Purchasing question

Gimpy - What are you on about. It seems you are saying that if the chap doesn't have a credit card to buy OFF with, then he should have. And if he hasn't, then he doesn't deserve to be able to buy it. !
For Crying out loud, It is up to the Devs whether or not he can buy by other means, and not for you to pre empt their reply by suggesting he deserve not to be able to buy it.

Don't get mixed up with "what you prefer to do, is the way others SHOULD do ".

You CAN'T buy Christmas Tree Lights on-line without a credit card or in some cases Paypal.
How is THIS any different

The Bottom Line is On-Line, that's the way business is conducted today.

If he can't convince a friend, with on-line capability, he'll do without.

Perhaps it's different in Great Britain, that I do not know. But in America we have an entire class of people, who feel they are intitled to service, cradle to grave, in this case it's by the government. Give me food, Give me Housing, Give me Heaith care, Give me higher Education, Give me public transportation, Give me 4 weeks paid vacation, Give me a job, Give me, Give me, Give me. Somebody has to pay for it Somehow. It ain't FREE, I only wish that it were.
I would have been willing to let gimpyguy's comments go, and I chose to do so initially. Generally speaking, I don't believe such things are worth the aggravation that usually accompanies responding to them. But since a battle has been joined and could get out of hand (a result I don't want) I will speak my mind once, and once only.

There are many reasons for a person not to have a credit card: personal choice; the teachings of parents who believed strongly against credit; bad experiences with credit companies in the past. I fit into one of the above categories, which one is no one's business but my own. The bottom line is that I am 54 years old and do not have a credit card and live quite well without one. Because you can't imagine living your life without a credit card doesn't mean that it's unheard of. And because you haven't heard of a thing doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This year I spent several hundred dollars upgrading my computer through an online company and they had no problem whatsoever accepting my personal checks (Allstarshop.com, in case anyone's in the same situation). Shall I alert them that they don't pass your muster as a legitimate, professional business?

Your restaurant analogy has absolutely nothing to do with the question at hand. I did not ask, nor would I insult anyone's intelligence by asking for the DVD to be given to me free of charge. I asked about alternative payment mehods and even acknowledged my willingness to accept the potential delays encountered by one of them.

I take it from your
As I understand it, this DVD is to be a professional looking deal, with label and case.
comment that you are not a member of the dev team. If I am wrong about that, I apologize. If, however, I am correct I would ask where you think you have any say in payment methods and I would also like to invite you to BUTT THE HELL OUT of the rest of this thread insofar as it pertains to me. I might also ask the forum moderator to consider your comments regarding this matter.

That's it. I will say no more of this and I request any who have spoken or may feel motivated to speak for me in this matter to do likewise.

Now, all that aside, I would still appreciate someone with the authority to do so replying to my question.

"Anyone can get a pre-paid VISA card these days. No credit necessary."

No Sir. Yo have to have a regular income exceeding a "normal" one by a certain degree for a Credit-, or Mastercard, in Germany and also in Switzerland, and other EU-countries. Maybe not in the US ? Ah, the bank crisis..

As well Paypal has indeed some current "disadvantages", but they are trying to fix it. There is a current strategy, someone will transfer 5 cents or so on your bank account via paypal "to "check" that it works", and thus get some information he needs. After this he can well pay all kinds of Internet articles via your paypal account until you become aware of it. Since he's e.g. in the US, and you e.g. in the EU, there is no chance to get your money back. Only thing is to immediately close your Paypal-account to at least stop further plundering... did you ever try to ? Just look for this magic button on the PayPal site, good luck ...

Payment methods Paypal, various credit cards, or bank transfer.

Cheques are not listed sorry.

Just wait for more questions please guys, we are trying to sort all the details, and when it's ready you will see the info and purchase details.
With PayPal, you can back it up with a Credit Card and allow the credit card to be drawn on in case you are short.

Yes, there are security draw-backs to PayPal, but again, there are security drawbacks to me living in Long Island.

Just be street-smart with anything you do involving money. Monitor it, delete all email requestion info... etc.. etc. I've been using it for years with success. No reason to fear it.

Just wait for more questions please guys, we are trying to sort all the details, and when it's ready you will see the info and purchase details.

The smartest thing that has been said in this thread so far. Why are people trading barbs over an issue that may not even exist? Rellaaaxxx:mixedsmi:

"Anyone can get a pre-paid VISA card these days. No credit necessary."

No Sir. Yo have to have a regular income exceeding a "normal" one by a certain degree for a Credit-, or Mastercard, in Germany and also in Switzerland, and other EU-countries. Maybe not in the US ? Ah, the bank crisis..

As well Paypal has indeed some current "disadvantages", but they are trying to fix it. There is a current strategy, someone will transfer 5 cents or so on your bank account via paypal "to "check" that it works", and thus get some information he needs. After this he can well pay all kinds of Internet articles via your paypal account until you become aware of it. Since he's e.g. in the US, and you e.g. in the EU, there is no chance to get your money back. Only thing is to immediately close your Paypal-account to at least stop further plundering... did you ever try to ? Just look for this magic button on the PayPal site, good luck ...


Credit cards work the same in the US as they do in the EU. No job, no income, no credit card. A pre-paid "credit card" is more like a debit card. You can get the card but it is worthless until YOU put money into the account and your limit is the amount that you have deposited. They loan you no money or extend any credit. Don't ya'll have debit cards in the EU? Most banks (in the US anyway) offer a debit card option when you open a checking account. You can write a check or use your debit card and most online sellers will take debit cards. Some even take "check by phone". There are lots of options to pay online. The bottom line is whatever the seller requires you to do to purchase their product, is what you'll need to do if you want the product.

I take it from your comment that you are not a member of the dev team. If I am wrong about that, I apologize. If, however, I am correct I would ask where you think you have any say in payment methods and I would also like to invite you to BUTT THE HELL OUT of the rest of this thread insofar as it pertains to me. I might also ask the forum moderator to consider your comments regarding this matter.

You got sound advise about credit from your parents. I never said to go into debt with a credit card, merely to own one.
However sometimes parents ( who were mere mortals like us) say things, that are dated, such as: Always shine the back of your shoes, as that's the last part somebody will see of you

Why do you raise your voice so, are you part of the Gimme Crowd
Hi All,It seems as though the emotions on this thread are getting a little 'hot'. I am sure no one is expecting to get 0FF3 for nothing. The developers, I am sure will try to make the methods of payment as convenient as possible for the greatest number of people. There will be some who might find the generally accepted methods(credit card, debit card or Paypal)( not suitable to them for whatever reason. We shall to see what they come up with,it may not be too long now......I hope.
Speaking personally, I don't have any complaints with Paypal ,having used it mant times,but, I accept other people think differently.
I've watched this forum for weeks and I find that people that should be acting like grandparents and mentors are acting like juveniles and juveniles (in some cases) are acting like adults. What in the hell are you people arguing about. As an American and a darn near 60 year old and a old timer myself, I am embarassed. You would think that you have some damn 13 and 14 year olds playing World of Warcraft on this forum. Shame on many of you
Things should calm down a little bit I think..I thought this was a friendly-atmosphere forum...:isadizzy:

It normally is - so where was your friendliness when you posted this

"Hahaha! well said gimpy."

to someone who wa putting down a chap who was asking a legit question?

And Cameljockey, I agree with this
"If you don't meet the requirements for purchase laid down by the seller, you don't buy, it's as simple as that, and the seller can't be expected to make allowances for everyone."

But the guy was asking , not demanding. We hadn't got a situation where the Devs had told him the requirements and he was demanding they let him do otherwise.

Yes, this is a friendly forum, so when a guy asks a question he is entitled to expect a civil reply and not a put down. And the put down was trying to make him look small because he hadn't got a credit card.
In my first post I just expressed my laughter reading this line here by gimpy's post:
What's Next . . a request . . can I trade 2 cows, and a goat

I never wanted to offend anyone Fortiesboy Relax a little bit man....let it go.

Quoth it is not that dangerous to get a prepaid credit card(which is NOT really a credit card). Just make one with 60$(50$+10$ for shipping approximately (?)) and activate a paypal account. It is more possible of getting hit by a meteor than becoming a victim of a fraud when using paypal. It is VERY safe. 100% Guaranteed :ernae:

And because I am getting bored of trying to defend myself by false accusations I aint posting in this thread again. I got better things to do than arguing over the internet.

P.S. I smell bad atmosphere in this thread and if the boys here keep going like this I recommend the moderators to lock it up. We dont want our favorite forum to be stigmatized by a few members's behavior.
Middle... drop the axe please. :)

This is getting silly. Like Pol said, when we begin the process to sell OFF, there will be options everyone can live with. We are selling Internationally, so we've had to make options for everyone. Even if it's using PayPal, you can create and cancel an account very quickly and safely. But I am sure, if not positive, all options to use a credit card will be available, just like any other online store you buy from.

We have settled with a very reputable company that will handle our distribution, keeping your account and money safe is not our responsibility, BUT we did consider it when selecting a good publisher.

This won't be Pol, WM, and I operating out of the back of a truck on 34th Street in the Bronx. That's my day job.... ooops!!

Debit cards, way to go...

I wont have a bar of PayPal or any other "new age" stuff,
It took 6 months of pestering my bwank before they got debit cards.:banghead:
Put money in +a tiny bit more, order ya gear over the web, stuff arrives
at your workplace and you can play with it/check it out at lunchtime!:jump:
Then you get home and rip into it! :icon_lol:
This is how I build my entire clans hotrod Pc's!
Safe as houses ye old debit cards.

No need to slap down the gloves ole chums :kilroy:
How to sell OFF3....my experience...

It's been interesting reading the thread on selling..particularly when GG opined that credit cards was the way. I worked in selling for double figure years and met a number of folks who knew a lot about the subject, more than me in most cases. Two standpoints stood out. One was the top man of a multi-national corporation whose maxim was, no matter how you have inspiration, good team, financial wizardry, good laboratory techies, what counted most in his view was persistence. The second man, who owned a string of restaurants worldwide, said to me, I find out what they want and I give it to them. If OBD in the business of selling then they don't want to make it difficult for folks to buy their product.
And if giving folks a choice will bring in another fifteen percent more sales, then its sound business as well as commonsense.
Hear, hear Spud! Pay as you go, is the way to go! Most of the hardware in all three of the computers in the house was paid for with my debit card or cash (mostly the card). No interest, no credit card payment, no muss, no fuss. They're mine, all mine, and no one can take them (legally). If someone tries to take them illegally, they may contract a serious case of lead poisoning!

Personally , I'll be happy any which way to pay for OFF3, Breton roubles, Blandford groats. I am just glad you guys have designed the flight sim I have wanted for many a long year,no radar,no missiles,no BVR stuff just honest to goodness seat of the pants dog-fighting.
I want, and I am sure everyone else wants to see OFF 3 be a great success,then maybe we can have some big lumbering bombers (twin engine) and some Zeppelins to have a shot at. But first OFF 3 needs to succeed.
Please Don't Take my Rockets Away, even if they belong on a P47.

I also await the coming of the multi-engined Bombers, but I do believe an approved Zepplin, will be in a future lifetime

Try not to consider the TAC as Radar, because as long as it's a patch of CFS3, it stays :ernae:
Hi Guys

Think I started more than I bargained for with this thread!!
Sorry about that.
However we are able to pay for P3 I'll be buying it one way or another :mixedsmi: as I'm sure will everybody else on this forum!!

So come on children, play nicely :ernae:
