P3D v.3.2

If all the bug fixes are part of the "Client" installation, what need is there to uninstall and reinstall anything else?
I did "content" because of the reports that AICarriers needed that to work properly, and "scenery" just for the hell of it!:biggrin-new:
Thanks a lot Dave for the confirmation.
Indeed Falcon, just like Dave I want to update the content, because it's the only way to solve the problem with the AICarrier windows that doesn't appear anymore.
Given the install_content.msi file was only 3 MB, I thought the content installation would be easy.
Unfortunately, in the Windows Control Panel, it says the current content is 6,1 GB.
So it seems to me uninstalling the content will delete all my planes, effects and gauges. And it also seems to me that little install_content.msi is not enough to reinstall the content, and maybe i should also download the cont1.cab....
Can anybody confirm ?

You must also download the content cab file along with the content msi file. I had the same question.

Installing the content files will bring back the GSX and AiCarriers menus and they now work fine.
Downside is that installing the content will break any Orbx products you might have, in my case I had Orbx SoCal installed. I deactivated it in FTX Central and then reinstalled.
If you use GSX you'll also have to reinstall it or will probably get a manxdll error and P3D will crash.
So far all of my add on aircraft and airport sceneries (FSDT) are intact and working perfectly.
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Same here... AiCarriers.exe does not work (fails to show its menu) - bummer.

It does now Dino! You must install the two P3D content files- see my post above.

Also, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you personally for all you have done for the FS community through the years. Always have been a big fan of your work!

Thank you Sir!

You must also download the content cab file along with the content msi file. I had the same question.

Installing the content files will bring back the GSX and AiCarriers menus and the now work fine.
Downside is that installing the content will break any Orbx products you might have, in my case I had Orbx SoCal installed. I deactivated it in FTX Central and then reinstalled.
If you use GSX you'll also have to reinstall it or will probably get a manxdll error and P3D will crash.
So far all of my add on aircraft and airport sceneries (FSDT) are intact and working perfectly.

I have sucessfully updated the content and after a reboot of the computer, the AICarrier windows finally accepted to appear ! :jump:

Concerning your remark about this update breaking any OrbX product: are you sure about this ?
My FTX Central was set to Default prior to updating the P3D Content.
After the update, I set FTX Central to North America. Currently I have PNW, Concrete, Darrington and of course Bowerman installed. I just made a quick test flight from Darrington to Concrete and I didn't spot any issues. Would you have any hint to spot the broken stuff ?
Another remark, regarding the "content" update:
All of my planes were installed in the Simobject folder, contrary to the recommendations of Lockheed Martin. Despite this, all my planes are still here after the update. I haven't tested them all yet, though.
Also, some textures of the sim, that were replaced by addons in the past, have now been replaced by default files.
For example, my REX4 clouds have been replaced by the P3D default cloud textures. And Bananabob's envmap have been replaced by the default P3D/FSX envmap texture.
Of course, it was very easy to rectify this (reinstalled Bananabob textures, reapplied REX4 theme).
But any addon that replaces/overwrites some default sim files (textures or others) might need to be repaired after the content update.
I have sucessfully updated the content and after a reboot of the computer, the AICarrier windows finally accepted to appear ! :jump:

Concerning your remark about this update breaking any OrbX product: are you sure about this ?
My FTX Central was set to Default prior to updating the P3D Content.
After the update, I set FTX Central to North America. Currently I have PNW, Concrete, Darrington and of course Bowerman installed. I just made a quick test flight from Darrington to Concrete and I didn't spot any issues. Would you have any hint to spot the broken stuff ?

For Orbx SoCal I had lost the custom autogen for the coverage area. For just an add on Orbx airport I doubt you would see any change.
This is what I did:

1. Uninstalled v3.1 Client - Installed v.3.2 client
2. Uninstalled v3.1 Content - Installed v3.2 Content
3. Uninstalled v3.1 Scenery - Installed v3.2 Scenery

So Far only tested MV F-100D and F4J/S which appear to work.
This is what I did:

1. Uninstalled v3.1 Client - Installed v.3.2 client
2. Uninstalled v3.1 Content - Installed v3.2 Content
3. Uninstalled v3.1 Scenery - Installed v3.2 Scenery

So Far only tested MV F-100D and F4J/S which appear to work.

Does this install technique enable AIcarriers to work? I don't have any Orbix packages.. Only some add on aircraft.. Kind of a navy guy, so Until Tackpack comes out for V3.. AIcarriers is all I got..
To make AICarriers work, you simply need to update the client and the content. (points 1 and 2 in Rick's message).
The scenery update is not needed for AICarriers.
I did just that two days ago, updated my client and AICarriers wasn't working anymore, updated my content and AICarriers started working again.
To make AICarriers work, you simply need to update the client and the content. (points 1 and 2 in Rick's message).
The scenery update is not needed for AICarriers.
I did just that two days ago, updated my client and AICarriers wasn't working anymore, updated my content and AICarriers started working again.

I too have have done the same and AI Carriers now works. Also the carrier wakes look more realistic something has changed?
As far as Orbx scenery goes all I had to do was launch Orbx Central and reapply the groups.
So far I've found a significant increase in scenery rendition and frame rates are also increased.
I thought I could hold off, but 3.2 kept callin' to me.

I went the un-install route and did a clean install of the full program. No issues with the install, other than waiting for various .dll driven add-ons to update. No worries on that.

My AivlaSoft EFB booted right up, ASN weather has a beta available, and to my joy I finally have a working copy of EZDok in Prepar3d.
REX updated perfectly with no problems and soft clouds with default P3D weather scenarios w/volumetric enabled is extremely good.

I installed TF AICarriers 6 HD on top of AICarriers2. The only AIC2 glitch, even with the code in the exe.xml it didn't appear in the Add-ons drop down so I pinned the AICarriers.exe to my taskbar. Problem solved. Also upgraded the USS Nimitz textures to 2048 x 2048 for the High Def model. Really nice.

MSE, GSX, Couatl, Flightbeam, FS Dreamteam, Sim720, Fly Tampa are all in. Each build of P3D they all improve.

I noticed that v3.2 has improved color and autogen texture/alpha by a significant factor. Performance sliders maxed including DR slider to full is significantly better with the MV 737 making 60+FPS once off the ground.

All in all...very impressive and worth the week or two it will take to bring the sim up to speed. This is one of the easier upgrades I've done in P3D.

For now I'll do my IS work in 2.5 and port it in to 3.2 'till the update comes through. :encouragement:
ORBX Object Flow has been updated...

Run FTX central or run P3Dv3.2 to install

Thanks ORBX!
Thanks for the info about ObjectFlow. I have updated it through FTXCentral2 as usual, then proceeded to a short test flight over PNW.
I have Concrete and Darrington, so usually this is where I do most of my short flights. I have noticed two things:

1- Although ObjectFlow has been updated, I didn't really notice any difference in my sceneries. Both Concrete and Darrington are showing people dressed in summer clothes, even though my time was set in winter with real weather (ASN). Isn't ObjectFlow supposed to adapt the scenery elements to the time of the year ? The thing is, this has never been the case ever since I switched to P3D. It was working in FSX, though, but i'm not using that sim anymore.

2- The wind socks seem to work... or at least, they are now stuck in a different position than it used to be in the previous P3D versions :biggrin-new:
Don´t know if it´s relevant, but there is a new version to the 3.2 version

I downloaded in the begining the Now, looking at lm site, there is a new version

I really don´t know if anything was changed, or if it should be installed. I don´t even know if the addons will fail again with this new release. Anyway, very confusing to say the least.