ovs said:
For the first time in any WWI sim, I've ever flown, I actually felt like I was being hunted
Funny I had this exact feeling in a campaign mission yesterday whilst testing the Se5a Viper. 5 in my flight met head on with 7 DVII's from J18 over enemy lines.
Red and white merged with the dark Vipers. 17 seconds later I see one Se5 pumping out smoke with a DVII on his tail. I look behind and see 3 DVII's turning in to me coming around. I evade and manage to get a few wild shots at a passing DVII.
A few more seconds pass I see another wingman taking damage and he's already low, so my first bad move is I dive to help him. I get down there and fire at a few 100 yards to try to distract the German, too late. The Se5 is already going down and I fly through the crash smoke.
Twisting my neck to check my tail I see two trails of white and black smoke one an Se5 and one a DVII (thank goodness). Another DVII flashes past, but the Viper is already heading for the middle of an airfield nose down in an arc of smoke.
I turn again and see more smoke - yes another Se5a Viper being hit, then looking to the front again I see what seems to be a dust cloud very close- is it flak? No it's another Se5 heading directly for me taking hits and spewing smoke as he flashes over my right shoulder smoking, the DVII flashes by too, following very close behind him firing. As I look over my shoulder to see my fellow squad member's fate again I see the Se5 suddenly sharp spin and spiral in and crash, as I look up to the front another DVII flashes close over head.
Turning my craft around to avoid being a target I see black smoke and fire directed down to the ground - an Se5 flames licking around the cowl hits the ground and his killer flashes close by me.
Here I am 1 minute 44 seconds since the merge, and already I am alone.
That feeling James had, I have right then. If they took out four so quickly what's stopping me being next, it is inevitable and they are hunting me.
Just for a moment I have taste, a small taste of how most pilots back then must have felt at one time or other. I am not invincible, or untouchable, I am part of the war statistics right here and now and nothing I can do will stop it.
The only saving grace is my Viper is fast, so thinking fast I remember to play to my craft's strengths. Sure enough mistake number two
. At this the moment I break for home heading towards a distant DVII thinking I can fire as I pass him then go straight on for home. I should have played for one more turn to catch my break rather than just heading out immediately.
Before I close on him tracers flash past my head, then the engine is hit and I see the DVII on my tail. Nevertheless I look forward and fire as the previously distant DVII becomes very very close. Looking back now I see my Se5 is pouring white smoke and leaving a nice marker for all the Germans behind me and the once easy controls are poor and sluggish.
I have no option but to land; a crash landing, and I am captured. And I am in a way lucky, to escape what seemed certain death.
You are no longer in control...