull the stick back slowly. Aircraft with a lot of weight and high wing loads can over-pitch easily when that inertia gets moving.
  • Last, make sure you have a minimum of 40fps (yes you can’t see that many, but the FM needs at least that many) with 60 being even better and 120 to get where professional sims are.
Hope this helps. In theory, the 4.0 flight models should be easier to fly than all that came before them.
Thanks, Gregory! I'll try that. It is funny, though, because SOME of the 4.00 are nicer to fly... The only ones which really cause me grief are the Bf109e, D.520 and MS406. The others I can live with, or positively enjoy.

40FPS... I lie awake at night and dream of 40FPS. What wouldn't I give to get 40FPS... Rewind to what Donnybrooke says. P4 2.8C on a P4I65G, with 1.5GB RAM and 7600GS card. Perhaps not powerful enough, although it seems to manage. I don't have a PCIe slot - no recent MBs available for P4 processors round here - so I'm stuck with an AGP card, which in turn hold things back. Plus the Nvidia AGP bug...

What you say about the SF community is true, too. Other than one or two people I've worked with a bit - Russo and AleDucat - most of them are so touchy it's frightening. The overall standard of modelling and skinning is crap, and with one or two exceptions, nowhere near as good as what we get in CFS3. Of course, you can't actually say that, so there's no progress, despite the fact that Overkill's O-1 for example clearly shows what can be achieved. And the permanent level of squabbling is on a par with the worst peaks we've seen in CFS3. Which is a shame, because the actual platform has a lot of good in it - start with the fact that if you want to fly combat, the AIs really do put all their effort into trying to kill you!
Mathias - there's a bug in the Nvidia 7X00 series drivers apparently, that causes the "Not getting enough power - lowering performance" alert to show - up to 100+ times!! - when you do a cold boot. When you let it run for a minute or two and reboot for all switched off, it's OK again.

This will explain better than I can, although to be honest, I don't understand everything he's saying either...


Lewis - Thanks! Off to see...
ndicki, After you talk about the D-520 I tryed them again and found that the D-520's in maw fly better then the D-520's in ETO. If I may ask sir which D-520 are you finding hard to fly?

I'm not sure if I've changed the flight models of my ETO Dewoitines, might well be, but at least quite late in development one of them had some quite serious issues - one of those being that the engine turned the wrong way round. Another being that it flew more like a B-26. If they're still that class...
Mathias - there's a bug in the Nvidia 7X00 series drivers apparently, that causes the "Not getting enough power - lowering performance" alert to show - up to 100+ times!! - when you do a cold boot. When you let it run for a minute or two and reboot for all switched off, it's OK again.

This will explain better than I can, although to be honest, I don't understand everything he's saying either...


Lewis - Thanks! Off to see...

I run a AGP 7950 and you're right, I can't read any of those words :icon_lol:

I haven't run into and problems with the 7950 in CFS3.
Thanks, Gregory! I'll try that. It is funny, though, because SOME of the 4.00 are nicer to fly... The only ones which really cause me grief are the Bf109e, D.520 and MS406. The others I can live with, or positively enjoy.

40FPS... I lie awake at night and dream of 40FPS. What wouldn't I give to get 40FPS... Rewind to what Donnybrooke says. P4 2.8C on a P4I65G, with 1.5GB RAM and 7600GS card. Perhaps not powerful enough, although it seems to manage. I don't have a PCIe slot - no recent MBs available for P4 processors round here - so I'm stuck with an AGP card, which in turn hold things back. Plus the Nvidia AGP bug...

What you say about the SF community is true, too. Other than one or two people I've worked with a bit - Russo and AleDucat - most of them are so touchy it's frightening. The overall standard of modelling and skinning is crap, and with one or two exceptions, nowhere near as good as what we get in CFS3. Of course, you can't actually say that, so there's no progress, despite the fact that Overkill's O-1 for example clearly shows what can be achieved. And the permanent level of squabbling is on a par with the worst peaks we've seen in CFS3. Which is a shame, because the actual platform has a lot of good in it - start with the fact that if you want to fly combat, the AIs really do put all their effort into trying to kill you!

I have a way to turn off my stall/spin code (I don’t use the MS one). Try the attached and see if this helps.

The thing is TK pays attention to the Jet guys, and they are producing some fantastic aircraft. Which is why he listens to them. The WW2 side is very lacking. The solution is really simple, they just need some real high quality visuals ported over that make use of LoD’s and nice detailed textures to go with them. Problem is no one is willing to be the one to take a step back to make the leap forward. What’s telling is the few old visuals Mathias donated to their modelers have much more detail and better frame rates. Yet they still push out the single LoD visuals that turn your computer into a slide show when a bunch are on the screen. There are some good low poly aircraft. For Christmas all I want is MAW ported over. :icon_lol:

And yes you are correct about the AI. It’s the first sim I’ve seen 8 Corsair’s defeat 8 Zero’s. The bombers I’ve been doing lately have just really exceeded expectations. I have so much control over the gunners and how they operate. The hit ratio is low so you can attack a formation of bombers and live to tell about it. I remember this one scene of these 9 B-17’s in a tight step-down box formation throwing a ton of tracers toward this attacking Zero and not hitting him as he made his run.

Anyway, hope the attached helps.
Blimey what an interesting thread to catch up on after a couple of days away. :wavey:

Nigel you're right about not having the time to learn to fly in a realistic way. I tend to stick to particular planes that I can fly with reasonable ease and not so much ones that are too tricky for me. I lack the theory and lately the practice of flight.

Regarding the v4 FM, I would like to congratulate GregoryP for giving the Mosquito its best ever FM with this version. I've 'bullied/nagged' Rob into making sure the ETO mossies have this in the forthcoming update.

I have hardly flown the latest ETO 109's, but I have had a go recently in Househobbit's BoB missions and I stuck with this tricky bird during the testing and was pleased to find that I did improve!
Thanks Gregory! I'll give it a spin... :icon_lol:

Actually, the thing that's holding SF up is the modelling program used - it's expensive. TK explained why it was that way round - for CFS3 to use GMAX, MS paid for the licence. TK can't afford that kind of outlay, so it's the modeller who has to pay. The problem is that it leaves our most talented model-makers unable to do the job themselves, and on the other hand, the SF crowd seems to be unwilling to make the effort. I know all about single LOD aircraft, grief, I do...
What's the trick for reducing the effectiveness of AI gunners? I have a terrible record of trying to attack Beagles and failing... :pop4:
When I read that this was a gripe regarding a French aircraft, I simply had to post. Great to hear from you guys again!

Yes, I would have to agree. The D.520 flight model was always twitchy and it did tend to spin rather easily. MS.406 was perhaps a little bit better. Post again if the fix works.

We should round up the gang some time and do some multiplayer French missions. Time zones be damned.

Regarding the AI gunners, I recall that we reduced the gun rotation speed from 60 (typical setting) to something like 17 (compromise) or 05 (pure AI). That figure is the number of degrees that the gun can traverse in one second.
Thanks Gregory! I'll give it a spin... :icon_lol:

Actually, the thing that's holding SF up is the modelling program used - it's expensive. TK explained why it was that way round - for CFS3 to use GMAX, MS paid for the licence. TK can't afford that kind of outlay, so it's the modeller who has to pay. The problem is that it leaves our most talented model-makers unable to do the job themselves, and on the other hand, the SF crowd seems to be unwilling to make the effort. I know all about single LOD aircraft, grief, I do...
What's the trick for reducing the effectiveness of AI gunners? I have a terrible record of trying to attack Beagles and failing... :pop4:

What Viso said and also increasing the gun Noise= to like 2. This causes the bullets to not fire directly at you but off several degrees in random directions.

You do realize you don't have to pay full retail with well-phrased statements when you buy it? That GMax license was 80K when MS bought it. Can you even get Gmax anymore?
When I read that this was a gripe regarding a French aircraft, I simply had to post. Great to hear from you guys again!

Yes, I would have to agree. The D.520 flight model was always twitchy and it did tend to spin rather easily. MS.406 was perhaps a little bit better. Post again if the fix works.

We should round up the gang some time and do some multiplayer French missions. Time zones be damned.

You know those French! :icon_lol:

That would be a blast flying online again! It was so much fun when we were testig MAW. MAW was definitly one of the most fun times in my life with all of us working together.