Rare Aircraft- Flightsim wishlist

A Starship 2000 with a virtual cockpit. Can't believe one of most elegant and interesting planes has only ever been tackled once. It was the one of the first (if not the first) aircraft available with a glass cockpit.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times (really!) - won't somebody please make a Nemesis NXT for FS9!?!?:banghead:

Edit - yeah, I know about Eaglesoft, but that will probably end up FSX only!
Junkers D.I and Siemens-Schuckert D.IV WWI fighters. Have been done for CFS2, but no recent quality incarnations available.
I would not mind a Hispano-Aviacion "Saeta" it was one once upon a time for FS 2000 I believe, but if I can remember clearly, I certainly was not impresed.

Hint: I thing Piglet has got one of them nearby (geographically speaking) :wiggle:
Abacus has both the Addam 500 and 700 for sale, and you can try both for free for seven days.

The Ilyushin IL-18 with a good VC

My wish list is 1) ILYUSHIN IL-18, 2) ILYUSHIN IL-62, and 3) Vickers Vanguard all with good VCs and perhaps a virtual cabin.
The Arsenal-Delanne 10-C2; nice choice, but probably hard to find any cockpit info...
I'm aware of both the Abacus, and FSDome Adam A500, and A700. Unfortunately, these are aircraft I'm going to be very particular about, since I helped build them. Also, none of them really represent any of the configurations of which they were built.

M309- Proof of Concept (Built by Scaled Composites- Burt Rutan)
A500- (SN 1) 1st Prototype
A500- (SN 2,3) Next prototypes
A500- (SN 4-9) Initial Type Certificate
A500- (SN 4,5,7,8,9) After Design Change 2 modifications
A500- (SN 10-12) Built as DC2

Once I get used to GMax, these will probably be one of my first projects, since I already know all the little intricacies of each variant, along with instrument panel variations.

A700- (SN 1) Prototype
A700- (SN 2) Added Belly Tank, Changed Emergency Exits
A700- (SN 3) Redesigned Belly Tank
To Joe P

Did you ever know Brad Simson? He went to the same church I did when I lived in Parker, CO (2003 - 2005) and he took me on a tour of Adam aircraft back in the day when things were going well.

I tried to hook up Jesse Lambert of SkyUnlimited with Adam Aircraft in order to for him to develop models for FS9. Brad told me that someone in-house was going to try and make a FS9 model and that they weren't interested in having outside developers make one.

Beautiful aircraft. Only thing I didn't care for was that the pilot had a tiny fly-by-wire joystick on the left side. I don't know how any right-handed person could get used to that. :whistle:
Yes, I knew Brad. He even came back to us at AAI Acquisitions, until all of us were laid off again.

The sidestick was not fly-by-wire, but mechanical linkage. As far as FS9 models, I would think the marketing department would've had more info on that, but at one of the conventions, the Eaglesoft guys said they were in talks, also.
@ Joe P, small world isn't it. My dad was working on the Adams 500 prototype as a design engineer when we lived in CA.

Hey Firebar!
Great to hear someone besides myself has a 'soft-spot' for this rather different looking steed from the Soviet
Stables..The 'Yak-28 Series'. only one I have ever come across was FS-98 by Alphasim I believe...very basic item. that!
Would fly inverted under London Bridge if someone took the trouble to give we 'aircraft-design-deficient' types a really descent version of the Brewer/Firebar for FS-9. "Crossing my finger..Now!"

Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky

And to share a good resource for it.

These links go to http://www.airwar.ru/other/draw_fn.html

Яковлев Як-28

Яковлев Як-28П

Яковлев Як-28ПМ
Firebar....there's one at avsim.ru, no vc,but its' a model by 'Samdim'

Dimitri Samborski has a Tu-128 here:


It is a result of a forum teaching the design on FlightSim aircraft. At the time of release this was still an ongoing project, but I'm not sure whether or not a later version was available or not.

The tutorial can be found here:


As the main page says, it is in Russian and you must be a registered member of Avsim.ru to see the pictures. It is well worth it if you aspire to design an aircraft for FlightSim, whatever flavour.
Howdy gents
Some additional information in regards to the above mentioned TU-128 Fiddler.
There was a repaint Pack issued last year for this aircraft..you can find it at Avsim.

Tupolev Tu-128 "Fiddler" Repaint Pack

Filename: tu-128_superpack.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 12th May 2008
Downloads: 522
Author: Enzo Soliani aka "Lazerbeak"
Size: 19001kb

Still though ,would like to see the 'other-twin'...the YAK-28 make an appearance
Fly High..Punch Holes in the Sky
My wish list is 1) ILYUSHIN IL-18, 2) ILYUSHIN IL-62, and 3) Vickers Vanguard all with good VCs and perhaps a virtual cabin.

No vc's but

IL-18 ---> http://www.avsimrus.com/files.phtml...t_desc=1&sopt_author=1&sopt_fname=1&minrating=

IL-62 (aka Vc10-ski) ---> http://samdimdesign.free.fr/

Vickers VC9 (Vanguard) -----> http://www.btinternet.com/~rick.piper/page_7.htm

(and vanguard updates via cbfsim ---> http://www.cbfsim.org/CBFS_HOME.php)


One fine addition would be the unique BV 141. An observation plane for the luftwaffe that was produced in small numbers.
Although this is listed as an Fs2002 aircraft, it works fine (IIRC) in Fs9:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2002 - Original Aircraft[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Blohm und Voss Bv-141 B-05 V13 NC+RD [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Images related to this file:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]File Description:
Blohm und Voss BV-141 B-05 V13 NC+RD for FS2002 - Ver.1.20 Updated extensively! It's the asymmetrical aircraft of Germany in the WWII. Features full moving parts & night lighting. Compared with CFS2 version, animation is carried out to a pilot, various levers, and a propeller pitch. Please try many things. For example, if a landing gear is stored, the rear gunner opens a pivoted window and establishes a gun. Avionics and GPS are also equipped. Please refer to Update_History.txt enclosed. By Sakichi System (Ogawa Tetsuji 'm0m')
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]ss_bv-141b05f2.zip[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Check within download[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]21st December 2002[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]1960[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Sakichi System (Ogawa Tetsuji)[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]2780kb[/FONT]
Ok,ok, I guess I'll put in my two cents again...

Breezy Homebuilt

Enstrom Helicopter (any model)

Steen Skybolt or an Acro Sport II

Thorpe T-18 or Glassair III (both for FS9)

Cessna 170 (if license would allow)

Too many to put down.