P3D v.3.2

Thank you so much Daube, for your help.
Perhaps I missed something, but looked on P3D site when downloading, they say you can do this and that with the "clients"files, but nothing about "how". Now, myself and looks like several other sim fans know what to do...
Going to wait for a new Orbx people flow dll to update.

Best regards

On the download page there is a link that sends you to instructions on how to install or update P3D. In there it is stated that the client can be updated by uninstalling the client only and then installing the new client, pretty much as Daube has described.
Ah, thanks a lot for the confirmation.
That confirms it's not something wrong with my install only :)
Anybody excepted me tried using AICarriers in P3D v3.2 ?

I'm trying but no joy.. I'm getting the aicarriers menu option on the tool bar but clicking on it or shift J will not bring up the carrier placement options menu. I'm using the xml aicarrier package.
Some other problems, quoted from the LM forum:

FS Passengers P3D ( can't connect )

FS Global Real Weather ( can't connect )

ASN ( crash )

...as well as some problems caused by using the "old" p3d.cfg.

I think I'll wait a bit until things settle and 3rd party devs bring out new versions.

Some other problems, quoted from the LM forum:

FS Passengers P3D ( can't connect )

FS Global Real Weather ( can't connect )

ASN ( crash )

...as well as some problems caused by using the "old" p3d.cfg.

I think I'll wait a bit until things settle and 3rd party devs bring out new versions.


I can wait as well......
Same here... AiCarriers.exe does not work (fails to show its menu) - bummer.

That's a real problem, until TacPack is supported, if ever. I could understand if developers choose to abandoned P3D, because every time they update it a lot of products are needing to be modified in order to run, Milviz, Orbx, ASN and FSUIPC. That's a real PITA.

Thanks a lot for the confirmations for AICarriers.

In the meanwhile, I got some news about this: it appears AICarriers suffers from the same problem as GSX. The popup windows won't appear for both.
And it seems this bug can be solved by updating the "content" part of P3D. On another forum, a member said the content update solved his problem with AICarrier.
I won't be able to test until tonight, though.
I have never updated the "content" or "scenery" before fearing that it could break scenery addons. Anyone have experience of updating "content" and what the consequences are?
Complete install went perfectly. The problems I notice are:

ObjectFlow needs update
Instant Scenery needs update
Orbx Southern California shows dark patches of scenery missing textures. (verified by unchecking SC in the library)

FSUIPC works perfectly.

That is all I have so far. My other Orbx scenery are still being closely checked out.
Tom, by complete install, do you mean uninstalling and installing all three modules, i.e. client, content and scenery?
Tom, by complete install, do you mean uninstalling and installing all three modules, i.e. client, content and scenery?

Yep, I got brave and uninstalled using the installer not Control Panel. It requires re-registration but that was not a problem. I have two issue I have posted in the FTX support forum. The first is a large berm near Nellis AFB. I have my own version of Nellis with photo real scenery there. With Orbx Southern California installed the berm (large) is present. With SC unchecked the berm is gone. Can't remove or correct with Orbx Vector.

The second issue is again with Orbx Southern California. The San Diego area has large black areas without textures with SC installed. Again uncheck all the SC areas in the library and the issue is gone.

So far P3D V3.2.2 seems to be a real winner. Now just waiting for the updates to ObjectFlow and Instant Scenery. Still checking out my other Orbx scenery. KRDD seems to be just fine.
Given the install_content.msi file was only 3 MB, I thought the content installation would be easy.
Unfortunately, in the Windows Control Panel, it says the current content is 6,1 GB.
So it seems to me uninstalling the content will delete all my planes, effects and gauges. And it also seems to me that little install_content.msi is not enough to reinstall the content, and maybe i should also download the cont1.cab....
Can anybody confirm ?
Yes, to install the "content" you need the cont1.cab as well. The "client" is only the .msi file, and for the scenery you'll need the 6 scenery.cabs.
Uninstalling the old client and content won't delete your add-on aircraft, although of course it is possible that some more complex add-ons may need re-install to work properly. I've just done all three parts (client, content & scenery) and everything seems to be where I left it so far!