P3D v.3.2

The new update to P3D V3.2.3 only addresses some registrations problems with V3.2.2. If your installed version has had no registration issues, no need to update. The update can be installed by installing the CLIENT part of the install. Again, if you had no problems initializing and registering no need to update. Hope this helps.
Thanks Tom, i searched for some info exactly as you´re saying to me in LM site and forum, but no avail. Thanks for the clarification!
I tried upgrading from 3.1.2 to 3.2.3. Uninstalled and installed both client and content. However, when I started P3D, I got a message about the version of P3D being incompatible with Flight 1 GTN750, and I got CTD when I tried to load an aircraft with that gauge. Then tried loading Milviz Phantom. This time, the aircraft loaded before I got a CTD. Not sure if this aircraft is compatible, but 2 CTDs in a row was one too many for me. So for me: it's bye-bye 3.2, hello again 3.1.2.