Gman, how did you get the Captain Sim C-130 to work in P3D? I tried to use the Captain Sim B-52 (I think it was in P3Dv2.5) and the first time I used the aircraft it worked great but from then onward the sim crashed to desktop before the default flight had finished loading. Someone suggested that there was a file that I needed to deleate but I couldn't find said file. In the end I had to do a complete re-install of the sim to fix it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Ported my FSX Lockheed A-12 Cygnus test model to Prepar3d to see how it looks, everything about P3D says 'future'.
Some light and texture studies of WIP scenery.
Some light and texture studies of WIP scenery.
Ported my FSX Lockheed A-12 Cygnus test model to Prepar3d to see how it looks, everything about P3D says 'future'.
It would be great to see the High Rollers in their RF-4C Phantoms before the days of Fat Albert!