OK, call me a heretic and ban me!

Another tweak is in pilot attributes.xml where AI skill and wingmen skill can be changed to 2 or 4 to make the dogfights MUCH more immersive. That is of course saved for installs where you want to fly campaigns and not go online.

Daiwilletti, I do not have this in the pilot attributes.xml's that I have. If you would post the lines I coud put them in.
ty ,

Sorry Pilotconstants not Pilotattributes

Another tweak is in pilot attributes.xml where AI skill and wingmen skill can be changed to 2 or 4 to make the dogfights MUCH more immersive. That is of course saved for installs where you want to fly campaigns and not go online.

Daiwilletti, I do not have this in the pilot attributes.xml's that I have. If you would post the lines I coud put them in.
ty ,

Trouble is I enter this from memory - my cfs3 comp I keep strictly offline to keep things simple and safe so I will fire her up now and check... By the way, open the file using xml wrench or similar because it gives you the text in different colours and there is a lot of inactive explanatory chaff in the file which does not do anything and relatively few active lines of text.

My bad - I always confuse the two files - it is the bigger 15kb file pilotconstants.xml
here is some modded text to look for:
"<entry name="StartSkillPoints_Campaign" type="int" value=" 20" />" here I've added outer quotes. Original value was 14.

Another entry: "<entry name="AIWingmenExperienceCap" type="int" value="2" />
<entry name="AIWingmenAccuracyCap" type="int" value="2" />"

this entry is near the bottom of the pilotconstants.xml. I find if I use this setting of 2 (default=1) then I get a lot more Flight Leutenants in my squadron and less Pilot Officers. So I assume this will give more skillful wingmen. I wouldn't be surprised if the skill tranlsates across to enemy AI as well. You could unofficially survey by turning on labels when flying against enemy air spawns to see what ranks are turning up.

Haven't thought of that before...

Sorry about the initial confusion
Daiwilletti, Thank you for clearing this up. I begining to think I did not have the same files that you did.
It is now 12:00 where I live in the U.S. so Happy New Year!:pop4::guinness: