I would have to agree, flight models are getting to hard. I am only a very casual flyer, on easy settings for evey sim that I can.
Like others I know I am not into realism just fun.
Cheers MarkL
What's the trick for reducing the effectiveness of AI gunners? I have a terrible record of trying to attack Beagles and failing... :
You do realize you don't have to pay full retail with well-phrased statements when you buy it? That GMax license was 80K when MS bought it. Can you even get Gmax anymore?
3dsMax is a different kettle of fish. Student editions are nearly a couple of hundred quid for a permanent licence if you can supply student credentials, retail version is a couple of thousand. Bona-fide secondhand versions on eBay go for a couple of hundred typically, sometimes a lot more.
Are you asking about SF with this question??? If so, look for yawanglerate and pitchanglerate for each gunner in the XXXdata.ini. I agree they were unrealistically set at 60 as stock, I find 20 to 25 a good compromise as you have to fire only short bursts and keep moving to survive. Also what is required with all SF 3rd party AC are hitboxes for the gunners (pilot has them) otherwise the gunners won't stop despite all the pasting you can give 'em.
The big problem isn't so much that you can't fly them to the absolute limits, it's that the AI can - and with much lighter aircraft at that. If your opponents were prone to errors like humans are and their aircraft were loaded with a ton of fuel you'd probably find fighting a lot easier as you wouldn't have to extract 110% just to stay with them, let alone shoot them down.
Are you asking about SF with this question??? If so, look for yawanglerate and pitchanglerate for each gunner in the XXXdata.ini. I agree they were unrealistically set at 60 as stock, I find 20 to 25 a good compromise as you have to fire only short bursts and keep moving to survive. Also what is required with all SF 3rd party AC are hitboxes for the gunners (pilot has them) otherwise the gunners won't stop despite all the pasting you can give 'em.
Hi Guys
I really love how the CFS3 community has matured so we can talk about this stuff. The Strike Fighters community is so fractured right now it’s frustrating. They are going through the phase of telling a dev about a simple bug is considered walking up to the Dev’s children and urinating on them. You have to be grateful the thing is there and shhhhhh, don’t criticize. They just don’t realize this attitude does more to hurt them than help them. It’s really important for feedback to get back to the dev’s to improve things. We’re not perfect, so the feedback really helps.
Well Greg, I seem to remember over the Rats Private forum, before Netwings went down, that I tried to warn you guys about this very thing. I had pointed out a thread over there on their reaction to AvHistory doing FM's for that series. By the time you guys checked it out, they had cleaned it up a lot, so some doubted my warnings. Sad to say, but you finally understand what I was trying to point out. Here's hoping it will get better in the future!
I've solved this in SF. Here's before and after.Note these are from the Damage Box editing program that just does the basics, looks better in SF with smoothing.
LOLIts real mild stuff compared to what when on in the CFS1/2 threads during the 'Golden Age'.
I remember some of the threads on long forgotten sites about !% destroying flight sims forever going back & forth for 1,400 or 1,500 posts.
We got a lot of typing pratice in those days.![]()
Calling the SF community "fractured" is a little excessive, and while most pretty much venerate TK (for the most part rightly so IMHO) I do not perceive the public urination issue. He has his priorities and he makes no bones about it in order to stay in business and keep simmers flying with numerous upgrades, patches, and new titles, if they are mostly jet sims. WWII is not on his agenda, and I think First Eagles was an experiment in a niche market that while he is rightly very proud of the project hasn't been the "home run" he was hoping for.
... a lot of the modelling wouldn't cut it in CFS2, let alone round here... Nor would most of the skins, either. And Gregoryp can tell you about the FMs...
I wonder wether it is possible to modify an aircraft FM/XDP so that the AI flies more reallistically (maybe increasing weight, lessening rate of turn and so on). Did anyone tried this ? Is it possible to imagine a "conversion kit" in order to make AI aircraft from AvH ones in an uniform manner ?
This being said, I agree with Henry that uniformisation of FM and numeric input in order to get rid of much of the subjective material is a great achievement by AvH, even if the latter developpement make flying difficult (I have trouble with many MAW aircrafts). With FM that difficult, we would need real life feedback( G-forces, wind, noise, aircraft shaking, true anger ...)
Good stuff Daiwilletti thanks.Hi Noelberrier, for ETO at least in BoB era 2 the answer is fairly easy. (sorry for this OT reply by the way) There are lots of AI spits, hurris and 109s etc that are set up for spawn=y in xdp whereas the full versions are retained for mission flying. Hence you could simply edit the config file for SIM=0 or whichever the appropriate one is, and add a bit of weight. I don't think you would need to add much to keep it realistic. But IMHO the AI need help anyway when its you they are trying to kill...Different story when in campaign and they mow down your mates.
Recently I changed to a much faster processor (old P4 single core 3.6GHz which ROCKS) and I find the pesky enemy AI flies HEAPS better per WMs old threads on AI flying ability in OFF.
Another tweak is in pilot attributes.xml where AI skill and wingmen skill can be changed to 2 or 4 to make the dogfights MUCH more immersive. That is of course saved for installs where you want to fly campaigns and not go online.