Orbx TBF/TBM Avenger Released

HI Guys.
JOEHOE Jan, I'm still here! I guess you have a different mobile phone number, since I'm not able to connect. Please DM me your new number, we can have a lengthy chat.
Look above, at the sticky, on the Arrows Across America package! That's the latest I've been working on, with a small but great team.
We'll bring it to MSFS2024.

I made the Langly for FS9 back in the day. It was landable, with your FS9 TBM. We used the freeware 'land it on the ball' gauge.
Indeed, a shame the FSX TBM didn't come to a finish, when we concentrated on the UIVER.

Very much interested to bring that to MSFS24.
It's already in Blender.
Fliger747, would you be interested to help with the flightmodel again?
I hope I can still use Hans Jorgs brilliant XML code for the gauges.

Anyway, more plans than time.
Looking forward to that phonecall, Jan.
HI Guys.
JOEHOE Jan, I'm still here! I guess you have a different mobile phone number, since I'm not able to connect. Please DM me your new number, we can have a lengthy chat.
Look above, at the sticky, on the Arrows Across America package! That's the latest I've been working on, with a small but great team.
We'll bring it to MSFS2024.

I made the Langly for FS9 back in the day. It was landable, with your FS9 TBM. We used the freeware 'land it on the ball' gauge.
Indeed, a shame the FSX TBM didn't come to a finish, when we concentrated on the UIVER.

Very much interested to bring that to MSFS24.
It's already in Blender.
Fliger747, would you be interested to help with the flightmodel again?
I hope I can still use Hans Jorgs brilliant XML code for the gauges.

Anyway, more plans than time.
Looking forward to that phonecall, Jan.
Sure Rob I'd be interested. I'm currently working on a 737-200, a Corsair and eventually several 747's in one form or another.
Sure Rob I'd be interested. I'm currently working on a 737-200, a Corsair and eventually several 747's in one form or another.
Ah, Brilliant, Tom.
As soon as I have a model availabe, I'll send something over, to get her in the air.
Oh yes, take my money now!

When I first saw the list of aircraft available for MSFS 2020 I got excited because a TBM was on the list of default aircraft, but then I was crestfallen when I saw the manufacturer of the aircraft Daher and not Grumman.
Just saw on Discord that this is OUT! 2020 and 2024.

(Bought. Only $17.53 USD! Buy the 2020 version and you get 2024 as well.)
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Beauty !! :cheerful: (at first sight that is...)

Only one model (i think it's the TBM), only one livery (???.... i always thought aircraft devs LOVED to add as much liveries the deadline would allow, that's why they created the model in the first place..;-) Up front, there might be something wrong with the cylinders texture, cheesy looking prop anim (if it's a native FS20/24 model you'd expect good looking prop anim with 3D side views..) so so soundsuite, very nice looking VC and external. Don't think we can sit in the back nore in the radio room/observer. Still, wonderful to see it back here in FS2024 ! Hope to get it off the ground asap ! (y):cool:

Oh, i gave the pilot a call in the mess room, no answer..... anyone seen him around ??...

edit: correction we *can* sit in the back and radioroom but can't operate anything.
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The manual is bizarre. It’s a detailed line by line analysis of the aircraft.cfg flight model, along with an explanation saying it was fine-tuned using YouTube videos despite Orbx’s promo material saying the flight model is developed in conduction with a real TBM owner/pilot. This is followed by a super brief look at the cockpit controls.

(I was watching TV with my girlfriend tonight, so I haven’t had a chance to actually fly the plane yet. Just read the manual while watching Bad Momkey.)
Looks like the airflow visualization from the flight model debug tool.
Are you in devmode and hit the wrong button by chance?
Just had a couple of minutes to check it out this morning. Model looks great. Sounds seem really good to me (and are supposed to have been recorded from a real Avenger).

No pilot under FS2024 SU1 beta, though, which is weird, given that even FS2020 planes now have pilots for me.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 1_25_2025 2_11_33 PM_upload.jpg

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 1_25_2025 2_09_30 PM_upload.jpg

Anyone else seeing a pilot?
Okay, there are pilots in the external view on FS2020, but they disappear in Showcase view. Never seen that before.

No pilots at all in any view in FS2024. Sigh. Even in SU1 which adds pilots for FS2020 planes. (I'm suspicious of the "FS2024" version being native, vs. just compatible, given no walkaround or other '24 specific features. And this pilot weirdness.)

Microsoft Flight Simulator 1_25_2025 9_29_37 PM_upload.jpg
Only one livery? Does the turret move? When you buy it, do you get both 2020 and 2024 versions? Is SU1 out already? Asking for a friend.
Jonathan Beckett has done a quick livestream with it. So far it's not grabbing me, even though I love the TBF. However, the modelling of the interior, with all the structural components, equipment, pipes and cables is extraordinary.

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