Phase 3: Official Combat Reports from The Front

Well... write off another pilot.

My Tour of Duty with Jasta 76b came to a gruesome end when I foolishly decided to entertain a 4 v 7 fight with Esc 87. They kicked our butts all over the sky. It was ugly.

I had the advantage, but they simply out number us in more was than one. Two of them got on my tail and never let up. The cut me to shreds. I tried to land her, but she was too damaged and I lost it.

No pics... only the grim reality that this game is more than just a game. You have to make educated decisions based on position and skill. I choose wrong and paid for it. Even the most experienced combat pilot will find this game challenging. It's definitely far from a 10 kill per mission laugher.

All the best... more to come.

Too bad ovs. At least you didnt lose him in a landing accident, or in a balloon cable collision or by friendly flak (it has happened to me :isadizzy:). He died in a battle as it is supposed to be.:applause:

OvS, What are your system specs? It would be helpful to know them as we who have older PCs can compare and see the performance and the detail of the game in old PCs.
Nothing spectacular...

ASUS SLI MoBo AN8A? something... been too long, I don't remeber
2GB PC3200 Corsair
Nvidia 6600GT
Win XP SP2
AMD XP3200+ 2.2GHz

And it's an old set with a ton of crap on it...probably stoking the registy, but it runds everything I toss at it. And it runs P3 at 20-55 FPS depending on what is happening. It does blog now and then under extreme duress, but what old PC doesn't. Point is, with these humble specs, it runs, with plenty of scenery (as you can see) and detail to make you drool. :)

ATI HD2400Pro 512MB
Win XP
Intel P4 3GhZ
Mwaahhahhahhaah!!! *ahem*

Ok then Ill have slightly/much better performance and visual experience
Bwahahhahahaha!! okk ok sorry :costumes:.
Were have you been all the time ?

Hi, Priller
I should think, that is exactly, what this thread is about. But only the "InCrowd". And they don't "play" it, they "work" on it (lol). That must be damn hard work, eliminating all the bugs, whilst you're constantly getting eliminated yourself. You and I and all the rest of us can only keep up that good old pre-christmas-feeling :birthday2, mix of anticipation and joy :jump:, and clockwatching torture. But therefor will we get a rather cleaned-up "Phase 3". Until then (God & Pol only know, when - loler), you should train your shooting and piloting abilities, as it seems, "Ph3" will be a lot harder. Cheers; Olham
Yes but whats the distance 2 the next station :costumes:?
I'll be nice and drop a MOAH (Mother Of All Hints) on you....

The train has left the station is humming down the track.


OK I get it! The train (OFF BHAH) is now being burned onto the first DVDs (tracks) making a nice humming sound.

Am I right!:jump:

Great! I've got $50.00 burning a hole in my wallet, waiting for the release! Do I need to be checking my email hourly now?

Can you drop another MOAH and say whether we will be offered various shipping options with our orders?
Dimus said:
OK I get it! The train (OFF BHAH) is now being burned onto the first DVDs (tracks) making a nice humming sound.

Am I right!
Oh God I hpoe you are right!
I think I almost fainted from sheer excitement :isadizzy::isadizzy::isadizzy::friday:
.. yes I sent the DVD V1.0 on its way to be published yesterday.....

Please do not ask how long til availability - its not entirely in our hands...which feels strange.

.. yes I sent the DVD V1.0 on its way to be published yesterday.....

Please do not ask how long til availability - its not entirely in our hands...which feels strange.



So your saying you guys aren't burning the DVDs but sending them out to a publisher?

And Makai. Thanks for some shots of the early war stuff.

It's no good, the anticipation is way too much. I'm going to sit down in a darkened room with a bottle of my favourite tipple.
Winder said:
.. yes I sent the DVD V1.0 on its way to be published yesterday.....

Please do not ask how long til availability - its not entirely in our hands...which feels strange.


THANK YOU OFF TEAM!!! :friday:
OvS: "I'll be nice and drop a MOAH (Mother Of All Hints) on you....
The train has left the station is humming down the track."

Der weinrote Baron: "Zis it it! Zis must bee ze news vee vaited for so long!! If only I could find ze code book! It must mean somzing!!!"

Dave Oldham (my very British alter ego, the notorious "HunDowner"): "Well, that's all verrry nice, getting the boys exited a bit; they could do with something positive to look forward to. But didn't you realize, that man is a sadist - have you seen his photograph? So, stay cool; we're British - would you like milk in your tea? Hmm, the crumpets are verrry good!"

OvS: MOAHahahahahaaarr!...

The doctor: Feeling your pulse, I'd say, MOAH rather means Mother Of All Heartattacks.

Have fun waiting, everybody Olham
All very interesting. And I am, like everyone else here, eager to climb into the P3 cockpit!:jump:!!!!!